To decipher the genetic diversity within the cucurbit genus Citrullus, we generated telomere-to-telomere (T2T) assemblies of 27 distinct genotypes, encompassing all seven Citrullus species. This T2T super-pangenome has expanded the previously published reference genome, T2T-G42, by adding 399.2 Mb and 11,225 genes. Comparative analysis has unveiled gene variants and structural variations (SVs), shedding light on watermelon evolution and domestication processes that enhanced attributes such as bitterness and sugar content while compromising disease resistance. Multidisease-resistant loci from Citrullus amarus and Citrullus mucosospermus were successfully introduced into cultivated Citrullus lanatus. The SVs identified in C. lanatus have not only been inherited from cordophanus but also from C. mucosospermus, suggesting additional ancestors beyond cordophanus in the lineage of cultivated watermelon. Our investigation substantially improves the comprehension of watermelon genome diversity, furnishing comprehensive reference genomes for all Citrullus species. This advancement aids in the exploration and genetic enhancement of watermelon using its wild relatives.
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Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai) is an economically important crop grown throughout the world. Cultivated watermelons, even when collected from different geographical regions, typically exhibit low genetic diversity1. This lack of genetic diversity for important traits within the C. lanatus gene pool has resulted in a bottleneck that may be impeding watermelon improvement and led to a shifted focus toward characterizing and using the genetic variations within watermelon’s crop wild relatives (CWRs). The genus Citrullus comprises six additional species alongside C. lanatus, Citrullus amarus and Citrullus mucosospermus, which are semi-wild and locally harvested for their edible flesh or seeds, while the remaining Citrullus species exhibit unique adaptive traits crucial for genetic enhancement and understanding watermelon evolution. Among the six watermelon CWRs, C. amarus, Citrullus ecirrhosus, Citrullus naudinianus and Citrullus rehmii are indigenous to the Namib-Kalahari region, while C. mucosospermus hails from West Africa and Citrullus colocynthis from northern Africa and beyond. C. colocynthis, C. amarus and C. mucosospermus have been used in breeding programs to broaden the genetic base of C. lanatus2. However, the plant genetic resources of C. rehmii, C. ecirrhosus, C. naudinianus and C. lanatus subsp. cordophanus that are available for research are quite limited. Increased availability of plant materials of these wild species will likely lead to the discovery of new alleles associated with disease resistance, abiotic stress tolerance and variation for the presence or enhancement of human health-promoting compounds such as cucurbitacin3,4 and citrulline4,5.
Watermelon genomic studies have so far been largely limited to cultivated accessions of C. lanatus6,7, C. colocynthis2 and C. lanatus subsp. cordophanus1, and recently the telomere-to-telomere (T2T) genome G42 raised the single watermelon genome assembly to a new level7. However, pangenome analyses offer opportunities to identify genetic diversity in a wider gene pool that includes representative examples of multiple genotypes. Pangenomes in various crop genera have demonstrated the power of identifying genetic variants, discovering and identifying functional genes and empowering the genetic improvement of crops8,9,10,11. To examine and exploit the diversity present within the genomes of CWRs, a genus-level strategy based on the construction of a ‘super-pangenome’ was suggested12, as demonstrated in refs. 13,10. The genus-level super-pangenome provides access to previously untapped genetic variation present within the CWRs and facilitates exploration of the dispensable portion of the genome14.
In this study, we construct a genus-wide super-pangenome by de novo assembling 27 T2T gap-free genomes that include all seven watermelon species and C. lanatus subsp. cordophanus. Comparative analyses revealed the landscape of the genus’ genomic content, domestication history and the distribution of structural variations (SVs). These data serve to empower the discovery of genes within the genomes of wild Citrullus species that might be used to increase biotic and abiotic resistance and resilience in the cultivated watermelon crop.
T2T assemblies of 27 diverse accessions from seven species
To create a super-pangenome representing the genetic diversity and genome structure of the entire Citrullus genus, we strategically selected 27 representative accessions (Fig. 1a–c), including one with an exiting T2T gap-free genome, based on phylogenetic relationships and the geographical distributions of 429 accessions (Fig. 1d). This group contains all seven Citrullus species (Supplementary Table 1). The phenotypes of the 27 accessions are highly diverse (Supplementary Fig. 1a–c). In addition to the representative accessions of each species, we also included some disease-resistance accessions (Supplementary Note 1).
To survey the Citrullus genomes, we first generated Illumina sequencing data to an average depth of 62× for the 27 accessions (Supplementary Table 2). The results revealed that these materials were diploid, with low heterozygosity and a repeat rate of around 55% (Supplementary Table 1). Subsequently, we generated 799 Gb of high-fidelity (HiFi) sequencing data for the 27 accessions. This amounted to approximately an 81× depth relative to the estimated 380 Mb size of the watermelon genome (Supplementary Table 2). Each genome was then de novo assembled. The N50 length of the contigs of the 27 whole-genome assemblies ranged from 30.1 to 39.8 Mb, averaging 33.3 Mb (Table 1). By leveraging Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) ultra-long reads (average depth of 85×) and high-throughput chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) technology (average depth of 699×), we assembled 27 representative T2T genomes (Supplementary Table 2). Contigs of seven accessions were corrected, ordered and oriented using Hi-C sequencing data, while those of the remaining accessions were oriented using the respective species reference genome (Supplementary Fig. 1d–i). The newly assembled genomes exhibited good collinearity with the previously released G42 genome7, as shown in the Circos (Supplementary Fig. 2) and dot-plot diagrams (Supplementary Fig. 3). The assembled genomes contained an average of two gaps, indicative of the high level of accuracy and continuity of the assemblies. Gaps were filled using the HiFi and ONT ultra-long read sequencing data as described for the G42 genome assembly7, and the quality of each gap-filled region was assessed (Supplementary Table 3). The telomeres of PI 595203 (C. mucosospermus), PI 537300 (C. colocynthis), PI 482276 (C. amarus), PI 632755 (C. colocynthis), PI 652554 (C. colocynthis), PI 673135 (C. ecirrhosus) and PI 670011 (C. rehmii) were filled using seven-base telomere repeats (CCCTAAA) as a sequence query (Supplementary Fig. 2). The enhancement of telomere assembly was substantially facilitated by the use of HiFi and ONT sequencing data (Supplementary Table 4). Our integrated assembly strategy generated Citrullus reference genomes of high precision and T2T integrity. The final assembled genome sizes ranged between 361.3 Mb and 413.6 Mb, averaging 375.2 Mb (Table 1). Additionally, we assembled the chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes for each of the 27 watermelon accessions. These averaged 156.9 kb and 622.2 kb in length, respectively (Supplementary Table 5).
