Correction to: Nature Published online 22 April 2015

In Extended Data Fig. 9a of this Article, the casp-3 immunohistochemical staining images in the HEA125 and Ama-3 treatment groups of POLR2Aloss tumours were inadvertently taken from serial tissue sections of a tumour in the Ama-3 treatment group of POLR2Aneutral tumours. In Fig. 1 of this Amendment, we have replaced these two images with corrected ones (highlighted by red boxes). All of the original casp-3 staining images from the POLR2Aneutral and POLR2Aloss tumours with indicated treatments are shown in Supplementary Information to this Amendment. The immunohistochemistry staining images were not used for quantitative analysis in the study, and this mistake does not affect the conclusions of the original Article. The original Article has not been corrected online.

Fig. 1: This is the original and corrected Extended Data Fig. 9a of the original Article.
figure 1

The affected panels are highlighted by red boxes.

Supplementary information is available in the online version of this Amendment.