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Protein semisynthesis reveals plasticity in HECT E3 ubiquitin ligase mechanisms


Lys ubiquitination is catalysed by E3 ubiquitin ligases and is central to the regulation of protein stability and cell signalling in normal and disease states. There are gaps in our understanding of E3 mechanisms, and here we use protein semisynthesis, chemical rescue, microscale thermophoresis and other biochemical approaches to dissect the role of catalytic base/acid function and conformational interconversion in HECT-domain E3 catalysis. We demonstrate that there is plasticity in the use of the terminal side chain or backbone carboxylate for proton transfer in HECT E3 ubiquitin ligase reactions, with yeast Rsp5 orthologues appearing to be possible evolutionary intermediates. We also show that the HECT-domain ubiquitin covalent intermediate appears to eject the E2 conjugating enzyme, promoting catalytic turnover. These findings provide key mechanistic insights into how protein ubiquitination occurs and provide a framework for understanding E3 functions and regulation.

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Fig. 1: Enzymatic analysis of NEDD4 C-terminal Asp mutants.
Fig. 2: Chemical rescue of NEDD4 mutants.
Fig. 3: Analysis of the C-terminal backbone carboxylate in HECT enzymes.
Fig. 4: Versatility of carboxylate usage in Rsp5 E3 ligase.
Fig. 5: Analysis of protein–protein interaction using ubiquitination intermediates (E3-Ub or E2-Ub).
Fig. 6: Evolutionary analysis of HECT E3 ligases.

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Data availability

The protein MS raw data, Rosetta modelling raw file, AlphaFold raw file, ML phylogeny analysis and all raw uncropped image files for gels and western blots of this study have been deposited at Harvard Dataverse ( Source data are provided with this paper.

Code availability

The source codes for Rosetta modelling of the NEDD4-1 C-terminal tail, AlphaFold2 modelling of Rsp5-Ub-WBP2 and the HECT ML phylogenetic analysis are accessible in Supplementary Codes 1, 2 and 3.


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This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health (grants nos. R01GM62437 and R01CA74305 to P.A.C.), the Claudia Adams Barr Program for Innovative Cancer Research (to H.A. and P.A.C.), the Loeb Center Fellowship (to H.K.) and an American Heart Association Postdoctoral fellowship (grant no. 826614 to K.L.). We thank J. Lee at Dana Farber Cancer Institute for assistance with MS and K. Arnett at Harvard CMI core for help with MST experiments. We thank J. P. Richard and Z. Chen for their helpful comments on this manuscript. We are grateful to S. Sunyaev for helpful discussions on the evolution analysis. We also appreciate the help from the Research Computing Group at Harvard Medical School for providing computing resources. We are grateful for the helpful advice from Cole laboratory members, and we thank C. Wolberger at Johns Hopkins University, W. Wei at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, W. Harper at Harvard Medical School and X. Jiang at Sloan Kettering Institute for sharing reagents.

Author information

Authors and Affiliations



Conceptualization and experimental design were carried out by H.J., B.D.M., T.V., H.K., K.L., H.A. and P.A.C. Investigations were performed by H.J., B.D.M., T.V. and H.K. Data analysis was carried out by H.J., B.D.M., T.V., H.K., K.L., H.A. and P.A.C. The original draft was written by H.J., T.V., K.L., H.A. and P.A.C. Review and editing were performed by H.J., B.D.M., T.V., H.K., K.L., H.A. and P.A.C.

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Correspondence to Philip A. Cole.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Analyses of mutant recombinant and semisynthetic NEDD4 and NEDD4L.

(a) In vitro ubiquitination assays comparing activity of recombinantly expressed NEDD4L protein with D955N or D955A mutations (P6-P8). The unmodified NEDD4L band was quantified by densitometry. The percentage of unmodified NEDD4L species versus time zero in each case is listed below the lanes (n = 3 biologically independent experiments showed similar results). (b) In vitro ubiquitination assay comparing the enzyme activity of recombinantly expressed NEDD4 proteins including WT (P1), ΔD897/D900E (P9), D900E (P2), and D900A (P4). The unmodified NEDD4 band was quantified by densitometry. The percentage of unmodified NEDD4 species in each case is listed below the lanes (n = 2 biologically independent experiments showed similar results). (c) In vitro ubiquitination assays comparing enzyme activity of recombinantly expressed NEDD4 WT (P1), T893C (P10), with semisynthetic NEDD4 with C-terminal carboxylate (P11). The unmodified NEDD4 band was quantified by densitometry and the percentage of unmodified NEDD4 species is listed below the lanes (n = 2 biologically independent experiments showed similar results). (d) LC-MS spectrum of NEDD4 D900-phospho-serine (P12) made by expressed protein ligation. (e) LC-MS spectrum of NEDD4 D900-homo-cysteine (P13) made by expressed protein ligation. (f) LC-MS spectrum of NEDD4 D900-sulfonyl-alanine (P14) made by expressed protein ligation. (g) LC-MS spectrum of NEDD4 D900-d-Asp (P15) made by expressed protein ligation. (h) LC-MS spectrum of NEDD4 D900-d-Glu (P16) made by expressed protein ligation. (i) In vitro ubiquitination assay comparing the activity of NEDD4 D900 substitutions to d-Asp (dD, P15) or d-Glu (dE, P16). The unmodified NEDD4 bands were quantified by densitometry. The percentages of unmodified NEDD4 species versus time zero are listed below the graph (n = 2 biologically independent experiments showed similar results).

