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RETRACTED ARTICLE: Evidence of near-ambient superconductivity in a N-doped lutetium hydride

This article was retracted on 07 November 2023

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The absence of electrical resistance exhibited by superconducting materials would have enormous potential for applications if it existed at ambient temperature and pressure conditions. Despite decades of intense research efforts, such a state has yet to be realized1,2. At ambient pressures, cuprates are the material class exhibiting superconductivity to the highest critical superconducting transition temperatures (Tc), up to about 133 K (refs. 3,4,5). Over the past decade, high-pressure ‘chemical precompression’6,7 of hydrogen-dominant alloys has led the search for high-temperature superconductivity, with demonstrated Tc approaching the freezing point of water in binary hydrides at megabar pressures8,9,10,11,12,13. Ternary hydrogen-rich compounds, such as carbonaceous sulfur hydride, offer an even larger chemical space to potentially improve the properties of superconducting hydrides14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21. Here we report evidence of superconductivity on a nitrogen-doped lutetium hydride with a maximum Tc of 294 K at 10 kbar, that is, superconductivity at room temperature and near-ambient pressures. The compound was synthesized under high-pressure high-temperature conditions and then—after full recoverability—its material and superconducting properties were examined along compression pathways. These include temperature-dependent resistance with and without an applied magnetic field, the magnetization (M) versus magnetic field (H) curve, a.c. and d.c. magnetic susceptibility, as well as heat-capacity measurements. X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) and theoretical simulations provide some insight into the stoichiometry of the synthesized material. Nevertheless, further experiments and simulations are needed to determine the exact stoichiometry of hydrogen and nitrogen, and their respective atomistic positions, in a greater effort to further understand the superconducting state of the material.

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Fig. 1: Superconductivity in lutetium–nitrogen–hydrogen at near-ambient pressures.
Fig. 2: Temperature-dependent and field-dependent electrical resistance and VI behaviour of the lutetium–nitrogen–hydrogen system.
Fig. 3: Magnetic susceptibility.
Fig. 4: Specific-heat-capacity measurement on the superconducting lutetium–nitrogen–hydrogen system.
Fig. 5: XRD studies of the superconducting lutetium–nitrogen–hydrogen system.

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The authors declare that the data supporting the findings of this study are available in the article and its supplementary information files and from the public link data are provided with this paper.

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  • 24 March 2023

    In the version of this article initially published, the Figure 2 Source data file was an incorrect version and has now been updated in the HTML version of the article.

  • 01 September 2023

    Editor’s Note: Readers are alerted that the reliability of data presented in this manuscript is currently in question. Appropriate editorial action will be taken once this matter is resolved.

  • 07 November 2023

    This article has been retracted. Please see the Retraction Notice for more detail:


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We thank B. Brennessel from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Rochester for providing the technical assistance during the XRD and elemental analysis. We thank M. Debessai for his assistance on the coil setup for the magnetic-susceptibility measurements. Also, we thank I. Silvera and I. Hogarth for the useful scientific discussions and R. C. Heist and L. Koelbl for reading through the manuscript and providing valuable suggestions. Preparation of diamond surfaces and EDX measurements were performed in part at the University of Rochester Integrated Nanosystems Center. Computational resources were provided by the Center for Integrated Research Computing at the University of Rochester. This research was supported by NSF grant no. DMR-2046796, Unearthly Materials Inc. and US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Fusion Energy Sciences under award number DE-SC0020340.

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Authors and Affiliations



N.D.-G., E.S., R.M. and H.P. contributed equally to this work as co-first authors. E.S., D.D., N.D.-G., R.M., H.P. and R.P.D. contributed to performing the electrical-conductivity measurements. N.D.-G., N.K.-S., S.M., S.E.D. and R.P.D. contributed to performing a.c. magnetic-susceptibility measurements and analysed the data. N.D.-G., R.M. and R.P.D. contributed to performing heat-capacity measurements and the analysis. E.S., N.D.-G., R.M., D.D., H.P. and S.E.D. contributed to performing elemental analysis, EDX studies and XRD measurements. H.P., R.M., S.E.D. and R.P.D. contributed to performing Raman studies and H.P. and R.P.D. analysed the data. S.E.D. and A.S. performed structure analysis. H.P., S.E.D. and R.P.D. performed the magnetization measurements using a PPMS and R.P.D. analysed the data. K.V.L. and A.S. performed the simulations and analysed the data and chemistry protocol. N.D.-G., K.V.L., A.S., S.E.D. and R.P.D. wrote the paper. All authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript. R.P.D. conceived the project and oversaw the entire project.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Ranga P. Dias.

