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Systematic differences in discovery of genetic effects on gene expression and complex traits


Most signals in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of complex traits implicate noncoding genetic variants with putative gene regulatory effects. However, currently identified regulatory variants, notably expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs), explain only a small fraction of GWAS signals. Here, we show that GWAS and cis-eQTL hits are systematically different: eQTLs cluster strongly near transcription start sites, whereas GWAS hits do not. Genes near GWAS hits are enriched in key functional annotations, are under strong selective constraint and have complex regulatory landscapes across different tissue/cell types, whereas genes near eQTLs are depleted of most functional annotations, show relaxed constraint, and have simpler regulatory landscapes. We describe a model to understand these observations, including how natural selection on complex traits hinders discovery of functionally relevant eQTLs. Our results imply that GWAS and eQTL studies are systematically biased toward different types of variant, and support the use of complementary functional approaches alongside the next generation of eQTL studies.

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Fig. 1: Study workflow and key results.
Fig. 2: GWAS and eQTL genes are under different selective constraints.
Fig. 3: GWAS and eQTL genes have different transcriptional regulatory landscapes.
Fig. 4: Diverse categories of functional genes are enriched among GWAS genes but not among eQTL genes.
Fig. 5: GWAS hits are less enriched at TSSs than are eQTLs.
Fig. 6: A model for variant discovery in GWAS and eQTL assays.

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Data availability

Data generated by or processed for this study can be found in Supplementary Tables, on Zenodo with (ref. 84), and on GitHub ( with (ref. 85). Public data used in this study are accessible via URLs cited at appropriate locations in the Methods, as listed: Neale lab UKB data: GTEx data:; NCBI’s gene_info file:; GENCODE Basic annotations:; Ensembl’s BioMart:; gnomAD:; ABC enhancer–gene links:; Liu et al.’s enhancer–gene links:; FANTOM5 promoters:; FANTOM5 enhancers:; Transcription factors:; ldsc software:; LD annotations:; ENCODE cCREs:

Code availability

Codes used to process and analyze GWAS and eQTL data are available on GitHub ( with (ref. 85).


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This research has been conducted using the UK Biobank resource under application number 24983. We thank the Rivas lab at Stanford University for assistance with accessing this resource. We are grateful to J. Engreitz, M. Przeworski, G. Sella, A. Kundaje, Y. Simons, I. Agarwal, M. Ota, R. Patel and members of the Pritchard lab for helpful conversations, and to J. Engreitz, B. Pasaniuc, A. Battle, A. Harpak, M. Przeworski, G. Sella and W. Wohns for valuable feedback on an earlier draft of the manuscript. This research was supported by National Institutes of Health grants R01HG008140 and R01HG011432 to J.K.P., and U01HG012069 to A. Kundaje. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript.

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Authors and Affiliations



H.M. and J.K.P. conceived and designed the study. H.M. performed all data analyses and developed the model. J.P.S. contributed to the design and interpretation of the statistical analyses and validation of the model. J.P.S. and S.N. provided intellectual contributions to all aspects of the study. H.M. and J.K.P. wrote the paper. J.K.P. supervised the study and acquired funding.

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Correspondence to Hakhamanesh Mostafavi or Jonathan K. Pritchard.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Genes closest to eQTLs versus eGenes.

(A) Fraction of eQTLs for which the target eGene is also the gene with the closest TSS, as a function of eQTL association p-value. Error bars show ± 2 standard errors computed as \(\sqrt{2f(1-f\;)/M}\), where f is the estimated fraction, and M is the number of eQTLs per p-value group. In the p-value groups shown, from left to right, there are 50,859, 45,650, 11,246, 4,781, 2,575, and 3,885 eQTLs, respectively. The dashed line shows the mean value of 0.52 across all eQTLs. (B) Same as Fig. 2a, but with different gene assignments to eQTLs (N=118,996). Fraction of eGenes linked to eQTLs (green), or closest genes to eQTLs (red), or closest genes to control SNPs matched for MAF, LD score and gene density (light red) with high pLI (pLI > 0.9, a measure of selective constraint). Error bars corresponding to eQTL properties (red and green points) show 95% confidence intervals as determined by quantile bootstrapping. For matched SNPs (light red), points and error bars show mean values and 95% confidence intervals in 1000 sampling iterations.