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 2 Chemical rescue of NEDD4 mutant.

(a) Chemical rescue assays of NEDD4 D900A (P4) with acetate, difluoroacetate (DFA, pKa 1.3) and trifluoroacetate (TFA). The α-ubiquitin western blot signal from the highest concentration of each reagent was used for densitometry quantification and plotted relative to the acetate-rescued NEDD4 D900A activity in the bar graph (n = 3 biologically independent experiments showed similar results). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM. For the catalytically defective D900A NEDD4-1, the assays were conducted at 37 °C with 5 μM E2 to enhance the baseline activities. The same reaction conditions were used for other chemical rescue assays below. (b) Chemical rescue assays of NEDD4 D900A (P4) with acetate, fluoroacetate (FA, pKa 2.6) and trifluoroacetate (TFA). Results were analyzed by densitometry and plotted relative to the acetate-rescued NEDD4 D900A activity in the bar graph (n = 3 biologically independent experiments showed similar results). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM. (c) Chemical rescue assays of NEDD4 D900A (P4) with formate (pKa 3.8), acetate and propionate (pKa 4.9). Results were analyzed by densitometry and plotted relative to the acetate- rescued NEDD4 D900A activity in the bar graph (n = 3 biologically independent experiments showed similar results). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM. (d) Chemical rescue assays of NEDD4 D900A (P4) with acetate and phosphate (pKa 6.8). Results were analyzed by densitometry and plotted to reflect the relative activity in the bar graph (n = 3 biologically independent experiments showed similar results). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM. (e) Chemical rescue assay of NEDD4 D900A (P4) with acetate in deuterated water (2H2O). Autoubiquitination was analyzed by densitometry using the highest concentration of acetate in 2H2O. The quantification was plotted to compare the relative activity of NEDD4 in the absence and presence of acetate under 2H2O (n = 4 biologically independent experiments showed similar results). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 3 Characterization of semisynthetic NEDD4 and sequence comparison among NEDD4, HUWE1 and E6AP proteins.

(a) LC-MS spectrum of NEDD4 D900-carboxamide (P18). (b) LC-MS spectrum of NEDD4 ΔD900 V899-carboxylate (P19). (c) LC-MS spectrum of NEDD4 ΔD900 V899-carboxamide (P20). (d) LC-MS spectrum of NEDD4 ΔD900 V899-βVal (P21). (e) Sequence alignment of human NEDD4, HUWE1 and E6AP. The C-terminal residues are highlighted in the red box. Homologous residues of NEDD4 (V588) and HUWE1 (L4061) are highlighted with a red arrow.

Extended Data Fig. 4 Characterization of the C-terminal residue in HUWE1, E6AP, WWP2 and Rsp5 protein catalysis.

(a) Semisynthetic strategy to make HUWE1 HECT proteins containing different C-termini. (b) Semisynthetic strategy to make E6AP proteins containing different C-termini. (c) LC-MS spectrum of the HUWE1 HECT domain protein containing an A4374-carboxylate (P23) made by expressed protein ligation. (d) LC-MS spectrum of the HUWE1 HECT domain protein containing an A4374-carboxamide (P24) made by expressed protein ligation. (e) Ubiquitination assays of E6AP protein with UbcH5b E2 protein. Semisynthetic E6AP proteins containing carboxylate or carboxamide C termini (P25 and P26). The assays were conducted at 37 °C with 5 μM E2. Quantification of ubiquitination smear western blot signals was used to compare the relative activities (n = 3 biologically independent experiments showed similar results). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM. (f) In vitro ubiquitination assays comparing activity of recombinantly expressed WWP2 protein with E870Q or E870A mutations (P33-P35). The unmodified WWP2 band was quantified by densitometry and the percentage of unmodified species is listed below the lanes (n = 3 biologically independent experiments showed similar results). (g) Representative AlphaFold2 multimer structure of the Rsp5-Ub-WBP2 complex (without Rosetta refinement). Three ubiquitins were used to capture the Rsp5 in the L-shape containing Ub in the active site. Two ubiquitin molecules engage the allosteric ubiquitin-binding site (Ub1) and E2 binding site (Ub2) on the N-lobe, whereas the third ubiquitin (Ub3) sits in the E3 active site to mimic the Ub-loaded state, reminiscent of the previously reported Ub-loaded Rsp5 crystal structure trapped in the L-shape (PDB: 4LCD). (h) The predicted aligned error (PAE) plot for the AlphaFold2 structure of the Rsp5-Ub-WBP2 complex shown in panel G. (i) Superimposed structures of the Rsp5-Ub-WBP2 complex from in silico modeling with the Rsp5-Ub-Sna3 crystal structure (PDB: 4LCD). Despite differences in the bound substrates (WBP2 versus Sna3) and rounds of structural refinements (for Rsp5-Ub-WBP2), the two structures align reasonably well (RMSD of 1.113 Å). The recognition of different substrates likely causes orientational differences in the flexible WW3 domain between the two structures, as WW3 provides a principal substrate binding platform for proline-rich motif in substrates.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 5 MST analysis of E3/E3-Ub binding to E2 or substrate.

