Correction to: Nature Biotechnology, published online 20 August 2018.

In the supplementary information for this article originally posted, there were copy-and-paste errors in Supplementary Tables 2–7. In Supplementary Table 2, binary values in tab 1 indicating the presence of a protein in each proteome were incorrect. In Supplementary Table 3, Uniprot accession IDs in tab 1 and binary values in tab 1 indicating the presence of a protein in each proteome were incorrect. In Supplementary Table 4, Uniprot accession IDs and gene names in tabs 1 and 2 were incorrect. In Supplementary Table 5, binary values in tab 4 indicating the presence of a protein in the miniTurbo proteome were incorrect; some gene names were missing in tab 6; and the following columns were incorrect in tab 6: Log2(127N/127C), Log2(128N/127C), Log2(129N/129C), Log2(128C/129C), Log2(130N/130C), Log2(131N/130C), log2(131C/129C). In Supplementary Table 6, protein names in tabs 1–3 and binary values indicating the presence of a protein in the miniTurbo proteome in tab 4 were incorrect. In Supplementary Table 7, gene names in tab 3 were missing. The errors have been corrected online.