The type III-E CRISPR–Cas system uses a single multidomain effector called Cas7-11 (also named gRAMP) to cleave RNA and associate with a caspase-like protease Csx29, showing promising potential for RNA-targeting applications. The structural and molecular mechanisms of the type III-E CRISPR–Cas system remain poorly understood. Here we report four cryo-electron microscopy structures of Cas7-11 at different functional states. Cas7-11 has four Cas7-like domains, which assemble into a helical filament to accommodate CRISPR RNA (crRNA), and a Cas11-like domain facilitating crRNA–target RNA duplex formation. The Cas7.1 domain is critical for crRNA maturation, whereas Cas7.2 and Cas7.3 are responsible for target RNA cleavage. Target RNA binding induces the structural arrangements of Csx29, potentially exposing the catalytic site of Csx29. These results delineate the molecular mechanisms underlying pre-crRNA processing, target RNA recognition and cleavage for Cas7-11, and provide a structural framework to understand the role of Csx29 in type III-E CRISPR system.
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The atomic coordinates and EM maps have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank under accession codes 7X7A (SbCas7-11–crRNA), 7X7R (SbCas7-11–crRNA–target RNA), 7X8A (SbCas7-11–crRNA–Csx29) and 7XC7 (SbCas7-11–crRNA–target RNA–Csx29), and in the Electron Microscopy Data Bank under corresponding accession codes EMD-33040, EMD-33046, EMD-33056 and EMD-33114. All data supporting the conclusions of this paper have been included. Source data are provided with this paper.
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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (32071218 to H.Z. and 32200496 to G.Y.) and the CAS Pioneer Hundred Talents Program to Z.D. We thank C. Xie and J. Jin for critical suggestions. We thank G. Rao for his help in cryo-EM data collection. We thank the Center for Instrumental Analysis and Metrology of Wuhan Institute of Virology for providing technical assistance.
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Authors and Affiliations
H.Z., Z.D. and G.Y. conceived the study. X.W. and Y.Z. performed molecular cloning, protein purification and biochemical assays with the help of Y.W., X.L. and H.Y. Z.D. and Q.A. collected and analysed cryo-EM data. G.Y. built and refined the structure model with input from Z.D. and H.Z. H.Z. wrote the manuscript with contributions from G.Y. and Z.D.
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Extended data
Extended Data Fig. 1 SbCas7-11 domain structures.
a-d, Atomic models and the cryo-EM densities of Cas7.1-4 domains, displaying the thumb-palm-finger architecture. e, Overall structure, and density of Cas11 domain. f, Cryo-EM density map of resolved crRNA. The repeat and spacer regions are colored in grey and orange, respectively. g, A continuous density protruding from Cas7.1 connected to the 5’ side of the 18-nt repeat at a lower threshold.
Extended Data Fig. 2 Sequence alignment of the Cas7-11 orthologs.
The residues crucial for the pre-crRNA maturation are indicated by green dots. The active-site residues in Cas7.2 and Cas7.3 are indicated by pink and cyan triangles, respectively. The residues critical for crRNA recognition and target RNA cleavage are indicated by orange stars. CjcCas7-11, Cas7-11 from Candidatus Jettenia caeni; CbfCas7-11, Cas7-11 from Candidatus Brocadia fulgida; SstCas7-11, Cas7-11 from Sorted cell/s from Southern Trench hydrothermal vent microbial mat; HsmCas7-11, Cas7-11 from Hydrothermal sediment microbial communities from Guaymas Basin; DsbaCas7-11, Cas7-11 from Desulfobactera ceae bacterium.
Extended Data Fig. 3 Structural and biochemical studies of Cas7.1 domain in pre-crRNA processing.
a, The polar residues in SbCas7-11 equivalent to those selected for mutagenesis in DiCas7-11 are shown in stick representations. b, In vitro pre-crRNA cleavage assay with WT and mutated DiCas7-11 proteins. The corresponding residues in SbCas7-11 are shown in parentheses (green). These gels are representative of three replicate experiments. c, In vitro target RNA cleavage assay of WT and mutant DiCas7-11 proteins. These gels are representative of three replicate experiments.
Extended Data Fig. 4 Structural comparison between SbCas7-11-crRNA-target RNA ternary complex and DiCas7-11-crRNA-target RNA ternary complex.
a, Superposition of the target RNA-bound SbCas7-11 ternary complex (white) and the target RNA-bound DiCas7-11 ternary complex (salmon, PDB:7WAH). b, Detailed comparison of the Cas7.1 (left), Cas7.2 (middle) and Cas7.3 (right) domains responsible for pre-crRNA maturation and target RNA cleavage at site 1 and 2, respectively. The residues in the active sites are shown in stick representation.
Extended Data Fig. 5 Recognition of crRNA by SbCas7-11.
a, The recognition of crRNA by SbCas7-11. The finger and thumb regions are shown in ribbon representations. The other areas have been omitted for clarity. The 5-nt bracket sequence is indicated by arrows. b, Close-up view of the interactions between the crRNA repeat region and SbCas7-11. The crRNA-interacting residues of SbCas7-11 are shown as sticks. c, Close-up view of the interactions between the crRNA spacer region and SbCas7-11. d, In vitro target RNA cleavage assay of WT and mutant SbCas7-11 proteins. These gels are representative of three replicate experiments.
