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Spin-valley Rashba monolayer laser


Direct-bandgap transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers are appealing candidates to construct atomic-scale spin-optical light sources owing to their valley-contrasting optical selection rules. Here we report on a spin-optical monolayer laser by incorporating a WS2 monolayer into a heterostructure microcavity supporting high-Q photonic spin-valley resonances. Inspired by the creation of valley pseudo-spins in monolayers, the spin-valley modes are generated from a photonic Rashba-type spin splitting of a bound state in the continuum, which gives rise to opposite spin-polarized ±K valleys due to emergent photonic spin–orbit interaction under inversion symmetry breaking. The Rashba monolayer laser shows intrinsic spin polarizations, high spatial and temporal coherence, and inherent symmetry-enabled robustness features, enabling valley coherence in the WS2 monolayer upon arbitrary pump polarizations at room temperature. Our monolayer-integrated spin-valley microcavities open avenues for further classical and non-classical coherent spin-optical light sources exploring both electron and photon spins.

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Fig. 1: Illustration of a spin-valley Rashba monolayer laser.
Fig. 2: Principle of spin-valley generation via a photonic Rashba effect.
Fig. 3: Spin-valley (‘cold’) optical microcavity.
Fig. 4: Characteristics of spin-valley Rashba monolayer lasing.
Fig. 5: Verification of room-temperature Rashba monolayer lasing.

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The authors declare that the main data supporting the findings of this study are available within the article and its supplementary information. Extra data are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


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K.R., X.D., D.R., C.-L.L., V.G., V.K. and E.H. gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Israel Science Foundation (ISF, grant number 1170/20) and the Helen Diller foundation. The fabrication was performed at the Micro-Nano Fabrication & Printing Unit (MNF&PU), Technion. B.W. is sponsored by Shanghai Pujiang Program. A.P., P.K.M., A.C. and A.I. acknowledge the generous support from the ISF (grant numbers 2596/21 and 2171/17).

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Rong, K., Duan, X., Wang, B. et al. Spin-valley Rashba monolayer laser. Nat. Mater. 22, 1085–1093 (2023).

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