Extended Data Fig. 2 Basic variant-level differences between GWAS hits and eQTLs.

Distribution of minor allele frequency (MAF), linkage disequilibrium (LD) score and gene density for 118,996 eQTLs (red), 22,119 GWAS hits (blue), and 100,000 randomly chosen variants. LD score values are cut at 1000 for clarity.

Extended Data Fig. 3 GWAS and eQTL genes are under different selective constraints: robustness to gene-level measures of selective constraints.

Logistic regression coefficients corresponding with different gene-level measures of selection for predicting GWAS hits (N=22,119) or eQTLs (N=118,996) versus random SNPs (N=100,000) after adjusting for confounders (see Methods). Results are plotted as regression coefficients on the original data with error bars showing the 2.5th and 97.5th percentile over 1000 bootstrap samples. The measures of selection are pLI and LOEUF from the gnomAD study45,67, and hs estimates from Agarwal et al.71. Lower LOEUF values correspond to higher selective constraints, therefore we used -LOEUF values to match other measures, such that higher values mean higher constraint levels.

Extended Data Fig. 4 GWAS and eQTL genes have different enhancer architectures.

Same as Fig. 3b, but using enhancer-gene links predicted by the activity-by-contact (ABC) model from Nasser et al.51 (Methods). For a given gene, we computed (i) the number of biosamples in which a gene has an enhancer, and (ii) the average total enhancer length (in base pairs) across active biosamples. Shown are logistic regression coefficients corresponding with the two enhancer features for predicting 22,119 GWAS hits (blue) and 118,996 eQTLs (red) versus 100,000 random variants after adjusting for confounders (Methods). Results are plotted as regression coefficients on the original data with error bars showing the 2.5th and 97.5th percentile over 1000 bootstrap samples.

Extended Data Fig. 5 Contribution of transcription factors (TFs) in Gene Ontology (GO) annotations and their enrichment in GWAS and eQTL genes.

(A) Proportion of TFs in 41 GO biological processes shown in Fig. 4a. (B) Same as Fig. 4a, but now excluding TFs from all 41 gene categories before computing enrichment values among GWAS and eQTL genes. Traits and tissues (x-axis) are sorted by hit count (decreasing from left to right), and GO terms (y-axis) are sorted by the mean pLI value of associated genes (before removing TFs, replicating the ordering in Fig. 4a). For each trait- or tissue-GO term pair we computed enrichment z-scores based on 1000 sampling iterations of variants matched for MAF, LD score, and gene density (see Methods). The color map represents enrichment (green) or depletion (magenta) of a given gene set among GWAS or eQTL genes. See Fig. 4a for additional details.

Extended Data Fig. 6 Multi-functionality of highly interacting genes in protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks and their enrichment in GWAS genes.

(A) Proportion of genes in bins ranked by the number of interactions in the InWeb PPI network77 that are among the top multi-functional genes (defined as top 20% of genes ranked by the count of Gene Ontology (GO) terms they belong to, see Methods). Error bars show 2 standard errors. 16,510 genes with an assigned PPI degree are evenly split into the 5 gene bins shown. (B) Fraction of GWAS and eQTL genes in gene bins ranked by the number of interactions in the InWeb PPI network. For GWAS hits and eQTLs, error bars show 95% confidence intervals as determined by quantile bootstrapping over 1000 sampling iterations. For matched variants (for MAF, LD score and gene density, shown in light blue and red colors), points and error bars show mean values and 95% confidence intervals in 1000 sampling iterations. See Supplementary Table 5 for the counts of genes in each bin shown.

Extended Data Fig. 7 Effect of selection on variants contribution to variance in phenotype and gene expression.

