Correction to: Nature Cell Biology, published online 7 December 2021.

In the version of this article initially published, there were omissions in the Acknowledgements section. The section has been amended to now include thanks to Daniele Bano, Miriam Stork and other members of their team (DZNE). We also thank Steven Zvi Josefowicz (Cornell University), Hugues de The (College De France/INSERM) and Nada Jabado (McGill University) for input and discussion, Bart Vanhaesebroeck (UCL) for providing the Rosa26CreERT2 mice, the P.S. lab (in particular, Xin Yan, Christina Georgopoulou Manon Chevallot-Beroux and D.A.) for assistance with experiments and scientific discussion, the DZNE Core Facilities, DZNE animal facility, PRECISE, the LIMES animal facility, UCL Core Services and UCL Biological Services.

The changes have been made to the online version of the Article.