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Generalism in species interactions is more the consequence than the cause of ecological success


Generalism in resource use is commonly considered a critical driver of population success, species distribution and extinction risk. This idea can be questioned as generalism may be a result rather than the cause of species abundance and range size. We tested these contrasting causal hypotheses focusing on host use in three databases encompassing approximately 44,000 mutualistic (hummingbird–plant), commensalistic (lichen–plant) and parasitic (flea–mammal) interactions in 617 ecological communities across the Americas and Eurasia. Across all interaction types, our analyses indicated that range size and abundance influence the probability of encountering hosts and set the arena for species to express generalism potentials or adapt to new hosts. Hence, our findings support the hypothesis that generalism is a consequence of species ecological success. This highlights the importance of ecological opportunity in driving species characteristics considered key for their survival and conservation.

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Fig. 1: Different definitions of generalism allow the direction in the relationship between generalism and species success to be assessed.
Fig. 2: The hypothesis of generalism being a consequence of species success is better supported in SEMs.
Fig. 3: The geographical co-occurrence of hosts determines the resource space for hummingbirds and fleas, while host evolutionary history is the only determinant for lichens.

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The data required to reproduce the results of this study are available via figshare at (ref. 60).

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The code required to reproduce the results of this study is available via figshare at (ref. 60).


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We thank L. T. Lancaster for constructive comments to improve the manuscript. We also thank R. Bernado, J. L. Cantalapiedra, P. Giordani, C. Gutiérrez-Cánovas, J. Hortal, J. Madrigal-González and S. Magalhães for their valuable comments on the manuscript. We thank G. C. Vega for her assistance with Fig. 3. We acknowledge the support provided by grant no. FJC2020-045923-I (Juan de la Cierva Formación grant from the Spanish Minister of Science and Innovation) to P.H., a Margarita Salas grant from the Spanish Minister of Universities to P.H., UNIPER grant no. PID2020-114851GA-100 (Spanish Minister of Science and Innovation) to J.C. and RARABUN grant no. 2022/00156/001 (Comunidad de Madrid Government) to J.C.

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P.H. and J.C. contributed to the conceptualization, methodology, data analysis, visualization, funding acquisition and writing of the original draft. All authors actively participated in the investigation and data collection, providing valuable contributions, revisions and editing of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Pilar Hurtado.

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Nature Ecology & Evolution thanks Hugo Saiz and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Peer reviewer reports are available.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Results of the structural equation models testing both the pure causative aprioristic model (a, c, and e for hummingbirds, lichens, and fleas, respectively) and the pure consequent model (b, d, and f for hummingbirds, lichens, and fleas, respectively).

The marginal pseudo-R2 for each response variable is depicted using R2 below the respective variable. Arrows indicate the direction of causality for significant paths (yellow and blue for the causative and consequent model, respectively), and arrow width is proportional to the standardized regression coefficient of the path, as denoted by the numerical values on the lines.

Extended Data Fig. 2 Functional trait values of each host type for plants used by hummingbirds (a), mammals used by fleas (b) and plants used by lichens (c).

For plants used by hummingbirds, flower corolla length is depicted (a). For mammals used by fleas, the functional traits are body mass, density, shelter depth, and shelter complexity (b). In the case of plants used by lichens, bark texture and plant habit are the traits depicted (c). Boxplots illustrate the median (central line), the first and third quartiles (bounds of the box), the range within 1.5 times the interquartile range from the quartiles (whiskers), and outliers (points outside the whiskers). The numbers above the boxes indicate the number of species within each module.

Extended Data Table 1 Percentage of explained variance (pseudo-R2 * 100) of the models of local generalism as a function of abundance, and regional generalism and range size from the host perspective

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Hurtado, P., Aragón, G., Vicente, M. et al. Generalism in species interactions is more the consequence than the cause of ecological success. Nat Ecol Evol 8, 1602–1611 (2024).

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