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Atolls are globally important sites for tropical seabirds


Seabirds play critical roles on islands. By catalysing terrestrial and marine productivity through guano nutrient input, seabirds support natural island functioning. In the Indo-Pacific, atolls comprise one-third of all islands but only ~0.02% of island area. The importance of atolls as seabird nesting grounds has been historically neglected except on a few key atolls. We compiled a global dataset of seabird surveys on atolls and modelled seabird distribution and nutrient deposition on all Indo-Pacific atolls. We found that atolls are breeding sites for 37 species, ranging from a few dozen to more than 3 million individuals per atoll. In total, an estimated 31.2 million seabirds nest on atolls, or ~25% of the tropical seabirds of the world. For 14 species, more than half of their global populations nest on atolls. Seabirds forage more than 10,000–100,000 km² around an atoll and deposit, on average, 65,000 kg N and 11,000 kg P per atoll per year, thus acting as major nutrient pumps within the tropical Indo-Pacific. Our findings reveal the global importance of atolls for tropical seabirds. Given global change, conservation will have to leverage atoll protection and restoration to preserve a relevant fraction of the tropical seabirds of the world.

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Fig. 1: Seabird colonies on the 280 Indo-Pacific atolls.
Fig. 2: Percentage of the global population of seabird species found on atolls.
Fig. 3: Seabird-derived nitrogen inputs on atolls.
Fig. 4: The reciprocal relationship between seabirds and atolls.

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Data availability

All raw data can be accessed under (ref. 61). Marine data were obtained from EU Copernicus Marine Service Information ( last accessed 24 May 2023). Tropical cyclone and storm data were obtained from the Historical Hurricane Tracks database of NOAA ( last accessed 25 Feb 2023). Data on ENSO-driven rainfall anomalies were obtained from the Global Precipitation Climatology Project of JISAO ( last accessed 24 May 2023). Seabird trait data were from the AVONET trait database ( last accessed 1 December 2023).

Code availability

All statistical code can be accessed from (ref. 61).


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Financial support for S. Steibl was provided by a Walter Benjamin-fellowship (STE 3139/1) of the German Research Foundation.

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S. Steibl and S. Steiger designed the study and conducted the model development and data analysis. S. Steibl compiled the datasets. All authors contributed to the interpretation, writing and proofing of the manuscript and have agreed to the submission of the final version.

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Correspondence to Sebastian Steibl.

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Nature Ecology & Evolution thanks Sophie Laran and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Atoll contribution to global seabird populations.

Colour code indicates which atolls host a colony of a seabird species that constitutes >1% of the estimated global population of this species. Bird icons indicate to which taxonomic group the species on a given atoll belongs to (albatross, boobies, frigatebirds, petrel/shearwater, tern, tropicbird).

Extended Data Fig. 2 Seabird-driven phosphorous input on atolls.

For each Indo-Pacific atoll (n = 280), the estimated breeding seabird-derived phosphorous input in kg P per year is calculated using bioenergetic models (a). Each data point shows the P input for an atoll, with boxplots indicating the 5%, 25%, median, 75%, and 95% quantiles, and violin plot the underlying probability density distribution. For the six species groups of seabirds, the imported phosphorous per atoll-colony is presented (b). Boxplots indicate the 5%, 25%, median, 75%, and 95% quantiles of the P input per atoll and species.

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Supplementary data, including Figs. 1–9 and Tables 1–4.

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Steibl, S., Steiger, S., Wegmann, A.S. et al. Atolls are globally important sites for tropical seabirds. Nat Ecol Evol (2024).

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