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2D materials for quantum information science


The transformation of digital computers from bulky machines to portable systems has been enabled by new materials and advanced processing technologies that allow ultrahigh integration of solid-state electronic switching devices. As this conventional scaling pathway has approached atomic-scale dimensions, the constituent nanomaterials (such as SiO2 gate dielectrics, poly-Si floating gates and Co–Cr–Pt ferromagnetic alloys) increasingly possess properties that are dominated by quantum physics. In parallel, quantum information science has emerged as an alternative to conventional transistor technology, promising new paradigms in computation, communication and sensing. The convergence between quantum materials properties and prototype quantum devices is especially apparent in the field of 2D materials, which offer a broad range of materials properties, high flexibility in fabrication pathways and the ability to form artificial states of quantum matter. In this Review, we discuss the quantum properties and potential of 2D materials as solid-state platforms for quantum-dot qubits, single-photon emitters, superconducting qubits and topological quantum computing elements. By focusing on the interplay between quantum physics and materials science, we identify key opportunities and challenges for the use of 2D materials in the field of quantum information science.

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Fig. 1: Graphene single-quantum-dot devices.
Fig. 2: Graphene multi-quantum-dot devices.
Fig. 3: Single-photon emitters in 2D materials.
Fig. 4: 2D superconducting qubits.
Fig. 5: Topological quantum computing.
Fig. 6: Emerging opportunities.

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X.L. and M.C.H. acknowledge support from the Office of Naval Research (ONR N00014-17-1-2993) and the National Science Foundation Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (NSF DMR-1720139). X.L. further acknowledges support from a Ryan Fellowship that is administered through the Northwestern University International Institute for Nanotechnology.

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Liu, X., Hersam, M.C. 2D materials for quantum information science. Nat Rev Mater 4, 669–684 (2019).

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