Assembly quality was evaluated from several perspectives (Supplementary Note 1). Repetitive DNA comprised about 56.2% of each genome, with Gypsy elements being the most common. For gene annotation, RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) of multiple tissues at different developmental stages was performed, predicting an average of 24,698 protein-coding genes per genome (Supplementary Note 1). In conclusion, these comprehensive pangenome assemblies and accompanying gene resources provide a solid foundation for the further exploration and use of the whole-genome gene repository in the context of watermelon biology and breeding endeavors.
Detection of the centromere locations at chromosomes
The candidate centromere regions of all chromosomes in 27 watermelon accessions were identified (Supplementary Table 11) and confirmed by the Hi-C heatmap (Supplementary Fig. 5a). By comparing the centromere monomer-based phylogeny with the whole-genome gene-based phylogeny, it can be observed that although C. naudinianus is distantly related to C. lanatus at the whole-genome level, its centromere sequences (except for chromosome 5) are closer to C. lanatus. Additionally, at the whole-genome level, C. amarus is more closely related to C. lanatus than to C. colocynthis. However, in the evolutionary relationships of centromere sequences, C. colocynthis is closer to C. lanatus. This suggests that in C. amarus and C. colocynthis species, the centromere regions of some chromosomes have evolved independently (Supplementary Fig. 5b). We observed a different transposable element (TE) composition between the centromere region of chr02, chr03, chr04 and chr06 and that of other chromosomes (Supplementary Table 12), which may have led to their diverse evolutionary relationships. A cluster with four candidate centromeric tandem repeats, which occurred in the majority of the 27 watermelon accessions genomic sequences, was identified (Supplementary Table 13).
One of the major candidate centromere tandem repeats (cluster 1) is identical to Cr2 in G42 (ref. 7), and this repeat is the most abundant in all accessions except for PKR6 (C. lanatus), PI 652554 (C. colocynthis) and PI 537300 (C. colocynthis). The frequency of genes and TE repeats, such as long terminal repeat (LTR) (Gypsy and Copia) and a versatile transposon hAT family (DNA/DTA), is relatively high in the centromere region. Among the repeats predicted in the 27 watermelon accessions, the largest portion comprises LTR (average 56.6%), predominantly Gypsy (average 33.45%) and Copia (average 7.73%) elements (Fig. 1e). The phylogenetic analysis of representative monomers from the 27 watermelon accessions revealed four main clusters. Of note, the C. colocynthis, C. rehmii and C. naudinianus monomers showed distinct patterns of clustering, indicating differences in their centromeric tandem repeats when compared to other species (Fig. 1f).
Watermelon super-pangenome construction and analysis
To explore the genomic landscape of the gene family, the phylogenetic tree built on the presence–absence variation (PAV) of gene families from the 28 accessions (Supplementary Note 2) is close to previous classifications of the genus Citrullus using single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; Supplementary Fig. 6a). The representativeness of the accessions was estimated by observing the variation in the number of the pangenome, core genome and dispensable genome genes each time a new genome was added (Fig. 2a). A simulation analysis randomizing the order of watermelon accessions suggests that the pangenome constructed in this study is closed (Fig. 2a). The size of the pangenome of the 28 accessions is approximately 1.5 times that of each individual genome, adding 11,225 gene families relative to the cultivated watermelon. Compared to the study discussed in ref. 14, our pangenome elucidated an additional 8,736 new gene families, with 4,913 gene families being contributed by the C. rehmii, C. ecirrhosus and C. naudinianus species.
Overall, an average of 42.78%, 8.80%, 45.87% and 2.55% of genes in each genome were classified as core genes, softcore genes, dispensable genes and private genes, respectively (Fig. 2b). In each species, an average of 52.72%, 43.81% and 3.47% of genes were identified as core genes, dispensable genes and private genes, respectively (Supplementary Fig. 6b). Dispensable and private genes account for most of the phenotypic diversification between species. The presence–absence distribution of core genes and dispensable genes among genomes (Fig. 2c,d) and species (Supplementary Fig. 6c,d) accounts for differences in gene PAV of up to about 40%, suggesting a high level of plasticity in the watermelon genome.
A total of 96.3% of core genes and 88.0% of softcore genes contain annotated InterPro domains, substantially higher than that of dispensable and private genes (55.6% and 32.4%, respectively; Supplementary Fig. 7a). The average expression level of core genes is substantially higher than that of dispensable and private genes (Supplementary Fig. 7b). Nucleotide diversity (π) in core genes was lower than in dispensable genes (Supplementary Fig. 7c). These results collectively support the premise that core genes are involved in fundamental biological processes, dispensable genes exhibit greater genetic variation and may have a role in environmental adaptation, whereas private genes may have important roles in determining individual species morphological characteristics.
