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Cancer progression and the invisible phase of metastatic colonization


Metastatic dissemination occurs very early in the malignant progression of a cancer but the clinical manifestation of metastases often takes years. In recent decades, 5-year survival of patients with many solid cancers has increased due to earlier detection, local disease control and adjuvant therapies. As a consequence, we are confronted with an increase in late relapses as more antiproliferative cancer therapies prolong disease courses, raising questions about how cancer cells survive, evolve or stop growing and finally expand during periods of clinical latency. I argue here that the understanding of early metastasis formation, particularly of the currently invisible phase of metastatic colonization, will be essential for the next stage in adjuvant therapy development that reliably prevents metachronous metastasis.

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Fig. 1: Tumour growth kinetics over disease courses.
Fig. 2: Metastatic dissemination and systemic support of colonization.
Fig. 3: Metastatic colony formation during the invisible phase of systemic cancer.
Fig. 4: Effects of adjuvant therapies on metachronous relapses.

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The author thanks S. Pausch for help with the figures, T. Perry for critical reading of the manuscript and M. Guzvic for hints about relevant references.

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Correspondence to Christoph A. Klein.

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The author is a member of the scientific advisory board of HiberCell.

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Klein, C.A. Cancer progression and the invisible phase of metastatic colonization. Nat Rev Cancer 20, 681–694 (2020).

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