A common goal of biological adaptation planning is to identify and prioritize locations that remain suitably cool during the summer. This implicitly devalues areas that are ephemerally warm, even if they are suitable most of the year for mobile animals. Here we develop an alternative conceptual framework, the growth regime, which considers seasonal and landscape variation in physiological performance, focusing on riverine fish. Using temperature models for 14 river basins, we show that growth opportunities propagate up and down river networks on a seasonal basis, and that downstream habitats that are suboptimally warm in summer may actually provide the majority of growth potential expressed annually. We demonstrate with an agent-based simulation that the shoulder-season use of warmer downstream habitats can fuel annual fish production. Our work reveals a synergy between cold and warm habitats that could be fundamental to support cold-water fisheries, and highlights the risk in conservation strategies that underappreciate warm habitats.
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Data availability
The Oregon stream temperatures used in Fig. 1 were sourced from 58 sites monitored by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and 17 sites monitored by The United States Geological Survey. These data are publicly available at https://www.oregon.gov/deq/wq/Pages/WQdata.aspx and https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/sw, respectively. The water temperature data used in Figs. 2–4 are posted on GitHub at https://github.com/chris3jordan/Growth-Potential.
Code availability
The code for processing water temperature and growth potential data for Figs. 2–4 is posted on GitHub at https://github.com/chris3jordan/Growth-Potential. The code for the numerical simulation is posted on GitHub at https://github.com/aimeefullerton/growth_regime_IBM.
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We thank the many people (particularly D. Isaak) who have developed thermal mapping techniques and associated frameworks to identify climate refugia. Although we raise concerns about certain extensions of these techniques, we recognize them as the foundation on which further refinements can be applied. G. Pess, J.M. Kershner and others provided helpful feedback.
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Authors and Affiliations
J.L.E. and J.B.A. conceived project; J.B.A., J.L.E., J.R.B. and A.H.F. outlined paper, A.H.F. developed the simulations, C.E.J. and J.B.A. analysed the growth potential from weekly landscape temperature data, J.L.E. and I.A. compiled and analysed temperature data for Fig. 1, J.R.B. and A.H.F. developed the two-patch growth model for Fig. 2, B.E.P. and G.H.R. helped research the current state of freshwater climate adaptation planning and refined the paper outline. J.B.A. led the writing of the manuscript. All the authors helped revise the manuscript and analyses.
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Peer review information Nature Climate Change thanks Nann Fangue, Clint Muhlfeld and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
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Extended data
Extended Data Fig. 1 Bi-weekly changes in the landscape patterning of fish growth potential for the John Day River Basin, Oregon, USA.
Maps show growth potential (grams fish•wk1) for a cold-water fish (bull trout) based on mean weekly temperature.
Extended Data Fig. 2 River network used in simulation of fish movement and foraging.
(a) Maximum water temperature during summer throughout the hypothetical stream network; (b) reaches that were accessible to fish during simulations, classified as seasonally warm (>20 °C) or perennially cold (<20 °C); and (c) ration of food available to fish in each reach before density effects occurred.
Extended Data Fig. 3 Parameters used in individual-based model.
Parameters used in individual-based model.
Extended Data Fig. 4 Sensitivity analysis for simulation model.
Sensitivity of fish production in all habitats (open bars) and in seasonally warm habitats (SWH; hatched bars) to perturbations of parameter values. Bars reflect the difference in total growth between the baseline scenario with nominal parameter values and a scenario with a particular parameter perturbation.
Extended Data Fig. 5 Simulation results from the individual based fish model for each of 4 scenarios.
a, Proportion of time during each season that fish occupied stream reaches classified by their maximum summer temperature; (b) trajectories of individual fish growth throughout the year, colored by the water temperature they experienced at each time step; (c) trajectories of individual fish mass throughout the year, colored by their presence in either a seasonally warm (>20 °C during summer) or perennially cold (< 20 °C) habitat; and (d) mass accrued overall and in different thermal habitats, where boxes represent variance across 500 simultaneously simulated fish (horizontal lines are medians, box edges are interquartile ranges, whiskers are 95% percentiles, and points are outliers).
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Armstrong, J.B., Fullerton, A.H., Jordan, C.E. et al. The importance of warm habitat to the growth regime of cold-water fishes. Nat. Clim. Chang. 11, 354–361 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-021-00994-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-021-00994-y
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