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Non-Abelian chiral dynamics in a lattice under synthetic SU(2) gauge fields

A tunable SU(2) gauge field has been realized experimentally in a Raman momentum lattice using ultracold atoms. The chiral dynamics of the system have been investigated under different gauge potentials, whose non-Abelian nature was confirmed through observation of the non-Abelian Aharonov–Bohm effect.

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Fig. 1: Chiral dynamics of the spinful flux ladder under SU(2) gauge fields.


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This is a summary of: Liang, Q. et al. Chiral dynamics of ultracold atoms under a tunable SU(2) synthetic gauge field. Nat. Phys. (2024).

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Non-Abelian chiral dynamics in a lattice under synthetic SU(2) gauge fields. Nat. Phys. (2024).

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