Correction to: Nature Cell Biology, published online 4 January 2021

In the version of this Letter originally published, one of the analysed single-cell RNA sequencing samples contained cell duplicates from another sample (Control_7_FVR (with 90% FVR enrichment) contained the cells from sample Control_5_FVR (with 50% FVR enrichment)) due to an error that occurred during processing of single-cell RNA-seq libraries in the cell ranger pipeline. None of the conclusions change, but this affects the plots and maps shown in Figs 3b–e and 5a–d, Extended Data Figs. 4c–g, 5 and 8b–f, and source data for Fig. 3c. The original and corrected images are shown below, and the errors in the paper have been corrected.

Fig. 3
figure 1figure 1

Original and corrected.

Fig. 5
figure 3figure 3

Original and corrected.

Extended Data Fig. 4
figure 5figure 5

Original and corrected.

Extended Data Fig. 5
figure 7figure 7

Original and corrected.

Extended Data Fig. 8
figure 9figure 9

Original and corrected.