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Private funding is essential to leverage forest and landscape restoration at global scales

Private-sector capital is needed to scale-up forest and landscape restoration initiatives globally. To ensure the delivery of social and environmental restoration objectives, investors need to be matched appropriately to different types of restoration projects, while policies need to realign investment incentives away from degradation-driving activities.

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Fig. 1: A typology of investment approaches and options for FLR.


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S.L. is funded by an ETH Zurich doctoral research grant. J.G. holds the Prince Bernhard Chair of International Nature Conservation, through which some of the ideas emerged.

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The article was conceptualized by J.G., the research was undertaken by S.L., and the paper was written and edited jointly by S.L. and J.G.

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Correspondence to Jaboury Ghazoul.

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Löfqvist, S., Ghazoul, J. Private funding is essential to leverage forest and landscape restoration at global scales. Nat Ecol Evol 3, 1612–1615 (2019).

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