(A,B) As described in the main text, we consider a model of phenotypic effects mediated by effects on gene expression intermediates: a genetic variant affects the expression of the target gene with effect β, and the gene expression intermediate affects the downstream phenotype with effect size γ. (A) Contribution to phenotypic variance. Under a neutral model, contribution to phenotypic variance, E[2p(1 − p)]β2γ2, is proportional to phenotypic effect, β2γ2, as effect size and allele frequency are uncoupled. Selection keeps higher effect variants at lower frequencies (that is, lowering E[2p(1 − p)]) and thus “flattens" the expected contribution to variance. The red line shows a flattened curve taking \(E[2p(1-p){\beta }^{2}{\gamma }^{2}| \beta ,\gamma ]\)\(\sim \kappa (1-{e}^{-{\beta }^{2}{\gamma }^{2}}/\kappa )\), with κ = 2.986 (Methods). (B) Contribution to variance in gene expression. Similar to the argument in (A), under neutrality, contribution to variance in gene expression, E[2p(1 − p)]β2, is proportional to the effect on expression, β2. Under selection, flattening (that is, lowering of E[2p(1 − p)]) is more pronounced for variants regulating high-effect (that is, high γ2) genes. Red lines show trends for four quantiles of γ2, where γ ~ N(0, 1); darker colors show higher γ2 values. See Methods for modeling details.

Extended Data Fig. 8 Depletion of selectively constrained genes among non-GTEx eGenes.

The factors we described against the discovery of trait-eQTLs likely bias eQTL assays in any context. As proof of concept, we show that similar to GTEx eGenes, eGenes identified in non-conventional eQTL assays are also depleted of strongly selected genes. (A) Enrichment of high pLI genes in eGenes identified (i) in fetal brain samples by Aygün et al.70, (ii) at multiple stages of iPS cells differentiation towards neuronal fate by Jerber et al.22 and (iii) in GTEx brain tissues. Sample labels for Jerber et al. refer to different ascertained cell types, at different days of differentiation, and in the presence or absence of stimulation by rotenone (ROT). Cell labels for Jerber et al.: Astro, astrocyte-like; DA, dopaminergic neuron; epen1, ependymal-like 1; FPP, floor plate progenitors; prolif. FPP, proliferating floor plate progenitors; sert, serotonergic-like neuron; D11, day 11 of differentiation; D30, day 30; D52, day 52. (B) Enrichment of high pLI genes in eGenes identified in (i) single-cell analyses of blood cell types by Yazar et al.26 and (ii) GTEx whole blood. Sample labels for Yazar et al. refer to different blood cell types: : B_IN, immature and naive B cell; B_Mem, memory B cell; CD4_ET, CD4+ effector memory and central memory T cell; CD4_NC, CD4+ naive and central memory T cell; CD4_SOX4, CD4+ SOX4 T cell; CD8_ET, CD8+ effector memory T cell; CD8_NC, CD8+ naive and central memory T cell; CD8_S100B, CD8+ S100B T cell; DC, dendritic cell; Mono_C, classical monocyte; Mono_NC, non-classical monocyte; NK, natural killer cell; NK_R, natural killer cell recruiting; Plasma, plasma cell. Enrichment values (on the x-axis) and z-scores (on the y-axis) were computed based on values observed in 10,000 sampling iterations of random genes (Methods).

Extended Data Fig. 9 Effect of eQTL assay sample size on discovery.

Same as Fig. 6B, but with three eQTL discovery thresholds corresponding to different sample sizes. The discovery thresholds are derived by setting the power rate to 15% for GWAS under the assumptions detailed in the Methods section, and to 10%, 15% and 20% for eQTLs.

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Supplementary Table 1

Supplementary Table 1 List of traits and tissues. Supplementary Table 2 List of autosomal protein-coding genes. Supplementary Table 3 List of GWAS hits. The P value column displays association P-values reported by the original GWAS study conducted by the Neale lab. Supplementary Table 4 List of eQTLs. The P value column displays association P values obtained from the GTEx data. Supplementary Table 5 Count of GWAS genes, eQTL genes and eGenes within gene groups categorized by quantiles of continuous gene features. Supplementary Table 6 List of broadly unrelated GO biological process terms. Supplementary Table 7 Enrichment of GO biological processes in GWAS and eQTL genes for individual traits and tissues. Supplementary Table 8 Count of variants located within promoter/enhancer regulatory annotations.

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Mostafavi, H., Spence, J.P., Naqvi, S. et al. Systematic differences in discovery of genetic effects on gene expression and complex traits. Nat Genet 55, 1866–1875 (2023).

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