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Molecular lattice clock with long vibrational coherence


Atomic lattice clocks have spurred numerous ideas for tests of fundamental physics, detection of general relativistic effects and studies of interacting many-body systems. On the other hand, molecular structure and dynamics offer rich energy scales that are at the heart of new protocols in precision measurement and quantum information science. Here, we demonstrate a fundamentally distinct type of lattice clock that is based on vibrations in diatomic molecules, and present coherent Rabi oscillations between weakly and deeply bound molecules that persist for tens of milliseconds. This control is made possible by a state-insensitive magic lattice trap that weakly couples to molecular vibronic resonances and enhances the coherence time of light-induced clock state superpositions by several orders of magnitude. The achieved quality factor Q = 8 × 1011 results from 30 Hz narrow resonances for a 25 THz clock transition in Sr2 molecules. Our technique of extended coherent manipulation is applicable to long-term storage of quantum information in qubits based on ultracold polar molecules, while the vibrational clock enables precise probes of interatomic forces, tests of Newtonian gravitation at ultrashort range and model-independent searches for electron-to-proton mass ratio variations.

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Fig. 1: Vibrational molecular lattice clock.
Fig. 2: Magic lattice for the molecular clock.
Fig. 3: Coherent control of molecular clock states.
Fig. 4: Magic intensity ratio for a two-photon clock transition.

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The data that support the plots within this paper and other findings of the study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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We acknowledge support from NSF grant no. PHY-1349725 and ONR grant no. N00014-17-1-2246, as well as Polish National Science Center grant no. 2016/20/W/ST4/00314.

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S.S.K., C.-H.L., K.H.L., C.L. and T.Z. designed and performed the experiments and interpreted the data. I.M. and R.M. carried out the theoretical analysis.

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Correspondence to T. Zelevinsky.

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Kondov, S.S., Lee, CH., Leung, K.H. et al. Molecular lattice clock with long vibrational coherence. Nat. Phys. 15, 1118–1122 (2019).

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