Correction to: Nature Nanotechnology Published online 9 March 2023.

In the version of this article initially published, there was a typographical error in Fig. 1b, where the size “26.4 nm” in the DNJ-37 subsection originally read “36.4 nm”; a layout error in Fig. 2h where the histograms for DNJ-7 and DNJ-13 were reversed; a layout error in Fig. 3d, bottom right, where the “Cell only / Activated 0.11” and “Q4 + LPS / Activated 81.20” panels were reversed; a labelling error in Fig. 4f, left panel, where “sTDN” originally read “sDNJ”; and a layout error in Fig. 5g, where the “Overlay / DNJ-7” and “Overlay / DNJ-13” images were reversed. The figures have been updated in the HTML and PDF versions of the article.