Extended Data Fig. 6 IPD may associate with crRNA and regulate target RNA cleavage.
a, Cryo-EM density of SbCas7-11-crRNA complex with the focused refined IPD region. An atomic model predicted with AlphaFold2 was docked and refined with the density. An extra density (circled in magenta) was observed in IPD, potentially attributed to crRNA. b, Superimposition of the predicted IPD domain and CSD1 domain in the Upstream-of-N-ras (Unr) protein (PDB: 4QQB). c, In vitro target RNA cleavage assay shows that the IPD domain is dispensable for the target RNA cleavage activity of SbCas7-11. This gel is a representative of three replicate experiments. Del-IPD-1: The IPD region (aa 1032-1387) was replaced with a GGGS linker in SbCas7-11. Del-IPD-2: The IPD region (aa 1038-1383) was replaced with a GSAS linker in SbCas7-11.
Extended Data Fig. 7 Catalytic sites of Cas7.2 and Cas7.3 for target RNA cleavage.
a, Structural comparisons of Cas7.2 and Cas7.3 domains in SbCas7-11 with Csm3 protein (white, PDB: 6NUE). b, Close-up view of the catalytic sites. The catalytic D33 residues in Csm3 are indicated by arrows. Corresponding residues and those in close proximity of SbCas7-11 are marked. c, In vitro target RNA cleavage with SbCas7-11 variants bearing mutations in Cas11 and Cas7.2 domains. These gels are representative of three replicate experiments. d, Representative target RNA cleavage assay for SbCas7-11 WT and mutants. Time courses represent 5, 15, and 30 min. This gel is a representative of three replicate experiments. e, In vitro target RNA cleavage with DiCas7-11 variants bearing mutations in Cas7.2 domain. The gel is a representative of three replicate experiments. f, Superimposition of the SbCas7-11-crRNA binary complex (white) and the SbCas7-11-crRNA-target RNA ternary complex. The Cas11 domain rotates outward upon binding of target RNA.
Extended Data Fig. 8 Structural analysis of Csx29 and SbCas7-11 in different complexes.
a, Superimposition of the PS1 and PS2 domains in Csx29. The PS1 subdomain is roughly similar to PS2 despite the lack of the catalytic dyad. b, In vitro pull-down of Csx29 WT and mutants by MBP-tagged SbCas7-11 proteins. The Csx29 bands are indicated by red stars. This gel is a representative of three replicate experiments. c, Superimposition of the SbCas7-11-crRNA complex (white) and the SbCas7-11-crRNA-Csx29 complex. d, Superimposition of the SbCas7-11-crRNA-taget RNA complex (ruby) and SbCas7-11-crRNA-Csx29 complex.
Extended Data Fig. 9 Biochemical characterizations of the effect of Csx29 on SbCas7-11 target RNA cleavage and the potential protease activity of Csx29.
a, In vitro target RNA cleavage assay in the presence or absence of Csx29. This gel is a representative of three replicate experiments. b, Representative target RNA cleavage assay. The assay was carried out at room temperature. Time courses represent 1, 5, 15 and 30 min. This gel is representative of three replicate experiments. c, The EMSA assay with catalytic dead SbCas7-11 proteins. The EMSA was performed using the Cy3-labeled target RNA as a probe. The triangle indicates the increasing concentrations of SbCas7-11-crRNA binary complex or SbCas7-11-crRNA-Csx29 ternary complex proteins. This gel is a representative of three replicate experiments. d, Csx29 failed to cleave the tested candidate substrate proteins. Human GSDMD bearing the XXXD (FLTD) motif, one of the caspase substrates, was used for the assay. We also mutated the XXXD motif to EXXR (ELTR) motif in human GSDMD to mimic the recognition motif of caspase-like protease Separase. This gel is a representative of three replicate experiments.
Extended Data Fig. 10 Csx29 undergoes substantial conformational changes in the presence of target RNA.
a, Structural alignment of Csx29-bound complexes. The Csx29 model in SbCas7-11-crRNA-Csx29 complex is shown in ribbon representations and colored in white. The SbCas7-11-crRNA model in SbCas7-11-crRNA-Csx29 complex has been omitted for clarity. The SbCas7-11-crRNA-target RNA model is shown in surface representations. b, Target RNA binding triggers the movements of Csx29. c, The protease domain is projected outward, and the catalytic dyad is upper shifted upon binding of target RNA. d-f, Close-up view of the β6-α19 loop positions of Csx29 in the absence (d) or presence (e) of target RNA. The β6-α19 loop, especially Asp543, has the potential to block the access to the catalytic pocket (d), while the β6-α19 loop is shifted away from SbCas7-11 upon binding of target RNA (e). Additionally, although the aromatic residues in the β6-α19 loop occupy the P1 position of the substrate, these residues move away and empty the P1-binding pocket in the presence of target RNA. Binding of target RNA induce the conformational dynamic of the loop harboring H585, the disordered region is indicated by red circle (f).
Supplementary information
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Uncropped gel images.
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Uncropped gel images.
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Uncropped gel images.
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Uncropped gel images.
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Yu, G., Wang, X., Zhang, Y. et al. Structure and function of a bacterial type III-E CRISPR–Cas7-11 complex. Nat Microbiol 7, 2078–2088 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41564-022-01256-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41564-022-01256-z
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