Climate and energy (climate-tech) startups can accelerate the commercialization of innovative technologies but face low investment and high failure rates. Here we analyse the effects of recent growth in corporate investments, combined with public grants and other private investments, on startup outcomes. We apply the Cox Proportional Hazards model to a dataset of 2,910 US climate-tech startups founded 2005–2020. We find that corporate and other private investments are significantly associated with both exits (initial public offerings, mergers/acquisitions) and failures (bankruptcy, going out of business). While public grants are not significantly associated with these outcomes, they fill important funding gaps in high-risk sectors. Publicly funded startups also exit at a higher rate with the addition of corporate investment (155% increase) compared with other private investment (78% increase). These findings highlight the roles of different investors in scaling startup technologies to meet climate goals and are robust across sectors, timelines and types of public funding (national, subnational).
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Data availability
The main startup and investment dataset is proprietary and available for purchase from the Cleantech Group at https://www.cleantech.com/. Additional data on patents were obtained from the publicly available PatentsView API, and data on public grants were obtained from the publicly available datasets at https://www.usaspending.gov/. With the available code and access to the i3 database and spreadsheets, our analysis could be fully replicated.
Code availability
All data-processing steps are outlined here, and the associated code is publicly available at https://github.com/Climate-tech-Team/startup-outcomes. Code is also provided to generate all figures in the main text and Supplementary Information and to obtain patent data through the PatentsView API. With the available code and access to the i3 database and spreadsheets, our analysis could be fully replicated.
Change history
30 May 2024
A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-024-01562-2
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Funding for this research was provided by the Energy and Environment Program at the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation under grant number G-2021-14177 (K.M.K., K.S., M.R.E., M.A.B., Z.H.T., N.E.H., E.D.W.). K.S. acknowledges support from the BMK (Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology) under the BMK endowed professorship for data-driven knowledge generation: climate action. We thank R. Fedorchak and R. Lucas for their assistance with data cleaning.
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Conceptualization: K.S., M.R.E., K.M.K. Data curation: K.M.K., K.S., Z.H.T., M.A.B. Formal analysis: K.M.K. Funding acquisition: K.S., M.R.E., N.E.H. Methodology: K.M.K., K.S., C.D. Project administration: K.S., M.R.E., K.M.K., N.E.H. Software: K.M.K., K.S., Z.H.T. Supervision: K.S., K.M.K. Visualization: K.M.K. Writing–original draft: K.M.K. Writing–review and editing: K.M.K., K.S., C.D., M.R.E., E.D.W., N.E.H.
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Kennedy, K.M., Edwards, M.R., Doblinger, C. et al. The effects of corporate investment and public grants on climate and energy startup outcomes. Nat Energy 9, 883–893 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-024-01530-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-024-01530-w