Correction to: Nature Nanotechnology, published online 11 November 2021.

In the original version of this article, the words “imides” and “imide” were misspelled as “polyimides” and “polyimide,” respectively. These mistakes involved the following originally published phrases/sentences: “including cyclic and branched polysiloxanes or polyimides” in the Abstract and “Formation of polyimides-containing particles (type II MNPs) due to decomposition of the PA resin additive,” “The risks to infant and environmental health posed by the cyclic and branched polysiloxane- or polyimide-containing MNPs are as yet unknown,” and “to demonstrate the formation of cyclic and branched polysiloxane- or polyimide-containing MNPs during the steam disinfection of silicone teats” in the main text. These instances of “polyimides” or “polyimide” need to be changed to “imides” or “imide,” respectively. In addition, the sentence “The polyimide molecules (that is, ~CH2–CO–NH–CO–CH2~) comprised the type II MNPs” in the main text and “The polyimide molecules comprised the type II MNPs” in the Supplementary Information need to be changed to “The imide structures (that is, ~CH2–CO–NH–CO–CH2~) comprised the type II MNPs” and “The imide structures comprised the type II MNPs,” respectively. The changes have been made to the HTML and PDF versions of the article, and the Supplementary Information is now updated.