The growing maturity of integrated photonic technology makes it possible to build increasingly large and complex photonic circuits on the surface of a chip. Today, most of these circuits are designed for a specific application, but the increase in complexity has introduced a generation of photonic circuits that can be programmed using software for a wide variety of functions through a mesh of on-chip waveguides, tunable beam couplers and optical phase shifters. Here we discuss the state of this emerging technology, including recent developments in photonic building blocks and circuit architectures, as well as electronic control and programming strategies. We cover possible applications in linear matrix operations, quantum information processing and microwave photonics, and examine how these generic chips can accelerate the development of future photonic circuits by providing a higher-level platform for prototyping novel optical functionalities without the need for custom chip fabrication.
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D.A.B.M. acknowledges support from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) under award number FA9550-17-1-0002. D.E. acknowledges support from AFOSR award FA9550-16-1-0391 and Air Force Research Laboratory award FA8750-16-2-0141. W.B. acknowledges the European Research Council (ERC) for support through consolidator grant number 725555 (PhotonicSWARM) and the European H2020 programme for project grant 780283 (MORPHIC). J.C. and D.P. acknowledge the European Research Council (ERC) for support through advanced grant number 741415 (UMWPCHIP), Proof of Concept Grant 859927 (FPPAs) and Spanish Grant Juan de la Cierva. F.M. and A.M. acknowledge the European Commission for support through H2020 grant number 829116 (Super-Pixels) and Polifab, Politecnico di Milano for supporting the review of technology aspects.
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Bogaerts, W., Pérez, D., Capmany, J. et al. Programmable photonic circuits. Nature 586, 207–216 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2764-0
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2764-0
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