Replying to A. A. Katanin Nature Communications (2021).

In his comment1, Katanin reanalyzes our LDA + DMFT results2 for the temperature-dependent static local spin susceptibility of Sr2RuO4 and V2O3 fitting them to a Curie–Weiss (CW) form, \(\chi \left( T \right) \simeq a/\left( {T + \theta } \right)\). Invoking Wilson’s analysis3 of the impurity susceptibility of the spin-½ one-channel Kondo model (1CKM) in the wide-band limit, he extracts spin Kondo temperatures using \(T_{{{\mathrm{K}}}} = \theta /\sqrt 2 ,\) obtaining TK = 350 K and 100 K for Sr2RuO4 and V2O3, respectively. Noting that these are significantly smaller than the scales \(T_{{{{\mathrm{sp}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{onset}}}}}\) = 2300 K and 1000 K reported in ref. 2, he argues that our \(T_{{{{\mathrm{sp}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{onset}}}}}\) scales “do not characterize the screening process”.

We welcome Katanin’s use of our data. However, his implication that our \(T_{{{{\mathrm{sp}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{onset}}}}}\) was intended to fully characterize the screening process is misleading. Our work uses the full susceptibility vs. temperature curve to describe properly spin screening, not just a single number. Furthermore, our \(T_{{{{\mathrm{sp}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{onset}}}}}\) was defined to characterize the high-temperature onset of spin screening, whereas his TK characterizes the CW regime found at intermediate (i.e., lower) temperatures. The fact that TK is much smaller than \(T_{{{{\mathrm{sp}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{onset}}}}}\) is therefore not surprising but natural.

We agree with Katanin that, for Hund metals in general and Sr2RuO4 in particular, it is reasonable to approximate \(\chi \left( T \right)\), using results of a Kondo impurity which features a CW law at intermediate temperatures. (In the Supplementary material we analyze \(\chi \left( T \right)\) taken data from DMFT studies of the model Hund system used in ref. 2.) However, this was already well known. For Sr2RuO4, a comparison to the exact solution of a (fully screened) spin-1 Kondo model impurity model was carried out in the inset of Fig. 3a of ref. 4 (ref. 17 of ref. 2), reproduced as Fig. 1(left) below, and a CW fit of that data was published in Fig. 2a of ref. 5 (cited as ref. 5 of ref. 2). We reproduce it as Fig. 1(right) below. Since Sr2RuO4 and V2O3 have an atomic ground state configuration spin closer to 1 than ½, the use of a (fully screened) spin-1 Kondo model is more reasonable. Furthermore, when interpreting LDA+DMFT results, it is preferable to use definitions of the Kondo scale that rely on the low-temperature portion of the susceptibility curve, as was done in refs. 4,10, as opposed to the high-temperature portion as in Katanin’s proposal to characterize spin screening. We elaborate on these points and propose a simple way to characterize spin crossovers of Hund metals below.

Fig. 1: Earlier work comparing Kondo impurity model with LDA+DMFT results for Sr2RuO4.
figure 1

Left: \(1/\chi (T)\) versus T, with LDA+DMFT results for Sr2RuO4 (red symbols) and a Curie–Weiss fit (straight red line) reproduced from the inset of Fig. 2a of ref. 5. Right: Bethe-Ansatz results for the spin-1,2-channel Kondo model \(\chi \left( T \right)\) vs. T with \(T_{{{{\mathrm{BA}}}}}\) = 240 K (solid line) in good agreement with the LDA + DMFT results for Sr2RuO4 (black symbols) reproduced from inset of Fig. 3a of ref. 4.