SV characterization and graph-based genome
SV can have a greater impact on genomic polymorphism and functional gene variation than SNPs15. By aligning the 27 new genomes to the G42 reference genome, SVs (>20 bp) were classified into the following five categories: deletions, insertions, duplications, inversions and translocations. All the 461,987 nonredundant SVs comprise 217,076 (46.99%) deletions, 239,698 (51.88%) insertions, 3,122 (0.67%) duplications, 1,278 (0.28%) inversions and 813 (0.18%) translocations (Fig. 3a). When these data were compared to G42, an average of 81,132 SVs (ranging from 6,390 to 217,199) per accession were identified. These SVs affected an average of 150 Mb of genomic sequence per accession (ranging from 9.93 Mb to 364.5 Mb; Supplementary Fig. 8a). To check the accuracy of SV identification, 57 large SVs with an average length of 26,418 bp, including 31 deletions and 26 insertions, were validated by PCR amplification (Supplementary Fig. 8b and Supplementary Table 14). By mapping all assembly variations and their collinearity with the reference genome, we established a comprehensive SV landscape. This landscape revealed a narrow genetic diversity within cultivated watermelons, but notably greater genetic variation in the wild watermelons (Fig. 3b). Inversion ‘hotspots’ were identified (Supplementary Fig. 8c). It has been reported that large inversions can suppress recombination by reducing crossing-over9. On Chr11 of the PKR6 (C. lanatus) accession, two large inversions (4.8 Mb and 2.5 Mb) inherited from C. amarus are retained (Supplementary Table 15). Large inversions have been reported in the constructed genetic maps16 and have been shown to substantially reduce recombination frequency16,17. Introgression genes located close to these regions from C. amarus through backcross breeding may lead to severe linkage drag of unexpected phenotypes. We identified and annotated genes both within and outside these large (>100 kb) inversions/translocations (Supplementary Table 16), revealing that genes predominantly pertain to cellulose synthesis, as demonstrated by substantial enrichment in pathways such as GO:0016759 and GO:0030244 (Supplementary Table 17). Furthermore, five key genes, including ClG42_04g0123000 and ClG42_03g0079100, have been reported to relate to traits like seed size and fruit sweetness18,19, providing valuable insights into understanding the functions of these SVs.
The SVs in watermelon tend to be enriched in regions of repetitive DNA and types of deletions and insertions (Fig. 3c,d), a pattern consistent with previous studies on soybean13. We observed that an average of 27.5% of SVs overlapped with the 2 kbp regions upstream or downstream of genes. An average of 7.5% of SVs caused changes in amino acid coding, potentially contributing to gene functional diversity (Fig. 3e). We expanded SVs to the population scale and developed a web-based database for the graph-based pangenome (www.watermelondb.cn; Supplementary Note 3). These findings indicate that the SVs in the super-pangenome reflect large structural changes during the evolution of the cultivated watermelon and its related species, which deepens our understanding of the genomic and phenotypic changes of the Citrullus evolution.
Divergence among species and the origin of watermelon
Chromosomal rearrangements are of considerable interest in understanding adaptation and speciation because they form barriers to gene flow between related species20. Three major chromosomal rearrangements among species in Citrullus were identified and validated (Fig. 4a,b and Supplementary Table 18). As noted in ref. 14, we identified a substantial interchromosomal rearrangement involving chr01 and chr04 in C. colocynthis compared to three other Citrullus species (C. lanatus, C. mucosospermus and C. amarus). These alterations in the chromosome structure might contribute to reproductive isolation, impacting hybrid fertility and reducing interspecific recombination16,17,21,22,23,24,25, ultimately leading to the differentiation of Citrullus species. To investigate the conservation and variation of the three-dimensional genome among different watermelon species, we identified A and B compartments using a 50 kb resolution matrix. The results showed that A and B compartments are relatively conserved among watermelon species (Supplementary Fig. 9a). It has been reported that variations in A and B compartments are closely related to genomic SVs26. Among different types of SVs, we observed variation for a 4.5 Mb inversion that resulted in a change in A and B compartments (Supplementary Fig. 9b).
Previous reports suggested that the likely ancestor of watermelon is C. lanatus subsp. cordophanus, a wild watermelon type from Sudan in Northeast Africa1. We discovered an explosive increase in SVs between the wild watermelon (C. amarus) and the cultivated watermelon (C. lanatus). In contrast, there was no significant difference in SVs between C. mucosospermus and the cultivated watermelon (Fig. 3a). We identified 362 SVs that occurred in C. lanatus, 33 of which were inherited from C. mucosospermus, 68 from C. lanatus. subsp. cordophanus and 200 that were common to both C. mucosospermus and C. lanatus subsp. cordophanus (Fig. 4c). SVs in three genes among G42, C. mucosospermus and C. lanatus subsp. cordophanus are displayed in Fig. 4d. Among them, ClG42_07g0080600 was identified by selective sweeps, while ClG42_01g0030700 and ClG42_03g0058200 were reported to be associated with fruit size and seed coat color quantitative trait locus (QTLs), respectively27,28. C. lanatus and C. mucosospermus carry the same haplotype, while C. lanatus subsp. cordophanus carries an alternative one. Large inversions within the cultivated watermelon genome and its two probable ancestors are shown in a genome-based map (Fig. 4e). Inversions detected in C. lanatus were inherited from both C. lanatus subsp. cordophanus and C. mucosospermus (Supplementary Table 20). Some SVs identified in C. lanatus were inherited not only from C. lanatus subsp. cordophanus but also from C. mucosospermus (Supplementary Figs. 10 and 11), suggesting the presence of additional ancestors beyond cordophanus in the lineage of cultivated watermelon.
Gene gain and loss during watermelon domestication
During watermelon domestication, gene gain and loss were instrumental in diversifying genes related to disease resistance, sugar accumulation and fruit flesh coloration6,29. Comparative analyses using single-copy orthologous genes across various Citrullus and related cucurbit species unveiled their divergence times, with C. naudinianus diverging approximately 16.75 million years ago (Mya) and the most recent divergence event occurring between C. lanatus and C. mucosospermus around 0.76 Mya (Fig. 5a). Notably, more genes were lost than gained during watermelon evolution and domestication (Fig. 5a), elucidating several gene changes throughout the domestication process.
PKR6 is an inbred line with multiple disease resistance pyramided from interspecific crossing, the graphic genome information of PKR6 is presented in Fig. 5c. One QTL designated Qfon1.1 conferring resistance to Fon race 1 was identified in a 5-cM region of chromosome 1 (ref. 16). We have narrowed down the QTL to a small region (364 kb) by aligning the PKR6 genome sequence of the QTL region to the genome of G42, a susceptible line. The high-level resistance to Fon race 2 in PKR6 (Fig. 5d) makes it a better choice to use than CWRs for introgressing resistance to elite watermelons. Large linkage drags (2–5 Mb) from PI 296341-FR (C. amarus) were detected on Chr11 (Supplementary Table 15). The development of PKR6 demonstrates that the lost resistant genes can be integrated into elite lines on purpose with the current genomic information. Future efforts may be focused on the introgression of resistant genes from C. naudinianus, C. ecirrhosus and C. rehmii into elite watermelon lines.
