Correction to: Nature Ecology & Evolution, published online 10 February 2020.

In the original version of this Article, there was an error in the code used to produce Fig. 4b: the predicted growth range (shown on the x axis) was erroneously converted twice from grid units to μm values. As a result, the values originally shown were 50% too large, underestimating the constant of proportionality between the growth range and interaction range. The data have now been corrected and the interaction range equations for proline auxotrophs ‘IR = 0.61 GR – 0.16’ and tryptophan auxotrophs ‘IR = 0.57 GR + 0.44’ were corrected to ‘IR = 0.90 GR – 0.06’ and ‘IR = 0.86 GR + 0.37’, respectively.

Fig. 4b
figure 4

Original and Corrected.

This error does not affect the conclusions or interpretations of the paper; the corrected constant of proportionality is actually closer to 1, making the growth range an even better predictor for the interaction range than we previously reported.

Additionally, in the Fig. 3 caption, the experimentally measured interaction for ΔP was incorrectly shown as ‘12.5 μm’ but should have been ‘12.1 μm’ as stated in the main text. The sentence ‘The predicted interaction range for ΔP is 12.8 μm (compared to 12.5 μm in the experimental measurements...’ was corrected to ‘The predicted interaction range for ΔP is 12.8 μm (compared to 12.1 μm in the experimental measurements...’.