Technology hardware and deployment processes (‘soft technology’) seem fundamentally different, but little work examines the nature of this difference and its implications for technology improvement. Here we present a model to study the roles of hardware and soft technology in cost evolution and apply it to solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. Differing properties of hardware and soft technology help explain PV’s cost decline. Rapid improvements in hardware affected globally traded components that lowered both hardware and soft costs. Improvements in soft technology occurred more slowly, were not shared as readily across locations and only affected soft costs, ultimately contributing less than previously estimated. As a result, initial differences in soft technology across countries persisted and the share of soft costs rose. In general, we show the usefulness of modelling dependencies between technology costs and features to understand past drivers of cost change and inform future technology development.
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The data used to populate the cost and cost change equations (1)–(5) along with references are provided with this paper (Supplementary Tables 1–3 and 9). Data are available from the International Renewable Energy Agency (https://www.irena.org/publications) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (https://www.nrel.gov/research/publications.html ref. 18) for free and from the German Solar Association (https://www.solarwirtschaft.de/en/press/market-data/) at cost.
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We thank R. Fu, P. Ralon and M. Taylor for help with national and international cost data. We thank K. Horowitz, R. Margolis, G. Nemet, F. O’Sullivan, E. Pecora and D. Rench-McCauley for helpful input and S. Reese and O. Stalter for sharing insights on the evolution of inverters. We also thank M. Ziegler for helpful input on code standardization. This work is funded in whole by the US Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office under award number DE-EE0007662.
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M.M.K., J.E.T., G.K. and J.M. conceptualized the study and developed the methodology. M.M.K. built the model. M.M.K., J.E.T, J.M. and G.K. analysed the results and wrote the paper. J.E.T. led the research team.
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Extended data
Extended Data Fig. 1 Estimated contributions from module price variables to cost reduction in residential PV systems in the U.S. Results are shown for the 1980-2017 period and a 5kW system.
Note that contrary to Fig. 3, module price variable contributions sum up to less than 100% (see legend box) because they represent the contributions of one technology component to total system cost change. In all panels, percentages give the fraction of the net cost change over the 1980-2017 period that was caused by each variable. Cost change contributions in absolute terms (in 2017 $/Wac) are given in Supplementary Table 8.
Extended Data Fig. 2 Estimated contributions from high-level mechanisms to PV system cost reduction.
Percentages give the estimated fraction of the net cost change over the 1980-2017 period (see Table 1) that was caused by each high-level mechanism for the chosen assignment between low- and high-level mechanisms (see Supplementary Table 10). Contributions are negative when they act in the opposite direction to the net cost change over a period. In the period shown here (a, Results for BOS cost change. b, Results for PV system cost change), the net change cost was negative, therefore positive contributions correspond to cost-reducing effects and negative contributions to cost-raising effects. Note that assignments of low-level mechanisms to high-level are based on a combination of quantitative modelling results and qualitative accounts in the literature. Due to data limitations, the decomposition for some cost components (that is, the decomposition of module mechanisms in Extended Data Fig. 1) is more fine-grained than for others; applying the same level of decomposition across all cost components may alter the results.
Supplementary information
Supplementary Information
Supplementary Figs. 1–41, Notes 1–13 and Tables 1–10.
Supplementary Data
Results of the sensitivity analysis shown in Supplementary Figs. 4–34.
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Klemun, M.M., Kavlak, G., McNerney, J. et al. Mechanisms of hardware and soft technology evolution and the implications for solar energy cost trends. Nat Energy 8, 827–838 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-023-01286-9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41560-023-01286-9