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Indigenous-led objectives to improve co-management of culturally significant entities

In Australia, the designation and management of culturally significant entities (CSEs) is interwound with cultural governance and obligations to care for Country. We show how Indigenous-led objectives and biocultural measures for designating and managing CSEs can be successfully framed and planned by placing the decision-making authority within local Indigenous governance structures.

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Fig. 1: Illustration of Bundjalung traditional management approaches for CSEs.


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  2. Goolmeer, T. et al. Recognizing culturally significant species and Indigenous-led management is key to meeting international biodiversity obligations. Conserv. Lett. 15, e12899 (2022). This paper reports on Indigenous-led reforms to formally recognize CSEs in Australia.

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  3. Woodward, E. et al. Our Knowledge Our Way in Caring for Country: Indigenous-led Approaches to Strengthening and Sharing our Knowledge for Land and Sea Management. Best Practice Guidelines from Australian Experiences (NAILSMA and CSIRO, 2020). A set of guidelines that presents best practice in the inclusion of Indigenous knowledges.

  4. Goolmeer, T. & van Leeuwen, S. Indigenous knowledge is saving our iconic species. Trends Ecol. Evol. 38, 591–594 (2023). A review that presents an opportunity to improve inclusion of Indigenous knowledge in recovery planning.

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This is a summary of: Goolmeer, T. et al. Indigenous-led designation and management of culturally significant species. Nat. Ecol. Evol. (2024).

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Indigenous-led objectives to improve co-management of culturally significant entities. Nat Ecol Evol 8, 1571–1572 (2024).

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