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Engineering modular enzymes using DNA origami

A DNA origami nanocompartment is designed to trap an unfoldase machine in a unidirectional orientation. This trapping provides a gateway mechanism for substrate recruitment and translocation to a downstream compartment that hosts a protease. Kinetics and proteomics data demonstrate that the physical connection of the DNA-based modules improves the global performance of the chimera and reduces off-target reactions.

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Fig. 1: Nanoscale model of a self-compartmentalized protein unfolding and degradation machine.


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This is a summary of: Huang, J. et al. A modular DNA origami nanocompartment for engineering a cell-free, protein unfolding and degradation pathway. Nat. Nanotechnol. (2024).

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Engineering modular enzymes using DNA origami. Nat. Nanotechnol. (2024).

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