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Earth system models must include permafrost carbon processes

Accurate representation of permafrost carbon emissions is crucial for climate projections, yet current Earth system models inadequately represent permafrost carbon. Sustained funding opportunities are needed from government and private sectors for prioritized model development.

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Fig. 1: Model components and processes relevant to modelling permafrost carbon dynamics.


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C.S. and D.N.H. received funding from the US Department of Energy (DOE) grant DE-SC0022116. C.S., B.M.R., E.J., H.G. and S.M.N. received funding from Permafrost Pathways through the TED Audacious Project. C.D.K., W.J.R. and D.M.L. acknowledge support from the DOE RGMA Program via the RUBISCO SFA.

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C.S. conceptualized the article, created Fig. 1 and wrote the initial draft. B.M.R., D.M.L. and C.D.K. contributed to the conceptualizing and writing of the paper. H.G., W.J.R. and S.M.N contributed to the conceptualizing and editing of the paper. All authors provided insights and edits to the paper.

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Correspondence to Christina Schädel.

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Nature Climate Change thanks Andrew MacDougall, Jan Nitzbon and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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Schädel, C., Rogers, B.M., Lawrence, D.M. et al. Earth system models must include permafrost carbon processes. Nat. Clim. Chang. 14, 114–116 (2024).

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