Intratumor heterogeneity (ITH) of genomic alterations may impact prognosis of lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD). Here, we investigate ITH of somatic copy number alterations (SCNAs), DNA methylation, and point mutations in lung cancer driver genes in 292 tumor samples from 84 patients with LUAD. LUAD samples show substantial SCNA and methylation ITH, and clonal architecture analyses present congruent evolutionary trajectories for SCNAs and DNA methylation aberrations. Methylation ITH mapping to gene promoter areas or tumor suppressor genes is low. Moreover, ITH composed of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms altering the same cancer driver genes is shown in several tumors. To quantify ITH for valid statistical association analyses, we develope an average pairwise ITH index (APITH), which does not depend on the number of samples per tumor. Both APITH indexes for SCNAs and methylation aberrations show significant associations with poor prognosis. This study further establishes the important clinical implications of genetic and epigenetic ITH in LUAD.
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Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality, causing more than one million deaths worldwide annually1. Lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) is the most common histologic subtype and accounts for about 40% of lung cancer incidence. While hundreds of LUAD tumors have been profiled extensively based on a single biopsy per patient2,3, fewer subjects have been investigated for diversity within the tumor through multi-sampling. A few studies have analyzed the extent of intratumor heterogeneity (ITH) of somatic nucleotide variants (SNVs) and/or somatic copy number aberrations (SCNAs)4,5,6, and others of DNA methylation7,8 in LUAD. Some of these studies found a positive association between SNV ITH and risk of relapse4 or SCNA ITH and cancer free survival (combining risk of mortality and of recurrences)6. However, ITH in these studies was estimated without adjusting for the number of samples examined for each tumor and the methylation analysis did not take into account sample purity.
Using multiple samples per tumor it is possible to reconstruct the cancer evolutionary history. In prostate and brain tumors, congruent evolutionary trajectories of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms have been reported9,10, but to what extent epigenetic changes occur alongside phylogenetic changes in LUAD remains largely unknown.
Here, we perform a comprehensive analysis of ITH of somatic mutations in cancer driver genes, copy number aberrations and DNA methylation in 292 tumor samples from 84 patients with LUAD. We also investigated genetic/epigenetic ITH affecting cancer driver pathways. Moreover, we order genetic and epigenetic events along the LUAD evolutionary trajectories, and test the hypothesis that co-occurrence of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms characterizes the evolution of LUADs. Finally, we assess the clonality of targetable cancer driver genes and evaluate the association of ITH with clinical outcomes (survival and, separately, risk of metastasis) correcting for sample purity and using an unbiased statistical model which takes into account the number of samples examined from each tumor.
Patient characteristics
To determine clonal evolutionary patterns in the genome and epigenome, we performed multi-region sampling from 84 patients with LUAD, of whom 76 (90%) reported past or current smoking. All the samples were treatment-naïve and surgically excised. The demographic characteristics are summarized in Table 1 and Supplementary Data 1. The clinical outcome analyses were based on a median follow-up time of 40.0 months. In total, 292 tumor tissue samples and 157 non-tumor samples (including 74 normal tissue samples, 81 blood samples and 2 buccal cell sample) were collected from 84 subjects. ITH was estimated for tumors that included between 2 and 11 tumor samples for each assay type. For reference, we used blood or buccal cells for deep target sequencing and, to factor out high tissue specificity, normal tissue samples for methylation. For SNP arrays we used only tumor samples. Samples used for each assay type are shown in Fig. 1 and Supplementary Fig. 1.
Clonal structure of SNVs and SCNAs
Across all patients, deep target sequencing revealed SNVs in 35 out of the 37 cancer driver genes assayed (Supplementary Data 2). On average, 3.4 genes had nonsynonymous SNVs in each patient. The five most frequently mutated genes were TP53 (50%), KRAS (46.4%), KMT2C (39.3%), STK11 (28.6%) and KEAP1 (25%), consistent with previous studies for LUAD2,11,12 (Fig. 2, Supplementary Data 2). For each patient, SNVs were classified as public if all tumor samples from the same tumor carried the SNVs and private otherwise. 65.3% (126 of 193) of SNVs were public, a higher proportion than what was observed in the TRACERx study6 (public SNVs = 50.5%), if we apply the same definition of public vs. private events. In total, 24.3% (47/193; 30 public, 17 private) of SNVs were predicted to strongly alter protein functions (e.g., frameshift or gain of stop codon mutations). The public SNVs showed slightly higher dN/dS ratio than the private SNVs (public SNVs: 3.40 (95% CI: 1.80–6.44), private SNVs: 2.55 (95% CI: 1.29–5.05)). Overall, the functional impact and selective pressure showed no significant difference between public and private SNVs.
Next, we performed unsupervised clustering based on the global SCNA profiles (see Methods section). Intratumoral heterogeneity was lower than intertumoral heterogeneity, with 226/268 (84.3%) samples from the same tumors clustered together and another 7/268 (2.6%) samples from the same tumors in close proximity to each other (Supplementary Fig. 2).
In order to quantify levels of intratumoral heterogeneity, we developed an unbiased metric, the average pairwise ITH index (APITH, see Methods section) and applied it to the SCNA profiles of all patients (Fig. 3a). A major advantage of APITH is that its value is not biased by the number of multi-region samples per tumor while a previously used method6 is strongly affected (Fig. 3b). APITH ranged from 0 to 0.68 with a mean = 0.184, median = 0.157, and standard deviation = 0.153 (Fig. 3c), suggesting ~18.4% of the genome had different copy number status on average for any pair of tumor samples from the same patient. Of note, the largest APITH values (>0.5) were from patients with only two tumor samples, likely because of large variance in the APITH estimate.
