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Defining and pursuing diversity in human genetic studies

Calls for more diverse data in genetics studies typically fall short of offering further guidance. Here we summarize a policy framework from the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health designed to fill this gap. The framework prompts researchers to consider both what types of diversity are needed and why, and how aims can be achieved through choices made throughout the data life cycle.

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Fig. 1: Questions genetics and genomics research teams should consider regarding diversity in data.
Fig. 2: Research teams can adopt strategies throughout the data life cycle that impact the goals of utilizing diverse data.


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The Diversity and Datasets taskforce acknowledges the contributions from other members of the Regulatory and Ethics Workstream, members of the public and other commenters who attended our many meetings. In particular, we acknowledge M. Afolabi, S. H. Chen, M. Doerr, J. S. Hsu, Z. Lombard, M. Mackintosh, A. Saadat and S. Singh. A.C.F.L. is supported by the NHGRI (1K99HG012809). S.S.J. is supported by National Medical Research Council, Singapore Clinician Scientist Award (NMRC/CSAINVJun21-0003)

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Correspondence to Anna C. F. Lewis.

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A.C.F.L. owns stock in Fabric Genomics. T.H.-B. reports consulting fees from Grai-Matter and Paul Hartmann AG outside the submitted work. Y.B. owns stock in Genetics Adviser. S.S.J. is a co-founder of Global Gene Corporation. The other authors declare no competing interests.

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Raven-Adams, M.C., Hernandez-Boussard, T., Joly, Y. et al. Defining and pursuing diversity in human genetic studies. Nat Genet (2024).

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