The most substantial gains in cultivated watermelon were observed in sweetness and flesh color. Copy number variation (CNV) analysis revealed the amplification of the TST2 genes (ClG42_02g0107100, ClG42_02g0107200) contributing to sugar accumulation and the base change of the LCYB gene (ClG42_04g0042900) leading to the coloration of watermelon flesh (Fig. 5e,f). The analysis also indicated a strong correlation (P = 3.5 × 10−5) between the duplicate copies of TST2 with LCYB-GG and the single copy of TST2 with LCYB-TA (Supplementary Table 23 and Fig. 5g), suggesting simultaneous domestication of TST2 and LCYB during watermelon domestication. Moreover, high levels of expression of the chromoplast phosphate transporter ClPHT4;2 (ClG42_10g0214700) were found necessary for flesh coloration, with a distinct model of sugar and phytohormone signaling mediating ClPHT4;2 transcription in cultivated watermelons compared to wild accessions30. This indicates that the copy number of the TST2 gene may serve as a threshold switch regulating the sugar signaling pathway and thus the expression of ClPHT4;2, leading to the coselection of watermelon sugar accumulation and fruit coloration. Reintroducing lost resistance genes and understanding the co-evolution of sugar accumulation and flesh coloration hold crucial importance for effective watermelon breeding programs.
Contribution of SV genes during evolution and domestication
It has been reported that selection has affected a wide range of agronomic traits in watermelon fruit, including bitterness, sugar content, flesh color, shape, ripening and seed size6. To investigate whether the identified genes associated with these traits were influenced by environmental and/or human selection, SVs located in the promoter and CDS of C. colocynthis, C. amarus, C. mucosospermus and C. lanatus were scanned. Selective sweeps were also analyzed by comparing wild and cultivated watermelons to explore new candidate genes harboring SVs that may contribute to trait diversity (Supplementary Note 6).
We discovered that SVs of functional genes were present in C. colocynthis and C. amarus but were absent in C. mucosospermus and C. lanatus, indicating that those SVs have likely been selected against during speciation and domestication (Supplementary Table 29). SVs in functional genes were usually located upstream of the start codon, and a few were located in the coding region (Fig. 6). As reported by a study discussed in ref. 13, we noticed that gene expression could be affected by SVs, which then leads to changes in one or more agronomic traits (Fig. 6). Furthermore, SVs of genes related to fruit sweetness, bitterness and flesh color were consistent with the expression patterns in fruit of different accessions (Fig. 6 and Supplementary Fig. 13a–c).
A critical domestication trait of watermelon fruit is the loss of bitterness31. As noted earlier, the principal bitter compound isolated from watermelon is CuE, which has been reported to be found in the roots and fruits of wild species but only in the roots of cultivated species32. In Citrullus species, the synthesis of CuE is differentially controlled via tissue-specific regulators. Although ClBt (ClG42_01g0033300) was reported to be a fruit-specific cucurbitacin regulator and could initiate the first step of the CuE biosynthetic pathway in the fruit of watermelon32, it seems to be expressed higher in leaf than fruit, with nearly zero expression in fruit samples of most accessions (Supplementary Table 30). In addition, a 6-bp and an 18-bp deletion located in 941 bp and 247 bp upstream of the start codon of ClBt were identified in C. colocynthis and C. amarus, respectively (Fig. 6). According to ref. 32, Cl890B (ClG42_01g0153000), Cl170 (ClG42_06g0015500), Cl180 (ClG42_06g0015600) and ClACT (ClG42_06g0015800) are also involved in the CuE biosynthetic pathway, and ClMATE1 (ClG42_01g0153300)33 is related to the transport of CuE in watermelon. SVs were detected in the promoter or CDS region of C. colocynthis and, to a lesser extent, in C. amarus. The expression levels of these five bitterness genes were highest in C. colocynthis, decreased sharply in C. amarus and were barely expressed in C. mucosospermus and C. lanatus. Expression levels were positively correlated with the CuE content (Fig. 6 and Supplementary Fig. 13a).
In contrast to reduced cucurbitacin content, sugar and pigment accumulated in the flesh of cultivated watermelon6. The CNV of TST2 (ref. 7) and SVs of ClSWEET3 (ClG42_01g0006000)34, ClVST1 (ClG42_02g0044600)35, ClNAC68 (ClG42_03g0079100)18 and ClAGA2 (ClG42_04g0035700)36 were detected in the distantly related species C. colocynthis and C. amarus, the less distantly related C. mucosospermus and the domesticated C. lanatus (Fig. 6). The previously mentioned genes were less expressed in the fruit of the landraces and were barely detectable in the fruit of C. colocynthis, C. amarus and C. mucosospermus (Supplementary Fig. 13b). Two transcription factors, ClbZIP1 and ClbZIP2, sensed the elevated sugar content and bound to the abscisic acid (ABA)-responsive element (ABRE) motif in the promoter region of ClPHT4;2, thereby ClPHT4;2 got upregulated resulting in carotenoid accumulation in cultivated watermelon species30. There were 6-bp and 12-bp deletions in the CDS region of ClPHT4;2 in C. colocynthis and C. amarus, respectively (Fig. 6). A positive correlation was observed between flesh color and gene expression, as were ClNCED1 (ClG42_01g0254100)34 and ClNCED7 (ClG42_07g0105300)37 (Fig. 6 and Supplementary Fig. 13c).
Unlike bitterness, sugar content and flesh color, which are either decreasing or increasing during domestication, phenotypes of fruit shape, seed size and fruit ripening were varied between different species. During domestication, fruit shape changes from small to bigger and then slightly smaller, and seed size is also variable (Fig. 1a–c). Although the gene expression patterns have been reported to be associated with fruit shape and seed size traits19,38,39, they do not coincide with the appearance of SV (Fig. 6 and Supplementary Fig. 13e). SVs of two genes related to fruit ripening existed in C. colocynthis and C. amarus, but they are inconsistent with the expression among the four species (Fig. 6 and Supplementary Fig. 13d). The process of domestication is complicated. SV is just one of the factors affecting variations among Citrullus species.
