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Hallmarks of cardiac regeneration

Despite substantial advances, bona fide regeneration of the damaged human heart is still an unmet ambition. By extracting our current knowledge from developmental biology, animal models of heart regeneration, and clinical observations, we propose five hallmarks of cardiac regeneration and suggest a holistic approach to reconstituting human heart function.

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Fig. 1: Properties of the regenerating heart.


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A.B. holds an EMBO Long-Term Fellowship (ALTF 448–2017). C.E.M receives support from NIH grants R01HL128362, R01HL084642, and P01HL094374, and a grant from Fondation Leducq Transatlantic Network of Excellence.

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Correspondence to Charles E. Murry.

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C.E.M is a scientific founder and equity holder in Cytocardia. A.B. declares no competing interests.

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Bertero, A., Murry, C.E. Hallmarks of cardiac regeneration. Nat Rev Cardiol 15, 579–580 (2018).

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