Since Katanin’s comment invokes the 1CKM, we start by summarizing some of its well-established properties3,6,7. \(\chi \left( T \right)\) exhibits a very broad crossover, from Curie-like high-temperature behavior governed by a local-moment fixed point describing a free spin, to Pauli-like low-temperature behavior governed by a Fermi-liquid fixed point describing a fully screened spin. A proper description of this crossover requires a crossover scaling function, \(F\left( {T/T_{{{\mathrm{K}}}}} \right)\) and a crossover scale, the Kondo scale TK, with \(\chi \left( T \right) = F(T/T_{{{\mathrm{K}}}})/T\). Wilson showed that F(x) is universal under the assumptions of very weak impurity-bath coupling and infinite bandwidth, and computed it numerically. There are multiple ways of defining TK, evoking the behavior of F(x) for either \(x \gg 1,\) \(x \simeq 1\), or \(x \ll 1\), yielding TK values differing only by factors of order unity. Wilson’s definition of TK (adopted by Katanin), denoted TW here, evokes the \(x \gg 1\) limit. For high temperatures, \(T \,\gtrsim\, 16T_{{{\mathrm{W}}}}\), he found \(\chi \left( T \right) \simeq 1/(4T)\left[ {1 - 1/{{{\mathrm{ln}}}}(T/T_{{{\mathrm{W}}}}) + O\left( {1/\ln ^3(T/T_{{{\mathrm{W}}}})} \right.} \right]\), with TW defined such that the coefficient of \(1/\ln ^2(T/T_{{{\mathrm{W}}}})\) vanishes. For intermediate temperatures, \(0.5T_{{{\mathrm{W}}}} \, < \, T \, < \, 16T_{{{\mathrm{W}}}}\), his numerical results are well approximated by a CW form, with a = 0.17 and \(\theta \sim \sqrt 2 T_{{{\mathrm{W}}}}\)3,6 (as used by Katanin). At zero temperature, Wilson found \(\chi \left( 0 \right)\sim 0.103/T_{{{\mathrm{W}}}}\) (Eq. (IX.91) of ref. 3). Subsequent Bethe-Ansatz (BA) calculations of the scaling function6,7 matched Wilson’s numerical results. Analogous results have been obtained for fully screened Kondo models with higher spins8,9.The BA works showed that the curve \(\chi (T)\) vs. T/TK depends on the spin S, with \(\chi \left( T \right) \propto \left. {S(S + 1)} \right]/(3T)\) for \(T/T_{{{\mathrm{K}}}} \gg 1\) and \(\chi \left( T \right) \propto S\) for \(T/T_{{{\mathrm{K}}}} \ll 1\). The Kondo scales defined in these BA works are independent of spin as in Eq. (21) of ref. 9: \(T_{{{{\mathrm{BA}}}}} = S/[\pi \chi \left( 0 \right)]\), with \(T_{{{{\mathrm{BA}}}}}/T_{{{\mathrm{W}}}} = 1.55\) for S = 1/2.

In ref. 2, we used a strategy similar to Wilson’s: we identified the regions where the behavior of \(\chi _{{{{\mathrm{spin}}}}}\left( T \right)\) and \(\chi _{{{{\mathrm{orb}}}}}\left( T \right)\) is governed by atomic physics or Fermi-liquid theory and numerically computed the crossover function bridging them. We defined two scales for the onset and completion of spin screening, \(T_{{{{\mathrm{sp}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{onset}}}}}\) and \(T_{{{{\mathrm{sp}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{cmp}}}}}\) as the temperatures above or below which \(\chi _{{{{\mathrm{spin}}}}}\left( T \right)\) shows pure Curie behavior (\(\sim 1/T\)) or pure Pauli behavior (\(\sim {{{\mathrm{const}}}}\)), respectively, and similarly \(T_{{{{\mathrm{orb}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{onset}}}}}\) and \(T_{{{{\mathrm{orb}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{cmp}}}}}\) for orbital screening. Our \(T_{{{{\mathrm{sp}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{onset}}}}}\) and \(T_{{{{\mathrm{sp}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{cmp}}}}}\) scales are similar in spirit to Wilson’s 16TW and \(0.5T_{{{\mathrm{W}}}}\). So even within the 1CKM framework, an extraction of \(T_{{{\mathrm{W}}}}\) from our results, using \(T_{{{\mathrm{W}}}} \simeq T_{{{{\mathrm{sp}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{onset}}}}}/16\), would yield \(2300\,{{{\mathrm{K}}}}/16 \simeq 140\) K for Sr2RuO4 and \(1000\,{{{\mathrm{K}}}}/16 \simeq 60\) K, and the order of magnitude discrepancy claimed by Katanin disappears.

Contrary to this crude estimate, in ref. 2 we did not assume \(T_{{{{\mathrm{sp}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{onset}}}}}\) to be proportional to a single Kondo scale since even for an impurity model without DMFT self-consistency, \(T_{{{{\mathrm{sp}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{onset}}}}}\) is known to be affected by energy scales not present in the wide-band 1CKM (e.g., a finite bandwidth or a finite charging energy), since such scales cut off high-temperature logarithmic corrections [cf. ref. 10, Fig. 2b, c]. This is even more important for Mott systems, where the emergence of a quasi-particle resonance with decreasing temperatures affects the bath bandwidth via DMFT self-consistency.