We have publicly released a T2T genus-level super-pangenome, which consists of 27 T2T gap-free genomes that include all seven watermelon (Citrullus) species. Among them, the genomes of C. rehmii, C. ecirrhosus and C. naudinianus species have not previously been available. Our results suggest that the use of species-specific references in sequence alignments improves alignment quality. The sequencing of telomeres and centromeres in all 27 watermelon accessions revealed enrichment for LTR (Gypsy) elements in the centromere region. The representative monomer in cluster 1 obtained by phylogenetic tree clustering through 27 watermelon accessions monomers existed widely in watermelon germplasm (Supplementary Table 13). Three major chromosomal rearrangements (Supplementary Table 31) that occurred during Citrullus evolution were identified and validated. These rearrangements likely influence the expression and duplication of hundreds of genes. The comparison of SVs present in C. lanatus cordophanus, C. mucosospermus and the cultivated watermelon (C. lanatus) provides a more fully developed picture to help us understand the relationship of the cultivated watermelon with its two nearest relatives. Our findings indicate that both C. lanatus subsp. cordophanus and C. mucosospermus made unique SV contributions to the C. lanatus genome.
PKR6 is a recombinant inbred line derived from C. lanatus, C. mucosospermus and C. amarus, created to study and exploit the genetic bases of multiple disease resistances. By aligning the published intervals of disease resistance QTLs named Qfon1.1 (ref. 16), we were able to narrow the intervals and increase the likelihood of detecting disease resistance genes (ClG42_01g0002300, ClG42_01g0002600 and ClG42_01g000440). Our program has produced inbred lines derived from C. colocynthis and C. ecirrhosus (Fig. 1a,b) using the conventional crossing and backcrossing methods, but at great costs in time and money. However, the watermelon T2T genus-level super-pangenome facilitates a better understanding of where genes of interest lie in the context of the structural rearrangements in the genomes of the cultivated and wild species.
The characterization of SVs in the Citrullus species genomes enabled a functional investigation during watermelon domestication and breeding by population analysis. Presence/absence variation genome-wide association study (PAV-GWAS) identified TST2 and LCYB that were correlated to sugar content and flesh color. The copy number of TST2 was associated with a single allele of LYCB, indicating that fruit flesh sweetness and red flesh coloration were selected simultaneously. The comprehensive SV landscape described in this report highlights the narrow genetic diversity of cultivated watermelon and the remarkable abundance of genetic variation in its CWRs. Despite the wild relatives involve mechanisms to cope with a wide range of biotic and abiotic stresses, these genetic resources are rarely used in breeding programs, although all six CWRs can be hybridized with C. lanatus6. The T2T genus-level watermelon super-pangenome provided in this study should help to better understand the advantages and disadvantages of hybridization by providing a basis for predicting introgression-related problems. We acknowledge that references generated from the 27 samples are insufficient to capture all the sequence diversity present at the population and species levels, especially for C. ecirrhosus, C. rehmii and C. naudinianus because the availability of germplasm for these CWRs is extremely limited. A more diverse reference map will surely expand our understanding of the genomics and genetic diversity of watermelon and its gene pools.
Sample selection and sequencing
The 27 representative accessions covering all species of watermelon were collected throughout the world, including 1 C. naudinianus, 4 C. colocynthis, 1 C. rehmii, 1 C. ecirrhosus, 5 C. amarus, 2 C. mucosospermus (Egusi) and 13 C. lanatus (5 C. lanatus landrace and 8 C. lanatus cultivar; Supplementary Table 1). C. lanatus subsp. cordophanus (cordophanus; PI 254622) originated from Sudan. All accessions were grown in the greenhouse at Weifang, Shandong, China (119°18′E, 36°16′N).
For genome sequencing, leaf samples were collected from all accessions at the vegetative growth stage. For RNA-seq and metabolite analysis, fruit flesh samples of 11 accessions, including 2 C. colocynthis, 1 C. rehmii, 2 C. amarus, 2 C. mucosospermus, 2 C. lanatus landrace and C. lanatus cultivar, were collected from five different developmental stages (10, 18, 26, 34 and 42 days) after pollination. All samples were snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen (LN) and sent in dry ice to companies for sequencing.
Plant phenotyping and evaluation of agronomic traits
Twenty-seven accessions were grown in the greenhouse. The agronomic phenotypes, including leaf, flowers, fruit flesh color, soluble solid content and seeds (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Fig. 1), were recorded during the watermelon growing stages. To phenotype the Fusarium wilt resistance of the PKR6 (C. lanatus) accession, two true leaf stage seedlings were inoculated with conidial suspension of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum race 2 at a concentration of 1 × 106 ml−1, and watermelon cultivar G42 and the wild watermelon PI 296341-FR (C. amarus) were used as the susceptible and resistant control.
Preparation of short Illumina libraries and data processing
Portions of the DNA were sent to BerryGenomics to construct Illumina DNA libraries and for sequencing using the Illumina Hiseq platform. The short reads were filtered. This involved the elimination of adaptor contamination and low-quality reads by Fastp40 with default parameters. Short reads generated from the Illumina platform were used for the estimation of genome size, the level of heterozygosity, mapping rate and genome coverages.
HiFi library preparation and sequencing
The extracted DNA molecules were sequenced using both the Illumina and PacBio Sequel (Pacific Biosciences of California) platforms. Portions of the DNA were sent to BerryGenomics to construct circular consensus sequencing libraries containing about 15 kb of cut fragments and sequenced using a PacBio Sequal platform. The HiFi reads from the PacBio platform were used for genome assembly.
Hi-C library construction and sequencing
High-grade DNA extracted from young leaves was used for Hi-C sequencing. Chromatin was stabilized using formaldehyde, and standard in situ Hi-C chromosome conformation capture was carried out41. Libraries were sequenced using a 150 bp paired-end mode on an Illumina NovaSeq platform (Illumina).
