Correction to: Nature Climate Change Published online 30 August 2021.

Since the original publication of this paper, the authors have found an error in their code, which has now been corrected, resulting in a slight change to the results but not in the key outcomes of the study.

As described in the Methods subsection ‘Future RSLC estimates based on two previous studies,’ two different approaches were used to obtain the projections of future relative sea-level change. In the method by Vega-Westhoff et al. (Earth’s Future 7, 677–690, 2019), two scenarios that account for the dynamics of ice-sheet melting, labelled as 2 °C+ and 5 °C+ in the paper, are not considered. To circumvent this, the authors imputed the results for 2 °C and 5 °C again, in place of what would have been 2 °C+ and 5 °C+. However, in the initial code used, this imputation was forgotten and NAs (“not available” data) were inadvertently used to produce the results. This caused the rest of the computations, which looked at what specific warming level would cause the higher frequency (a 100-fold change) in extreme sea levels to be triggered, to return NAs. These results were interpreted as the outcome that none of the warming levels considered triggered that specific change in frequency. Note that this is a valid result for some of the gauges used but not for all that were labelled and counted as such in the original results.

The authors have now changed the code in the repository and inserted a few lines to perform the imputation described correctly. Owing to this, Figure 1, Table 1 and Extended Data Figure 3 (originals available below in Supplementary information for transparency) were revised to reflect the change in data, as well as the corresponding text that discusses the results in the main article. The errors have been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the article.

Supplementary information is available in the online version of this article.