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High-resolution non-line-of-sight imaging employing active focusing


Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) imaging is a rapidly developing research direction that has significant applications in autonomous vehicles, remote sensing and other areas. Existing NLOS methods primarily depend on time-gated measurements and sophisticated signal processing to extract information from scattered light. Here we introduce a method that directly manipulates light to counter the wall’s scattering. This method, termed unseen non-line-of-sight casted optical aperture visibility-enhanced return (UNCOVER) focusing, operates by actively focusing light onto the hidden target using wavefront shaping. By raster scanning that focus, we can actively image the hidden object. The focus thus formed is near diffraction limited and can be substantially smaller than the object itself, thereby enabling us to perform NLOS imaging with unprecedented resolution. We demonstrate that a resolution of ~0.6 mm at a distance of 0.55 m is achievable in UNCOVER, giving us a distance-to-resolution ratio of ~970.

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Fig. 1: Concept of the system setup.
Fig. 2: Step-by-step procedure for UNCOVER.
Fig. 3: System setup.
Fig. 4: UNCOVER results using different targets.
Fig. 5: UNCOVER scanning result of two targets whose reflection coefficients differ greatly.

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The data that support the plots within this paper and other findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

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The code that supports the plots within this paper and other findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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This research is supported by Caltech Sensing to Intelligence (S2I) (award no. 13520296) to R.C., F.G., B.B., J.X. and C.Y.

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C.Y. conceived the idea. R.C., B.B. and J.X. developed the idea. R.C. designed and developed the experimental protocol and setup. R.C. conducted the theoretical analysis, conducted the experiments and wrote the simulation and experiment codes. F.G. helped with the simulation code. All the authors contributed to the preparation of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Changhuei Yang.

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The authors declare the following competing interests: in October 2020, California Institute of Technology filed a patent for UNCOVER (US application no. 63/090,429), which covered the concept and implementation of the UNCOVER system described here.

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Nature Photonics thanks Daniele Faccio, Allard Mosk and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Optimized foci in UNCOVER at different initial-signal levels.

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Cao, R., de Goumoens, F., Blochet, B. et al. High-resolution non-line-of-sight imaging employing active focusing. Nat. Photon. 16, 462–468 (2022).

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