Fig. 2: Two representations of the impurity susceptibility \(\chi \left( T \right)\) as defined by Wilson3 (blue lines), for the 1CKM in the wide-band limit, computed using the numerical renormalization group (NRG).
figure 2

a The Curie–Weiss form (red dashed line) works reasonably well for intermediate temperatures, but (b) not at all for large temperatures, \(T/\tilde T_{{{\mathrm{K}}}} \gg 1\), where logarithmic corrections are large (black dash-dotted line).

In ref. 2, we supplemented our LDA+DMFT study of actual materials by DMFT studies of a multi-orbital model Hamiltonian, again computing \(\chi (T)\) numerically. We found signatures distinguishing Mottness and Hundness (such as \(T_{{{{\mathrm{spin}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{onset}}}}} \simeq\) \(T_{{{{\mathrm{orb}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{onset}}}}}\) for the former but \(T_{{{{\mathrm{spin}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{onset}}}}} < \) \(T_{{{{\mathrm{orb}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{onset}}}}}\) for the latter) similar to those found in the materials. We defined a Kondo scale \(T_{{{{\mathrm{K}}}},{{{\mathrm{spin}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{dyn}}}}}\) (denoted \(T_{{{\mathrm{K}}}}\) in ref. 2) through the imaginary part of the \(T = 0\) dynamical spin susceptibility, \(\chi ^{\prime\prime} \left( {\omega = T_{{{{\mathrm{K}}}},{{{\mathrm{spin}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{dyn}}}}}} \right)\) = maximal. \(T_{{{{\mathrm{K}}}},{{{\mathrm{spin}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{dyn}}}}}\) characterizes the intermediate region, with \(T_{{{{\mathrm{spin}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{cmp}}}}} < T_{{{{\mathrm{K}}}},{{{\mathrm{spin}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{dyn}}}}} < \) \(T_{{{{\mathrm{spin}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{onset}}}}}\). It is shown as a red line in Fig. 5b of ref. 2, yielding \(T_{{{{\mathrm{K}}}},{{{\mathrm{spin}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{dyn}}}}} = 0.12t = 600\,{{{\mathrm{K}}}}\) for our Hund system H1 mimicking Sr2RuO4, and \(T_{{{{\mathrm{K}}}},{{{\mathrm{spin}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{dyn}}}}} = 0.04t = 200\,{{{\mathrm{K}}}}\) for our Mott system M1 mimicking V2O3 (using the conversion factor \(t = 5000\,{{{\mathrm{K}}}}\) stated in Fig. 1).

We take Katanin’s comment as an incentive to propose a standardized scheme for extracting a Kondo scale, \(\tilde T_{{{\mathrm{K}}}}\), from a computed \(\chi \left( T \right)\) curve. Our scheme (i) does not involve a fit to predictions of a specific impurity model, since in general it is unclear which impurity model to compare to, and (ii) uses the \(x \le 1\) part of the crossover scaling function, since it is more universal than the \(x \gg 1\) part8,9,10; and (iii) reduces to impurity-model results when these are applicable. We propose to define \(\tilde T_{{{\mathrm{K}}}}\) through the relation \(\chi (\tilde T_{{{\mathrm{K}}}})/\chi (0) = 1/2\). (If \(\chi \left( 0 \right)\) is not known but \(\chi \left( T \right)\) shows CW-type behavior at intermediate temperatures, \(\chi \left( 0 \right)\) can be estimated by linear extrapolation of \(1/\chi \left( T \right)\) vs. \(T\) to zero temperature.) This definition ensures that \(T_{{{{\mathrm{sp}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{comp}}}}} \, < \, \tilde T_{{{\mathrm{K}}}} \, < \, T_{{{{\mathrm{sp}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{onset}}}}}\), as it should. For the CW form it yields \(\tilde T_{{{\mathrm{K}}}} = \theta\). For the 1CKM, NRG computations (Fig. 2) show that \(\tilde T_{{{\mathrm{K}}}} = 0.169/\chi (0) = 1.06T_{{{{\mathrm{BA}}}}} = 1.64T_{{{\mathrm{W}}}}\). For the materials Sr2RuO4 and V2O3 studied in ref. 2, Katanin’s CW extraction of \(\theta\)-values implies \(\tilde T_{{{\mathrm{K}}}} = 574\,{{{\mathrm{K}}}}\) or \(164\,{{{\mathrm{K}}}}\), respectively. This illustrates, yet again, the main point of this reply: the Kondo scale is generically much smaller than \(T_{{{{\mathrm{sp}}}}}^{{{{\mathrm{onset}}}}}\), and it is misleading to conflate these two scales.