Correction to: Nature Communications, published online 6 September 2021.

In the original PDF version of this Article, there was an error in the code within the 'Methods' subsection ‘scETM software’. The original text read:

“from scETM import scETM,

UnsupervisedTrainermodel = scETM(adata.n_

vars, adata.obs.batch_indices.nunique())

trainer = UnsupervisedTrainer(model, adata)

trainer.train(save_model_ckpt = False)model.


The correct format is:

“from scETM import scETM, UnsupervisedTrainer

model = scETM(adata.n_vars, adata.obs.batch_indices.nunique())

trainer = UnsupervisedTrainer(model, adata)

trainer.train(save_model_ckpt = False)


This has been corrected in the PDF version of the Article; the HTML version was correct at the time of publication.