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Learning models of quantum systems from experiments


As Hamiltonian models underpin the study and analysis of physical and chemical processes, it is crucial that they are faithful to the system they represent. However, formulating and testing candidate Hamiltonians for quantum systems from experimental data is difficult, because one cannot directly observe which interactions are present. Here we propose and demonstrate an automated protocol to overcome this challenge by designing an agent that exploits unsupervised machine learning. We first show the capabilities of our approach to infer the correct Hamiltonian when studying a nitrogen-vacancy centre set-up. In preliminary simulations, the exact model is known and is correctly inferred with success rates up to 59%. When using experimental data, 74% of protocol instances retrieve models that are deemed plausible. Simulated multi-spin systems, characterized by a space of 1010 possible models, are also investigated by incorporating a genetic algorithm in our protocol, which identifies the target model in 85% of instances. The development of automated agents, capable of formulating and testing modelling hypotheses from limited prior assumptions, represents a fundamental step towards the characterization of large quantum systems.

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Fig. 1: Overview of the QMLA protocol and its principal subroutines.
Fig. 2: QMLA results for simulated and experimental data, describing a NV centre system.
Fig. 3: QMLA applied to systems composed of several interacting spins implementing various exploration strategies.

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Data availability

Data and analysis scripts are available at The data are presented in CSV format with analysis in Python using Pandas and NumPy libraries.

Code availability

Our code, written in Python and implemented via the Portable Batch System for parallel processing, is available at, with documentation at


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We thank C. Bonato, F. Jelezko, F. Marquardt, T. Fösel, C. Woods, J. Wang, M. G. Thompson, A. Paiement, A. Cimarelli, P. Yard and J. Bulmer for useful discussions and feedback. A.A.G., S.K., S.P. and R.S. acknowledge support from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), programme grant no. EP/L024020/1. B.F. acknowledges support from Airbus and EPSRC grant EP/P510427/1. N.W. was funded by a grant from Google Quantum AI, the NQI center for Quantum Co-Design, the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory LDRD programme and the ‘Embedding Quantum Computing into Many-Body Frameworks for Strongly Correlated Molecular and Materials Systems’ project, funded by the US Department of Energy (DOE). J.G.R. acknowledges support from EPSRC (EP/M024458/1). A.L. acknowledges fellowship support from EPSRC (EP/N003470/1). This work is supported by the UK Hub in Quantum Computing and Simulation, part of the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme with funding from UKRI EPSRC grant no. EP/T001062/1, and by the European project QuCHIP (Quantum Simulation on a Photonic Chip; grant agreement no. 641039). This work was carried out using the computational facilities of the Advanced Computing Research Centre, University of Bristol (

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R.S., A.A.G. and N.W. conceived the methodology. B.F., A.A.G. and R.S. performed simulations with support from N.W., S.P. and C.E.G. S.K. built the set-up and performed the experiments under the guidance of J.G.R. A.A.G., R.S., B.F. and S.P. analysed and interpreted the data with support from N.W., S.K. and C.E.G. A.A.G., R.S., B.F., S.K., N.W., S.P., C.E.G. and A.L. wrote the manuscript. R.S. and A.L. supervised the project.

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Correspondence to Raffaele Santagati.

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Gentile, A.A., Flynn, B., Knauer, S. et al. Learning models of quantum systems from experiments. Nat. Phys. 17, 837–843 (2021).

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