Nanopore ultra-long library construction and sequencing
For ultra-long sequencing using Oxford Nanopore, libraries were prepared per the standard protocol and using the SQK-LSK110 ligation kit. The purified library was subsequently loaded onto a primed R9.4.1 Spot-On Flow Cell and sequenced on a PromethION sequencer. The ultra-long reads from the ONT platform were used for genome assembly and filling gaps.
BioNano data generation and construction of optical maps
Using the Saphyr Genome Imaging Instrument and the DNA ligase 1 (DLE1) non-nicking enzyme (CTTAAG), bionano optical maps were prepared for the investigation of genomic structure. High-molecular-weight DNA was extracted, nicked and labeled using the SaphyrPrep Kit. The labeled DNA was subsequently imaged using the Saphyr system. The imaged molecules were assembled via Bionano Solve software (v.3.3). The assembled genomic alignments were visually represented using Bionano Access software (v.1.5.2, https://bionanogenomics.com/support/software-downloads/).
Metabolite profiling
Freeze-dried watermelon fruit tissue was ground into a fine powder using a mixer mill for 40 s at 60 Hz. In total, 50 mg of sample powder was mixed with 1 ml of cold (4 °C) 70% (vol/vol) aqueous methanol and extracted overnight at 4 °C. The extracts were then sedimented by centrifugation at 12,700 rpm at 4 °C for 20 min. The supernatants were passed through a 0.22 μm millipore filter and used for the following liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis. A quality control sample was also prepared by pooling aliquots of sample extracts.
Genome survey
The Illumina short reads were used for survey analysis, and the k-mer distributions were estimated using Jellyfish42 with parameters -m 21 -t 1 -s 5G -C. Then the genome sizes and heterozygosity rate were calculated by the web tool Genomescope1.0 (ref. 43).
T2T genome assembly of the 27 watermelon accessions
For the T2T genome assembly of the 27 watermelon accessions, the four steps were followed. Step 1—the following five tools, each based on distinct algorithms, were used to assemble the watermelon genomes: (i) Hifiasm (v0.16.1) was used with default parameters for assembly from HiFi reads44; (ii) Hifiasm (v0.18.4) was used with the ‘--ul’ parameter to assemble genomes from both HiFi and ultra-long reads45; (iii) NextDenovo46 was used for preliminary genome assembly using ultra-long reads, with the following parameters: genome_size = 380 m, read_type = ont, rerun = 3 and read_cutoff = 50,000; (iv) Hifiasm (v0.16.1) was again used to assemble the genomes from HiFi reads, this time using the parameters ‘--write-ec –write-paf -l0’. The draft contigs were subsequently assembled into a gapless genome by PGA (https://github.com/likui345/PGA).47 (v) The La Jolla Assembler was used with default parameters for genome assembly from HiFi reads48.
Step 2—HiC-Pro49 was used to categorize Hi-C data into valid and invalid interaction pairs, retaining only the valid pairs for further assembly. EndHiC50 was used to assemble large contigs into chromosomal-level scaffolds, using Hi-C links originating from contig end regions as opposed to entire contig regions. Subsequently, a heatmap illustrating genomic interactions was constructed using HiCPlotter software51.
Step 3—based on the results of these five software tools, the Ragtag patch was then used to integrate and make fill-gaps in the target genome using sequences from the query genome52.
Step 4—to identify telomeres, the telomere pipeline developed by the Vertebrate Genome Project (https://github.com/VGP/vgp-assembly) was used and identified plant telomeric sequences (CCCTAAA)53. We performed manual identification of telomeric reads (HiFi and ONT reads), using the minimap2 (ref. 54) alignment tool to map those reads and incorporate the corresponding telomeric sequences to patch any telomere-deficient chromosomes. The genome assembly was refined through six iterative rounds of polishing using both the Racon and Merfin algorithms55.
Identification of centromere and telomere sequence
TelomereSearch (https://github.com/jamiemcg/TelomereSearch) was used to identify the telomere range.
A pipeline comprising the TRF tool56 and CD-HIT57 tool was used to identify the centromere region. The TRF tool is used to detect tandem repeats and monomers throughout the genome. CD-HIT was used to cluster these monomers, reducing sequence redundancy and enhancing the accuracy of centromere localization through sequence similarity search. By using the centromere region identified in watermelon G42 as a reference, the continuous and high-frequency regions are identified as potential candidate centromere regions. Finally, the results of gene density and Gypsy LTR numbers are integrated with the candidate regions to predict the most probable location of the centromere. The top eight monomer clusters of each watermelon variety were counted, and the monomer clusters were compared by MAFFT58. The maximum likelihood method in FastTree is used to construct the evolutionary tree59.
Genome evaluation
Genome completeness was evaluated by BUSCO using the embryophyta_odb10 database60. Genome continuity was evaluated by calculating the contig N50 length and mapping coverages by qualimap2. The accuracy of the genome is evaluated by calculating the sequencing data mapping rate and quality value (QV)61. Finally, the LTR assembly index (LAI) value, which uses repeat sequences, evaluated the assembly level of the genome62,63.
Genome annotation
TE sequence annotation
Annotation of the genome repeat sequences was performed using Extensive de novo TE Annotator software64. The first step involved conducting de novo identification of repetitive elements, where individual TE libraries were constructed with parameters ‘-species others --sensitive 1 --anno 1 --evaluate 1’. These libraries served as crucial inputs for the subsequent step of structural annotation of the TEs. RepeatMasker was used to mask the genome and annotate the TE elements with a high-quality nonredundant TE library with parameters ‘-e rmblast -s -gff -nolow -no_is -norna’65.
Protein-coding gene structure prediction
The structure of the protein-coding genes was predicted using the following three methods: ab initio gene prediction66,67,68, homology-based gene prediction6,69,70,71,72 and RNA-seq data gene prediction73,74,75. EVidenceModeler was used to integrate all the prediction results of the three methods to predict gene models76. Finally, gene models were filtered by removing the gene coding sequences that overlapped with the TE sequences by more than 20% or when the coding region length was less than 200 bp.