(a) In vitro ubiquitination comparing the relative activity of NEDD4 WT versus the single Cys form of NEDD4. The single Cys form contains three Cys to Ser replacements. The percentage of unmodified NEDD4 species in each case is listed below the lanes (n = 2 biologically independent experiments showed similar results). (b) In vitro ubiquitination comparing the relative activity of WWP2 WT versus single Cys form of WWP2. The single Cys form of WWP2 contains seven Cys to Ser/Ala replacements. The percentage of unmodified WWP2 species in each case is listed below the lanes. The single Cys WWP2 demonstrates robust activity, more active than the WT, which might result from loosened linker autoinhibition (n = 2 biologically independent experiments showed similar results). (c) Chemical details of NEDD4 Cys ubiquitin linkages. The native thioester linkage, vinyl thioether linkage (made with a Ub propargyl probe), and hydrazide mimic linkage (made using the Ub hydrazide method) are compared. (d) MST analysis of UbcH5b E2 protein binding with NEDD4-Ub prepared with a Ub-Prg activity-based probe to form a vinyl-thioester linkage (P41). The MST bound fractions as a function of E2 protein concentrations are shown. The equilibrium dissociation constant Kd values were calculated from three repeats using a quadratic binding model (n = 3 biologically independent experiments). (e) MST analysis of UbcH5b E2 protein binding with NEDD4-Ub prepared with Ub-hydrazide with the last Ub Gly76 deleted (P42) to approximate the linker length of a native Ub-Cys thioester linkage (n = 3 biologically independent experiments). (f) MST analysis of UbcH7 E2 binding with WWP2 or WWP-Ub (P39 and P40) (n = 2 biologically independent experiments). (g) MST analysis of UbcH5b E2 binding with NEDD4 HECT or HECT-Ub (P44 and P45). The Kd values were calculated from repeats using a quadratic binding model (n = 2 biologically independent experiments). (h) MST analysis of UbcH5b E2 binding with NEDD4 HECT or HECT-Ub (P44 and P45) in the presence of WT Ub at 100 μM (n = 2 biologically independent experiments). (i) MST analysis of UbcH5b E2 binding with NEDD4 HECT or HECT-Ub (P44 and P45) in the presence of UbV (5 μM) (n = 2 biologically independent experiments). (j) Fluorescence anisotropy analysis of UbV binding to NEDD4 or NEDD4-Ub (n = 2 biologically independent experiments). (k) MST analysis of substrate NDP52 (P46) binding to NEDD4 (P36) or NEDD4-Ub (P37). The Kd values were calculated from two repeats using a quadratic binding model (n = 2 biologically independent experiments). (l) MST analysis of substrate WBP2 binding with NEDD4 or NEDD4-Ub (P36 and P37). The Kd values were calculated from repeats using a quadratic binding model (n = 2 biologically independent experiments). (m) Fluorescence anisotropy analysis of NEDD4 or NEDD4-Ub protein binding to E2 (UbcH5b). The E2 protein is labeled with fluorescein (P50) and the Kd was calculated using a quadratic binding model (n = 2 biologically independent experiments). (n) Fluorescence anisotropy analysis of NEDD4 protein binding to E2 (UbcH5b)-Ub. The E2-Ub protein is labeled with fluorescein (P51) and the Kd was calculated using a quadratic binding model (n = 2 biologically independent experiments). (o) MST analysis of E2-E3 interactions. NEDD4 is labeled with Cy5 at its N-terminus. E2(UbcH5b)-Ub (P49) is generated using the ubiquitin hydrazide mimic method (n = 2 biologically independent experiments).

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 6 MST analysis of HUWE1, E6AP and NEDD4 binding to E2 and NMR strategy to study HECT conformational switch.

