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Silicon heterojunction back contact solar cells by laser patterning

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Back contact silicon solar cells, valued for their aesthetic appeal by removing grid lines on the sunny side, find applications in buildings, vehicles and aircrafts, enabling self-power generation without compromising appearance1-3. Patterning techniques arrange contacts on the shaded side of the silicon wafer, offering benefits for light incidence as well. However, the patterning process complicates production and causes power loss. Here we employ lasers to streamline back contact solar cell fabrication and enhance power conversion efficiency. Our approach produces the first silicon solar cell to exceed 27% efficiency. Hydrogenated amorphous silicon layers are deposited on the wafer for surface passivation and collection of light-generated carriers. A dense passivating contact, diverging from conventional technology practice, is developed. Pulsed picosecond lasers at different wavelengths are used to create back contact patterns. The developed approach is a streamlined process for producing high-performance back contact silicon solar cells, with a total effective processing time of about one-third that of emerging mainstream technology. To meet terawatt demand, we develop rare indium-less cells at 26.5% efficiency and precious silver-free cells at 26.2% efficiency. The integration of solar solutions in buildings and transportation is poised to expand with these technological advancements.

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Correspondence to Chaowei Xue, Jianning Ding, Liang Fang, Zhenguo Li or Xixiang Xu.

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Wu, H., Ye, F., Yang, M. et al. Silicon heterojunction back contact solar cells by laser patterning. Nature (2024).

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