Noncoding RNA gene annotation
tRNAscan-SE77 was used to identify tRNA genes with default parameters. RNAmmer78 was used to predict rRNA sequences, and Infernal79 was used to search snRNAs from the Rfam database.
Gene function annotation
Four approaches were used to predict the function of protein-coding genes. The first was to use BlastP to search against protein sequences in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) nonredundant protein database80 and the Swiss-Prot database71. Second, protein domain and gene ontology term annotations were performed using InterProScan81. The third was the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) annotation with KEGG Automatic Annotation Server82. The fourth was eggNOG-mapper annotation with an online resource server83.
Organellar genome assembly and annotation
For the assembly of mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes, GetOrganelle software84 was used. This software is specifically designed for the de novo assembly of organelle genomes from whole-genome sequencing data. For the chloroplast genome assembly, we applied parameters ‘-F embplant_pt R 10 -t 52 -k 21,45,65,85,105’, while for the mitochondrial genome, parameters ‘-F embplant_mt -R 30 -k 45,65,85,105,115’ were used.
Phylogenetic tree analyses of 429 watermelon resequencing
SNP calling was performed on 27 selected watermelon samples in this study, following the methodology of a study discussed in ref. 6 Subsequently, we merged the variations (VCF) of these 27 samples with the common variations of 402 samples using bcftools85 merge, which facilitated the construction of a phylogenetic tree. The phylogenetic tree Newick file was generated using VCF2Dis software. To enhance the visual representation of the tree, it was further refined using Interactive Tree Of Life software86.
Gene family identification and phylogenetic analysis
For the gene family analysis, the longest predicted protein from each individual gene was used as the input and processed by OrthoFinder87 with the parameters ‘-S diamond -M msa -T fasttree’. The output from this procedure includes comprehensive statistical information, and a species tree is constructed using single-copy genes.
Core and dispensable gene family of pangenome construction
Gene families shared among accessions or species were characterized as core gene families. Gene families absent in one or two accessions were classified as softcore gene families, whereas gene families missing in more than two accessions or one species were identified as dispensable gene families. Furthermore, gene families exclusive to one accession or species were recognized as private gene families. Both core genome and pangenome size estimates underwent a series of random samplings with 100 repetitions for each accession count. For the phylogenetic assessment of each gene family, we used MUSCLE88 (v3.8.31) to perform sequence alignment and MEGA7 (ref. 89) to construct the phylogenetic tree and compute the nucleotide diversity (π value).
Whole-genome alignment and SV identification
Genome assemblies were harmonized with the G42 reference genome using MUMmer4, using parameters ‘-c 100 -b 500 -l 50 –maxmatch’. Subsequent filtration was carried out using delta filter with parameters ‘-m -i 90 -l 100’ as per the methodology outlined in ref. 90 We used MCscan to generate both intragenomic and intergenomic homologous and collinear blocks among seven watermelon species91. This facilitated the analysis of chromosome recombination across different species. These alignments were then used for variation detection via the SyRI pipeline92. Identification of SNPs and InDels among all watermelon materials, in comparison to G42, was achieved through the use of Anchorwave software93.
Validation of chromosome fission and fusion
We picked one accession of each species (except for C. mucosospermus) to validate chromosomal translocations using the PCR method. We selected regions with high identities when compared to the reference genome and designed two sets of primers (Supplementary Table 14) in the translocated regions. Each set contained a forward primer specific to the G42 genome upstream of the breakpoint and forward and reverse primers inside the translocated region. Two forward primers combined with the reverse primer, respectively, were used to perform PCR.
A and B compartment identification and analysis
To identify A and B compartments, we adopted a method based on principal component analysis (PCA). In essence, we assigned compartments A and B according to the Hi-C interaction matrix along with gene and TE densities. The HiC-Pro was used to obtain normalized and iterative correction and eigenvector decomposition (ICE) interaction matrices, calculated at a resolution of 50 kb for each chromosome49. Following this, we computed the Pearson correlation matrix and the covariance matrix on the observed/expected matrices. Ultimately, the R package HiTC was used to calculate PCA eigenvectors on the covariance matrix, leading to the identification of compartments A and B94.
Gene family analysis and estimation of divergence times
Clustering of orthologous gene groups was performed among the Cucurbitaceae species using OrthoFinder, using its default parameters. For the construction of the species tree, conserved single-copy genes were used. The CAFE5 tool was used to detect expansions and contractions within the gene families, again using default parameters95. The MCMCtree program facilitated the estimation of divergence times96. Using the TimeTree database, we selected the divergence times of walnut and monk fruit as calibration points97.
Annotation of resistance genes
Disease resistance genes in watermelon were identified by using the Plant Resistance Genes database (PRGdb4.0)98. The Disease Resistance Analysis and Gene Orthology (DRAGO 3) tool was used as a pipeline for annotating these resistance genes99. To identify lipoxygenase (LOX) proteins, watermelon protein sequences were compared against the InterPro database100, specifically searching for the presence of the lipoxygenase domain (either IPR001024 or IPR000907).
SV/PAV genotyping and SV/PAV genome-wide association studies
Before GWAS, stringent filtering selected 9,618,384 SNPs meeting criteria like minor allele frequency (MAF) ≥ 0.01 and ≤50% missing data. The mixed linear model drove the GWAS, setting a significant SNP threshold at 5.19 × 10−9 via Bonferroni correction. GWAS results were depicted using the R package qqman (https://github.com/stephenturner/qqman).
BayesTyper101 mined SV mutations, leaving 138,124 SVs after remaining MAF ≥ 0.01 and ≤50% missing data variations. BWA-MEM (https://github.com/lh3/bwa) compared the watermelon population’s second-generation sequencing data with >50 bp PAVs from G42. Filtering and sorting yielded 157,060 variations in VCF format. GWAS analyzed SVs and PAVs like SNPs.
Genotyping of 42 accessions at TST2 and LCYB loci
Forty-two accessions from different species were used to genotype TST2 and LCYB loci (Supplementary Table 23). CNV of TST2 was detected using the method as reported7. For the LCYB locus, we sequenced the PCR product of LCYB using Sanger sequencing technology. Two reported SNPs of LCYB102 were used to genotype 42 accessions.
