The distribution and state of subsea permafrost is largely unknown. Present maps, which rely heavily on model results, suggest that subsea permafrost is confined to the Beaufort, Siberian and Laptev seas. Here we show that discontinuous subsea permafrost exists along the Labrador coast (56 °N) under the influence of the Labrador Coastal Current. High-resolution bathymetric data reveal the presence of subsea thermokarst environments on the coastal seabed of Nain, Nunatsiavut, where an ice-rich sediment sample was recovered in July 2022 at a water depth of 27 m. Porewater analysis indicates that ground ice can persist in the sediments due to freshened submarine groundwater seepage that freezes at higher temperatures (0 °C) than seawater (−1.8 °C). The formation and preservation of subsea permafrost landforms is due to cold waters of the Labrador Coastal Current entering the coastal areas and remaining less than 0 °C for most of the year. Therefore, evidence of subsea permafrost landforms in coastal Labrador and the distribution of cold bottom water in the Northern Hemisphere suggests that subsea permafrost is likely to be preserved elsewhere in subarctic regions, especially where freshened submarine groundwater seepage elevates the freezing temperature. This highlights the potential underestimation of subsea permafrost in the world’s coastal oceans.
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All data are available from the Geological Survey of Canada Expedition Database and by contacting Natural Resources Canada (https://ed.marine-geo.canada.ca/cruises_e.php) under cruise 2021LudyPudluk, 2021Nuliajuk, 2022William-Kennedy and 2023002. The multi-beam bathymetry, the chloride content of porewater, the Ra isotopes of bottom waters and the CTD profiles from 2022, are available as source data with this manuscript. Bottom temperature maps (Fig. 6) were derived using EU Copernicus Marine Service Information (https://doi.org/10.48670/moi-00021). Source data are provided with this paper.
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This project was funded by the Marine Geoscience for Marine Spatial Planning of the Geological Survey of Canada (Natural Resources Canada), and the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada Ship-time allocation grant. We thank Kirk Regular and Adam Templeton for surveys on the RV Ludy-Pudluk (partly funded by a Canada Research Chair in Ocean Mapping at the Marine Institute of Memorial University) and RV Nuliajuk as well as all the scientific participants of the 2022 and 2023 RV William-Kennedy cruises. Work on the RV William-Kennedy was supported in part by the Churchill Marine Observatory, a Canada Foundation for Innovation grant led by the University of Manitoba in collaboration with other partners, including the Arctic Research Foundation. We also acknowledge the Nunatsiavut Government, the Nunatsiavut Research Centre and the Labrador Inuit of Nain for their guidance on research conducted on traditional Inuit lands. This work was completed with Nunatsiavut government Research Advisory Committee approval nos 18034796 and 11666556.
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A.N., A.L. and K.R. secured funding for the different cruises. A.N. and K.R. designed the 2021 mapping cruise. A.N., J.B.R.E. and A.L. designed the sampling cruises. A.N., A.L. and M.S. managed the research programme. A.N., J.B.R.E., R.G.W., E.J.H., F.C., J.L.E., H.D.G., N.V.N., J.H., L.P., G.P., J.T., A.L., C.K.A., B.L.K., M.S. and H.D.G. collected, processed and/or analysed the data. All authors contributed to the writing and review of the manuscript.
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Normandeau, A., Eamer, J.B.R., Way, R.G. et al. Evidence for subsea permafrost in subarctic Canada linked to submarine groundwater discharge. Nat. Geosci. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-024-01497-z
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-024-01497-z