Correction to: Nature Photonics, published online 26 February 2018.

In the version of this Letter originally published, in equation (2), the vectors ‘\(\vec{E}\)’ and ‘\(\vec{H}\)’ should have appeared as ‘E’ and ‘H’; equations (3)–(7) and (11) appeared incorrectly, they were broken at the wrong places; in Fig. 1b, in the right panel, the equation was wrong and should have read ‘\({\varepsilon }_{z}/{\varepsilon }_{0}=\alpha {\mu }_{z}/{\mu }_{0}\)’; and in Fig. 2b, there was an artefact in the t = 4 image labelled ‘Total, Transmission = 0.994’ as well as a white line separating all t = 3 images from the t = 4 images. These errors have now been corrected in the online versions.