Integrated transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis
PCA was performed on the high-variance genes and metabolite content across five fruit developmental stages from 11 watermelon samples. The expression matrix of 3,078 detected metabolites was log-transformed for weighted gene co-expression network analysis103. Differential metabolites were assessed based on Pearson’s correlation method to calculate the relationship between all genes and metabolites. Following this, genes and metabolites that exhibited high expression correlation based on the correlation coefficient and the P value of the correlation were identified.
RNA extraction and quantitative real-time PCR analysis
Total RNA was extracted using TransZol Up (TransGen Biotech) following the protocol provided. The first-strand cDNA was synthesized using the HiScript III RT SuperMix for qPCR (+gDNA wiper; Vazyme). qPCR was performed on a QuantStudio (Thermo Fisher Scientific) instrument using ChamQ SYBR qPCR Master Mix (Vazyme). Actin was taken as an internal reference.
SV validation
SV between cultivar and wild species
Twenty-four accessions listed in Supplementary Table 1 except for C. naudinianus, C. ecirrhosus and C. rehmii were used to validate SVs (200 bp to 10 kb) detected using specific primers. The primer sequences are summarized in Supplementary Table 14, and electrophoresis results are given in Supplementary Fig. 3.
PCR validation of inversions
Accessions of C. lanatus and C. mucosospermus listed in Supplementary Table 1 were used to validate eight identified inversions. One pair of primers was designed for small fragments of inversions, while two pairs of primers were designed close to both ends named upper and lower, respectively. PCR products were sequenced using Sanger sequencing technology. Sequence chromatograms were analyzed with SnapGene software, and the results are shown in Supplementary Fig. 5.
SV in candidate genes
To validate SV in candidate genes associated with fruit shape, flesh color and fruit flavor, DNA samples from accessions of C. colocynthis, C. amarus and C. lanatus were used as templates. Specific primers (Supplementary Table 18) were designed for each candidate gene. The PCR products were sequenced by Sanger sequencing technology (Tsingke Biotech). Sequence chromatograms were analyzed with SnapGene software.
qRT–PCR analysis of candidate genes
To evaluate the transcript levels of candidate genes listed in Fig. 6, we designed qRT–PCR primers by Primer3Plus. The expression of the candidate gene was investigated using the watermelon actin-7 (ClG42_02G0007100) gene to calibrate its expression level as previously described18. The 2−ΔΔCt method was used to quantify relative gene expression levels104,105. RNA samples of fruit flesh were used as a template. The sequences of all primers used in this study are listed in Supplementary Table 32. qPCR was performed according to the protocol of the ChamQ SYBR qPCR Master Mix (Vazyme).
Graph-based genome construction
Using the genome of 26 watermelon accessions reassembled in this study, a graphical pangenome was created via minigraph106. The resulting pangenome was converted using VG Software (https://github.com/vgteam/vg) and mapped with BWA-MEM (https://github.com/lh3/bwa). The alignment rates between this study and previously published watermelon varieties were summarized using SAMtools107.
Statistical analysis
The statistical analyses were performed in R (v4.0.2). A two-sided Wilcoxon test was used to compare the difference in gene expression levels and sugar content between two groups of samples. A two-sided chi-squared test was used to determine the statistical difference in the correlation between TST2 copy number and LCYB genotype. One-way analysis of variance with Tukey’s test was used to determine the difference in relative expression of 27 candidate genes among different species. A two-sided Student’s t test was used to compare the difference in gene expression levels and metabolite contents.
Reporting summary
Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.
Data availability
The raw sequencing data and genome assemblies (CP155009-CP155019 and CP155142-CP155416) have been deposited in the NCBI under the Bioproject (PRJNA1031825) and the National Genomics Data Center (NGDC, https://ngdc.cncb.ac.cn/) under the Bioproject (PRJCA020693). The genome assembly, annotations and graph pangenome are also available in the Watermelon Genome Database (http://www.watermelondb.cn). Source data are provided with this paper.
Code availability
The code used for this paper is available on GitHub (https://github.com/yilinZhang-bio/Watermelon-pangenome) and Zenodo108 (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10693455).
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This work was supported by the Key R&D Program of Shandong Province, China (ZR202211070163), the Provincial Technology Innovation Program of Shandong, the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Agricultural Breeding Special Project (NXNYYZ202001), the Ningbo Science and Technology Innovation Project (2021Z132) and the Weifang Seed Innovation Group. We would like to thank the National Mid-Term Genebank for Watermelon and the Melon and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences for providing wild and cultivated watermelon resources. We would like to thank Y. Xu from the National Engineering Research Center for Vegetables and the Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences for providing seeds for some watermelon accessions. We would also like to thank J. Leebens-Mack of the Department of Plant Biology at the University of Georgia for his valuable help in revising this manuscript.
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Authors and Affiliations
X.Z., H.H., X.W.D. and Y.D. conceived the idea and designed the project. H.H. coordinated the entire bioinformatic analysis. X.Z., Y.D., X.C., M.Z., Y.T. and Y.S. collected and propagated the samples and investigated phenotypes. L.X. and X.L. performed disease evaluation and phenotyping. Y.Z. performed all bioinformatics analyses. M.H., Y.Z. and X.H. performed centromere and telomere analyses. D.L. and B.L. performed adaptive sequencing. Y.Z. and Y.C. constructed the genome database. M.H. and Y.Z. conducted the GWAS analyses. Y.Z., M.Z., J.T. and Y.D. completed the SV and gene function analysis. Y.Z. and X.H. contributed to the chloroplast and mitochondrial genome assembly. M.Z., J.T. and T.F. did the molecular biology experiments. Y.L., G.Q. and Y.Z. performed metabolome experiments and analyses. Y.Z., M.Z., M.H., J.T., H.H., X.Z., X.W.D. and Y.D. coordinated to all co-authors and wrote the manuscript. R.J. provided plant materials and suggestions for the project and edited the manuscript.
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Zhang, Y., Zhao, M., Tan, J. et al. Telomere-to-telomere Citrullus super-pangenome provides direction for watermelon breeding. Nat Genet 56, 1750–1761 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-024-01823-6
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-024-01823-6