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Competing interests

The University of Rochester (U of R) has patents pending related to the discoveries of R.P.D. in the field of superconductivity. R.P.D. is a cofounder and chairman of the board of Unearthly Materials Inc. (UM), a Delaware corporation. UM has licensing agreements with U of R related to the patents, proprietary interests and commercialization rights related to the scientific discoveries of R.P.D. UM, U of R and R.P.D. are subject to non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements. A.S. is a cofounder, president, chief executive officer and board member of UM.

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Extended data figures and tables

Extended Data Fig. 1 Raman spectra.

a, The spectral deconvolution of Raman spectra of compound A on compression. b, The Raman shift versus pressure of compound A at high pressures, indicating the three distinct phases. c, The spectral deconvolution of Raman spectra of compound B on compression.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 2 The heat-capacity setup.

Top, schematic rendering of the new a.c calorimetry technique (not to scale). The sample is surrounded by a NaCl insert with a heater and thermocouple making contact with the sample. a, View of the preparation as seen from the side showing the thermocouple making contact with the sample inside the DAC. b, View of the preparation as seen from the top of the sample area showing the configuration of heater, thermocouple and Pt leads. Bottom left, heat-capacity setup before loading sample. The thermocouple consists of a shorted alumel/chromel pair. The heater pair consists of a shorted metal, nichrome, Ti or Pt. When driven at frequency f, the sample temperature modulates at frequency 2 × ƒ, which manifests as a voltage on the thermocouple pair that can be measured by a lock-in amplifier. Bottom right, after the sample is loaded, in contact with both the heater and the thermocouple, a small piece of NaCl is placed on top to thermally insulate it from the diamond.

Extended Data Fig. 3 Frequency response.

Frequency and current sweeps measured on a heat-capacity setup before running the experiment. The frequency sweep shows the characteristic plateau and the current sweep demonstrates quadratic dependence, as expected from ohmic heating.

Extended Data Fig. 4 Heat capacity.

Specific heat capacity of MgB2 as a function of temperature at 15 kbar and 127 Hz. The superconducting signature is clearly observed at 32 K. Inset, recorded lock-in voltages during the frequency sweeps at 60 K.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 5 a.c. susceptibility data before background subtraction.

Voltage in volts versus temperature plots at different pressures before the background subtraction. Cubic or quadratic polynomial background was used for background subtraction for susceptibility data. This figure shows fittings with cubic or quadratic polynomials indicated by the red lines. For a.c. susceptibility data, the background subtraction was done mainly for visualization purposes.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 6 Further a.c. susceptibility measurements.

a, The a.c. susceptibility in nanovolts versus temperature for a larger sample of the N-doped Lu hydride system at select pressures from run 2, showing large diamagnetic signal of the superconducting transition owing to the large volume of the sample. The superconducting transition shifts rapidly under pressure to lower temperatures. a.c. susceptibility measurements taken over broader temperature ranges for N-doped Lu hydride at 4 kbar (b), 6 kbar (c) and 8 kbar (d). The red line in bd is the quadratic fit for the background and the insets show the signals with the background subtracted. e, a.c. susceptibility measurements of MgB2 as a function of temperature using exact same coil set up as the test sample.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 7 EDX measurements.

