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Predesigned perovskite crystal waveguides for room-temperature exciton–polariton condensation and edge lasing


Perovskite crystals—with their exceptional nonlinear optical properties, lasing and waveguiding capabilities—offer a promising platform for integrated photonic circuitry within the strong-coupling regime at room temperature. Here we demonstrate a versatile template-assisted method to efficiently fabricate large-scale waveguiding perovskite crystals of arbitrarily predefined geometry such as microwires, couplers and splitters. We non-resonantly stimulate a condensate of waveguided exciton–polaritons resulting in bright polariton lasing from the transverse interfaces and corners of our perovskite microstructures. Large blueshifts with excitation power and high mutual coherence between the different edge and corner lasing signals are detected in the far-field photoluminescence, implying that a spatially extended condensates of coherent polaritons has formed. The condensate polaritons are found to propagate over long distances in the wires from the excitation spot and can couple to neighbouring wires through large air gaps, making our platform promising for integrated polaritonic circuitry and on-chip optical devices with strong nonlinearities.

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Fig. 1: Arbitrarily shaped perovskite structures.
Fig. 2: Edge condensation in perovskite waveguides.
Fig. 3: Polariton coherence and dispersion in perovskite waveguides.
Fig. 4: Polariton condensates at the edges for perovskite structures.

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All data used in the study are available via Zenodo at (ref. 54).

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The codes used in this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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We thank A. Coriolano and I. Viola for support in the synthesis development. We also thank R. Grzela and R. Bożek for help with confocal fluorescence and atomic force microscopy images. This work was supported by the National Science Center, Poland, under projects 2022/47/B/ST3/02411 (B.P., M. Kędziora and K.T.), 2021/43/B/ST3/00752 (M.M.) and 2019/35/N/ST3/01379 (A.O.), and financed by the European Union EIC Pathfinder Open project ‘Polariton Neuromorphic Accelerator’ (PolArt, ID: 101130304) (B.P., D.S., J.S. and M.M.). H.S. acknowledges project no. 2022/45/P/ST3/00467 co-funded by the Polish National Science Centre and the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 945339. A.O. acknowledges support from the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP). This work was supported by the joint bilateral project ‘Novel photonic platform for neuromorphic computing’ Italy MAECI–Poland NAWA PPN/BIT/2021/1/ 00124/U/00001 (K.Ł.-M., B.P., R.M., L.D.M. and D.S.). M.E., A.S. and K.B. acknowledge support from the statutory funds of the Łukasiewicz Research Network–Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics. This work had been completed while K.B. was a Doctoral Candidate in the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School at the Łódź University of Technology, Poland.

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M. Kędziora and B.P. conceived the idea. A.O., T.C. and M.M. developed the theoretical description. M. Kędziora, M. Król, K.T. and B.P. performed the optical experiments. M.E., K.B. and A.S. prepared the GaAs masters. M.G. performed the X-ray diffraction experiments, M. Kędziora, R.M., L.D.M. and K.Ł.-M. grew the perovskite crystals. M. Kędziora, A.O., H.S. and B.P. wrote the manuscript with input from all other authors. J.S., D.S. and B.P. supervised the project.

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Correspondence to Barbara Piętka.

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Kędziora, M., Opala, A., Mastria, R. et al. Predesigned perovskite crystal waveguides for room-temperature exciton–polariton condensation and edge lasing. Nat. Mater. (2024).

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