Correction to: Nature Geoscience, published online 1 July 2024.

In our article, ‘Past Earth warmed by tidal resonance-induced organization of clouds under a shorter day’, we intended to note that our results regarding the Lamb resonance are consistent with predictions made in the article by Farhat et al. (Thermal tides in neutrally stratified atmospheres: revisiting the Earth’s Precambrian rotational equilibrium. Astron. Astrophys. 684, A49 (2024)) and give due credit for those predictions. The second paragraph of the section “Could Earth have been locked in resonance?”, has now been amended to end with, “These difficulties with the resonant locking process were predicted in the theoretical study of Farhat et al.5; our results are consistent with their predictions, in terms of the strength, timing, structure, and asymmetry of the pressure anomaly field near the Lamb resonance.”