For EDX measurements, samples were prepared by mounting on an aluminium pin mount with double-sided carbon tape. The samples were then imaged using a Zeiss Auriga scanning electron microscope. Regions of interest were chosen by comparing the scanning electron microscopy image to a white-light image taken beforehand. EDX measurements were performed in the Zeiss Auriga scanning electron microscope with a driving energy of 15 kV and collected and analysed using an EDAX detector with the EDAX APEX software. Carbon and aluminium peaks seen in the EDX spectra originating from the carbon tape and aluminium mount required to place the samples into the scanning electron microscope vacuum chamber. EDX measurements provide further evidence for the presence of nitrogen in our samples.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 8 Phonon bands of stoichiometric Lu hydrides.

The calculated phonon band structures of 0 kbar LuH2 in the fluorite structure (a), \(Fm\bar{3}m\) LuH3 (b), LuH in the RS structure (c) and LuH in the ZB structure (d). e, The calculated phonon band structures of 0 kbar LuH2 in the fluorite structure using a triclinic representation of the lattice vectors with x parallel to a and z parallel to c*, as opposed to the more highly symmetric lattice vectors for a primitive cell of a fcc cell; in this representation, the structure is represented with D3d point-group symmetry as opposed to Oh point-group symmetry as in a. f, The calculated phonon band structures of 0 kbar LuH3 using the same triclinic representation of the lattice vectors and point-group symmetry as in e.

Extended Data Fig. 9 Rietveld refinement of site occupancies.

a, Rietveld refinement of the X-ray powder diffraction data collected at 295 K with Cu Kα radiation with refining the occupancy of the tetrahedral interstitial site with N for nitrogen-doped lutetium hydride. b, Simulation of the XRD pattern with Cu Kα wavelength for LuH3 (red), LuH3 with a N replacing a single H in an octahedral site (blue) and a tetrahedral site (green). Rietveld refinement of the X-ray powder diffraction data of ground powder sample was performed with an attempt to investigate the possible N substitution in nitrogen-doped lutetium hydride. We note here that XRD is mostly dominated by heavy Lu atoms.

Extended Data Fig. 10 Projected density of states.

The atom and angular momentum projected partial density of states of LuH2 in the fluorite structure (a); \(Fm\bar{3}m\) LuH3 (b); the cubic cell of \(Fm\bar{3}m\) LuH3 with a N substituted for a H in an octahedral (c) and tetrahedral (d) interstice; and a 2 × 2 × 2 supercell of the rhombohedral primitive cell of \(Fm\bar{3}m\) LuH3 with a N substituted for a H in an octahedral (e) and tetrahedral (f) interstice. In the legends, Oct- means hydrogens in the octahedral interstices and Tet- means hydrogens in the tetrahedral interstices. Each channel is summed over all similar atoms in the unit cell and the plots are scaled to represent a maximum value of 2.5 states eV−1 per formula unit.

Extended Data Fig. 11 Distorted structures predicted by DFT.

a, The distortions to the octahedral hydrogens observed by substituting a N atom for a tetrahedral atom in a single unit cell of \(Fm\bar{3}m\) LuH3. b, The Pmnm LuH3 structure found by perturbing the cubic \(Fm\bar{3}m\) unit cell of LuH3, which suggests possible light-atom positions in phase III. c, The lattice distortions from substituting a N into a tetrahedral interstice in a 2 × 2 × 2 supercell of the rhombohedral primitive of LuH3. d, The lattice distortions from substituting a N into an octahedral interstice in a 2 × 2 × 2 supercell of the rhombohedral primitive of LuH3. The lutetium atoms are green, the nitrogen atoms are lavender and the hydrogen atoms in octahedral interstitial sites are white and those in tetrahedral interstitial sites are pink. In b, there is no distinction made between the hydrogen atom sites, so they are all white.

Extended Data Fig. 12 Superconducting transition widths.

For comparison, the superconducting transition obtained from electrical measurements and a.c. susceptibility measurement at a similar pressure (16 kbar) is shown by red and blue, respectively. The transition width of the resistance drop is 1.3 K and 1.6 K for the a.c. magnetic susceptibility measurement.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 13 Low-temperature electrical-resistance behaviour of N-doped Lu–H systems.

a, The resistance measured on both warming and cooling at about 10 kbar. b, Temperature-dependent electrical resistance of phases I and III, showing the non-superconducting state. c, Four-probe electrical-resistance measurements of different Lu–H–N samples, which consistently shows highly metallic behaviour with decreasing temperature.

