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Synergies and complementarities between ecosystem accounting and the Red List of Ecosystems


Safeguarding biodiversity and human well-being depends on sustaining ecosystems. Two global standards for quantifying ecosystem change, the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Ecosystems (RLE) and the United Nations System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Ecosystem Accounting (EA), underpin headline indicators for the Kunming–Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. We analyse similarities and differences between the standards to understand their complementary roles in environmental policy and decision-making. The standards share key concepts, definitions of ecosystems and spatial data needs, meaning that similar data can be used in both. Their complementarities stem from their differing purposes and thus how data are analysed and interpreted. Although both record changes in ecosystem extent and condition, the RLE analyses the magnitude of change in terms of risk of ecosystem collapse and biodiversity loss, whereas EA links ecosystem change with the ecosystem’s contributions to people and the economy. We recommend that the RLE and EA should not be treated as unrelated nor undertaken in isolation. Developing them in concert can exploit their complementarities while ensuring consistency in foundational data, in particular ecosystem classifications, maps and condition variables. Finding pathways for co-investment in foundational data, and for knowledge-sharing between people and organizations who undertake RLE assessments and accounting, will improve both processes and outcomes for biodiversity, ecosystems and people.

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Fig. 1: A conceptual model of key ecosystem features, ecological processes, threats and dependent ecosystem services in the Mesoamerican Reef.
Fig. 2: The SA-NECS provides the foundation for RLE assessments and ecosystem accounts.

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We acknowledge the following funding bodies: the Australian Research Council (grant no. FT190100234 to E.N.; grant no. LP170101143 to E.N. and D.A.K.), Veski and the Office of the Chief Scientist of Victoria (grant no. IWF01 to E.N.), and funding provided to the IUCN by the MAVA Foundation (to E.N.). We thank J. Nel and A. Skowno for discussions, figures and contributions to the work highlighted in the South Africa case study, and we acknowledge reviews from B. Czúcz and T. Parkhurst.

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Authors and Affiliations



H.X., E.N. and A.D. conceptualized and led the writing of the paper. H.X., M.J.T., A.E. and E.N. contributed to the quantitative analyses. H.X., A.D., A.E., D.A.K., C.O., M.J.T. and E.N. contributed to the discussion, drafting and writing.

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Correspondence to Emily Nicholson.

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Nature Ecology & Evolution thanks Cara Nelson, Alessandra La Notte, Catherine Farrell and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology as a foundation for RLE and EA.

The IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology is a comprehensive and hierarchical classification system, which covers all realms (marine, terrestrial, subterranean, and freshwater), including those shaped primarily by natural and anthropogenic drivers. It addresses functional drivers at the upper levels (realm, biome, and ecosystem functional group), and compositional features at lower levels (global or local ecosystem types)27. Both RLE assessments and ecosystem accounts are typically done at the lower levels, using ecosystem type classifications of varying thematic resolution—for example, level 4 for global or regional assessments (for example RLE of Western Indian Ocean), or level 5 or 6 for national scale assessments18 (for example Norway and South Africa), though results may be aggregated to higher levels for ease of presentation of broad patterns (for example, reporting number of threatened ecosystems or total extent at level 3)18. The typology is a conceptual framework, not a mapping tool, although it provides indicative maps of ecosystem functional groups, which will be iteratively updated as methods and data progress. The typology allows integration of existing national classifications and maps, through cross-walks to the ecosystem functional group level, and can support the development of new finer-scale ecosystem classifications at the country level (for example in Myanmar82). The typology enables comparisons between jurisdictions and parts of the world29. The typology is hierarchical, with higher levels (1–3) capturing ecosystem functional traits, and lower levels (4–6) addressing composition. Levels 4 and 5 represent alternative pathways to comparable descriptions of the world’s ecosystems that capture both function and composition. Level 4 (green) is a top-down approach, whereby ecosystem function groups are split to represent biogeographic compositional patterns, for example using ecoregions as a proxy. Alternatively, local composition may be captured through bottom-up aggregation of local ecosystem types (red), for example, a national classification, using hypothetical terrestrial ecosystem types in ecosystem functional group T3.2 Seasonally dry temperate heath and shrublands.

Supplementary information

Supplementary Information

Supplementary glossary, methods and results.

Supplementary Data 1

Results of the RLE assessment of Colombia’s terrestrial ecosystems, and its use in developing ecosystem extent and condition accounts.

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Xiao, H., Driver, A., Etter, A. et al. Synergies and complementarities between ecosystem accounting and the Red List of Ecosystems. Nat Ecol Evol 8, 1794–1803 (2024).

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