(a) MST analysis of UbcH5b E2 binding with HUWE1 HECT or HUWE1 HECT-Ub (P52 and P53). HUWE1 HECT-Ub (P53) was prepared with a ubiquitin Prg probe (n = 3 biologically independent experiments). (b) MST analysis of UbcH5b binding with E6AP or E6AP-Ub (P54 and P55). E6AP-Ub (P55) was prepared with a ubiquitin Prg probe (n = 2 biologically independent experiments). (c) MST analysis of UbcH7 binding with E6AP or E6AP-Ub (P54 and P55) (n = 2 biologically independent experiments). (d) MST analysis of UbcH5b E2 binding to NEDD4 (P36) under high salt (1.6M NaCl) condition. The Kd values were calculated from two repeats using a quadratic binding model (n = 3 biologically independent experiments). (e) MST analysis of UbcH5b E2 binding to NEDD4-Ub (P37) under high salt (1.6M NaCl) condition. The Kd values were calculated from two repeats using a quadratic binding model (n = 3 biologically independent experiments). (f) Ubiquitination assays comparing WT NEDD4 with ΔC-tail-5aa and V588A NEDD4 mutants (P56 and P59). The unmodified NEDD4 band was quantified by densitometry. The percentage of unmodified NEDD4 is listed below each lane (n = 3 biologically independent experiments showed similar results). (g) Semisynthetic scheme for preparing NEDD4 or NEDD4-Ub containing fluoro-Phe896-NEDD4 proteins used in NMR study. (h) Ubiquitination assays of NEDD4 prepared by expressed protein ligation bearing different fluoro-Phe896 regioisomers containing C terminal tails. The NEDD4 proteins containing 2-fluoro-Phe896 (P63), 3-fluoro-Phe896 (P64), and 4-fluoro-Phe896 (P65) were prepared and compared with unligated NEDD4 (aa188-893, P66) for autoubiquitination activity (n = 2 biologically independent experiments showed similar results). (i) Quantification of fluoro-Phe896 containing NEDD4 activity. The ubiquitin western blot signals of the autoubiquitination smear were used to compare the relative activities of these NEDD4 proteins (n = 2 biologically independent experiments showed similar results). (j) A proposed structural model shows the HECT domain undergoes a transition from the T-conformation to the L conformation upon ubiquitin transfer from E2Ub to the E3 catalytic Cys. During this T-to-L conformation change, E2 protein is ejected to allow the turnover of the ubiquitination process.

Source data

Extended Data Fig. 7 Maximum likelihood tree from HECT proteins.

Bootstrap values are displayed as black circles. The tree representing the NEDD4 family is labeled and highlighted in red. Human HECT E3 proteins are coloured in red branches.

Extended Data Fig. 8 Unclasped view of a eukaryotic phylogenetic tree shown in Figure 6a.

The leaves of tree represent the species that contain HECT E3 ligases that were used in this study. The nine human NEDD4 HECT E3 ligases are highlighted in red.

Extended Data Fig. 9 NEDD4 family phylogeny tree from maximum likelihood tree analysis.

The species that contain NEDD4 family ligases are listed in this relationship comparison. These species are highlighted in the evolutionary tree of eukaryotes in Figure 6a.

Extended Data Table 1 Chart summary of the affinities (Kd) of various forms of E3 and E3-Ub interacting with E2, substrate or UbV measured with MST or fluorescence anisotropy

Supplementary information

Supplementary Information

Supplementary Tables 1–4 and Fig. 1.

Reporting Summary

Supplementary Code 1

NEDD4 HUWE1 hybrid modelling code.

Supplementary Code 2

RSP5-Ub-WBP2 modelling code.

Supplementary Code 3

HECT Most Likelyhood phynogenetic analysis.

Supplementary Data 1

Primers list.

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Source Data Fig. 1

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Unprocessed western blots and gels.

Source Data Fig. 2

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Unprocessed western blots and gels.

Source Data Fig. 3

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Unprocessed western blots and gels.

Source Data Fig. 4

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Source Data Fig. 4

Unprocessed western blots and gels.

Source Data Fig. 5

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Source Data Extended Data Fig. 1

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Unprocessed western blots and gels.

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Source Data Extended Data Fig. 4

Unprocessed western blots and gels.

Source Data Extended Data Fig. 5

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Source Data Extended Data Fig. 5

Unprocessed western blots and gels.

Source Data Extended Data Fig. 6

Statistical source data.

Source Data Extended Data Fig. 6

Unprocessed western blots and gels.

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Jiang, H., Miller, B.D., Viennet, T. et al. Protein semisynthesis reveals plasticity in HECT E3 ubiquitin ligase mechanisms. Nat. Chem. (2024).

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