Nature Reviews Neuroscience (2019) Published online 04 March 2019

In part b of Figure 2 in this article, the left bounds of the boxes representing the spatiotemporal resolution of ‘EEG/MEG’ and ‘ECoG’ were incorrect. Specifically, the limits of highest temporal resolution for EEG/MEG and ECoG were shown as ~200 ms and ~10 ms and are now corrected to ~2 ms and <1 ms, respectively. In addition, the lower bounds of the boxes representing ‘fMRI/PET’ and ‘EEG/MEG’ incorrectly showed the highest spatial resolution limits of these technologies as ~1 mm and have been corrected to <1 mm and <10 mm, respectively. The upper bound of the ‘Implantable electrical probes’ box also incorrectly showed the spatial span as ~0.1 mm and has been corrected to between 0.1 and 1 mm due to different spans in different dimensions. The figure has been updated in the online version of the article

Fig. 2
figure 2

Original and Corrected.