Correction to: Nature Cell Biology, published online 4 December 2011

In the version of this Letter originally published, in Fig. 4f, the P value for shRNA p21-2 infected HSCs versus control shRNA-infected HSCs from mTerc+/+, Puma−/− mice is 0.04 and not non-significant (ns) as indicated in the figure. In the legend for Supplementary Fig. 2e, the correct n values were n = 16–38 mice per group (16 WT, 16 Puma−/−, 31 G3mTerc−/−Puma+/+, 38 G3mTerc−/−Puma−/−) for the analysis of aberrant crypt foci (ACF) and n = 7 mice per group for the analysis of macroscopic tumours. These numbers were swapped in the original figure legend. These two errors do not affect the conclusion or any statement of the publication.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Original and Corrected.