Extended Data Fig. 14 Magnetic-susceptibility background and smoothing.

ac, The ZFC and FC magnetization versus temperature at 8 kbar used to construct Fig. 3a, along with a linear fit to the data at temperatures above the transition temperature, which was used for the background subtraction. d, The ZFC and FC curves with the linear backgrounds shown in b and c subtracted out, as well as with a ten-point adjacent-average smoothing applied. e, The measured cell background at 60 Oe for the HMD cell used for the d.c. measurements.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 15 Electrical-resistance behaviour under magnetic field.

Low-temperature electrical-resistance behaviour under magnetic fields of H = 0 T, 1 T and 3 T (increasing from right to left) at 15 kbar. In this study, the superconductivity of nitrogen-doped lutetium hydride is suppressed by the application of a 3-T external magnetic field, reducing Tc by about 5 K at 15 kbar, further confirming a superconducting transition. The temperature dependence of the resistance of a simple metal is written as: R(T) = Ro + aT2 + bT5. We fit the data below T < 220 K for each field, at which the resistance goes to the minimum value, to that function and subtracted it out. Inset top, the superconducting transition width, ΔTc, at 15 kbar slightly increases under external magnetic fields. The ΔTc has a good linear relationship with the applied magnetic field, as expected from the percolation model. The superconducting transition width is defined here as ΔTc = T90% − T10%, in which T90% and T10% are the temperatures corresponding to 90% and 10% of the resistance at 292 K, respectively. Fitting to the linear relation of ΔTc = ΔTc(0) + kHc2, in which ΔTc(0) is the width at zero external field and k is a constant, provides the values ΔTc(0) = 36.3 K and k = 0.07 KT−1. The large transition width at zero field indicates sample inhomogeneities, which is typical for high-pressure experiments. Inset bottom, the temperature dependence of the upper critical field, \({H}_{{\rm{c}}}\left(T\right)={H}_{{\rm{c}}}\left(0\right)\left[1-{\left(\frac{T}{{T}_{{\rm{c}}}}\right)}^{2}\right]\), can be expressed using GL theory or the conventional Werthamer–Helfand–Hohenberg model. The GL model in the limit of zero temperature yields Hc2(0) ≈ 88 T. From the Werthamer–Helfand–Hohenberg model in the dirty limit, Hc2(0) can be extrapolated from the slope of the HT curve as \({H}_{{\rm{c2}}}\left(0\right)=0.693{\left|\frac{{{\rm{d}}H}_{{\rm{c}}2}}{{\rm{d}}T}\right|}_{T={T}_{{\rm{c}}}}{T}_{{\rm{c}}}\), which yields roughly 122 T.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 16 Phonon bands of pressurized stoichiometric Lu hydrides.

The calculated phonon band structures of LuH2 in the fluorite structure (left) and LuH in the ZB structure (right) at 0 kbar (top row), 10 kbar (second row), 30 kbar (third row) and 50 kbar (bottom row). The electronic smearing width is 0.005 Ry and the lattice vectors are the highly symmetric ones for a fcc cell. Negligible change in the computed electron–phonon couplings or logarithmic frequency is seen for LuH2 on pressurization.

Supplementary information

Supplementary Video

Notable visual transformation of N-doped lutetium hydride. The high-pressure lutetium–nitrogen–hydrogen system is accompanied by a marked visual transformation over just a few kbar of pressure. The recovered sample is initially in a non-superconducting metallic phase with a lustrous bluish colour, denoted as phase I. Compression to 3 kbar drives the progression of the system into phase II, leading to the superconducting regime, and this transformation is associated with a sudden change in colour from blue to pink. Compression above around 32 kbar drives the sample through another phase transition into phase III. Phase III is a non-superconducting metallic state that is once again distinct in colour, being bright red in appearance.

Theory Plotting Data (ED8)

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Dasenbrock-Gammon, N., Snider, E., McBride, R. et al. RETRACTED ARTICLE: Evidence of near-ambient superconductivity in a N-doped lutetium hydride. Nature 615, 244–250 (2023).

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