Previous TCGA studies2,13 have reported recurrent SCNA regions for LUAD and identified in these regions 32 candidate driver genes, including 25 amplified and 7 deleted genes. In our samples, SCNA ITH in the recurrently altered regions was similar to SCNA ITH across the whole genome (Supplementary Fig. 3). SCNAs of candidate driver genes were observed in 11.3–72.5% tumors, comparable to the TCGA study (Supplementary Data 3). SMARCA4 deletion and MCL1 amplification were the most frequent SCNA events (72.5% and 68.75%, respectively). KRAS and EGFR amplification were also observed in 38.75% and 41.25% of tumors, respectively, of which 41.9% and 33.3% were public.
We do not report APITH of SNVs since we conducted target sequencing of 37 cancer driver genes only, with resulting low number of mutations identified.
Intratumoral heterogeneity of DNA methylation
We first performed unsupervised hierarchical clustering based on methylation profiles using the 5000 most variable CpG sites across the genome (Fig. 4a) and, separately, limited our analysis to CpGs in promoter regions (Supplementary Fig. 4). Both analyses confirmed that normal tissue samples from almost all subjects (59/61) clustered together. Similarly, 183/205 (89.3%) samples from the same tumors clustered together, showing higher intertumoral heterogeneity than intratumoral heterogeneity.
Previous studies have identified high levels of methylation in promoter regions of some genes, also referred to as the CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) in multiple cancer types, including lung cancer2,14,15. 16/68 (23.5%) patients had significantly altered CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP-H) and 47/68 (69.1%) had a normal-like pattern (CIMP-L). In five patients, both CIMP-H and CIMP-L patterns were observed in the same tumor.
We next examined the distribution of DNA methylation ITH based on either the probes across the whole genome or those mapping to specific genomic regions (Fig. 4b). The CpG probes mapping to CpG island regions had a significantly lower APITH compared to those mapping to other regions (p = 1.09 × 10−10), as previously observed in aggressive prostate cancer10. Moreover, the CpG probes mapping to gene promoter regions (TSS1500, TSS200, 5′ UTR and first exon) had lower APITH compared to those mapping to gene bodies, 3′ UTR regions and intergenic regions (t-test p = 1.626 × 10−8).
Restricting the analysis to CpG probes mapping to 250 oncogenes and 300 tumor suppressor genes predicted by TUSON Explorer16 revealed that methylation ITH mapping to tumor suppressor genes was significantly lower than that of oncogenes (t-test p = 1.68 × 10−17) and that of other genes (t-test p = 1.50 × 10−16) (Fig. 4c). Inactivation of tumor-suppressor genes by hypermethylation at promoter regions has been observed in multiple cancer types including lung cancer17,18,19. Lower DNA methylation ITH in these regions suggests greater selective pressure which is consistent with their high putative impacts in oncogenic transformation.
ITH of genomic alteration types in cancer driver pathways
We analyzed genetic and epigenetic aberrations of 13 cancer driver genes in the RTK/RAS/RAF pathway that are frequently mutated in LUAD2 (Fig. 5). For SCNAs, we only included amplification of oncogenes and deletion of tumor suppressor genes. For DNA methylation, we determined abnormality based on probes located in CpG islands at promoter regions of the target genes.
Across the 13 genes, 77/84 (91.7%) tumors harbored genetic or epigenetic alterations in this pathway; ITH was observed in 69 (89.6%) tumors. SNVs, SCNAs, and methylation of the driver genes altered 7.28%, 17.5%, and 4.19% of the tumors, respectively. Different types of genetic or epigenetic alterations affected different samples in the same tumor. For example, in tumor IGC-11-1130, four samples were tested and all had alterations in the KRAS pathway. Among them, two samples had amplification in ROS1 and the other two samples had aberrant DNA methylation in the promoter regions of ALK (Fig. 5).
In the cell cycle pathway, genetic or epigenetic changes in RB1, CDKN2A, or SWI/SNF components were observed in 57/84 (67.9%) tumors, with ITH in 33 (57.9%) tumors.
Evolutionary trajectories of genetic and epigenetic events
To reconstruct the evolutionary trajectories, we inferred clonal relationships for tumors that were assayed for both SCNA and DNA methylation in multiple regions. For each pair of tumor samples per tumor, we first calculated the Euclidean distance separately for SCNA profiles and the DNA methylation levels of the 5000 most variable CpG probes. We found that the pairwise SCNA distances were positively correlated with DNA methylation distances (Fig. 6a, Spearman’s correlation coefficient’s = 0.586, p < 1 × 10−16). To exclude the possibility that the DNA methylation changed purely as a consequence of the changed ratio between alleles, we carried out a sensitivity analysis by testing the correlation between SCNA and methylation distances only in regions with the same copy number status (gain/loss/neutral) for all samples from the same tumor, defined as SCNA homogeneous regions, and also in copy number neutral regions. Both analyses showed consistent results and supported the congruence between SCNAs and methylation (Supplementary Fig. 5, panels A–D for 14 tumors with at least four samples each assayed for methylation, Spearman’s correlation coefficient’s = 0.638 and 0.573 for SCNA homogenous and copy-number neutral regions, respectively, p < 1 × 10−16). We then examined the topology of evolutionary trees inferred from SCNAs and DNA methylation and observed high similarity (Fig. 6b for six tumors with at least five samples each; Supplementary Fig. 5E for the same analysis based on CpG probes across the whole genome, CpG probes mapping to SCNA homogenous regions, and CpG probes mapping to copy number neutral regions; and Supplementary Fig. 6 for eight tumors with at least four samples each). These results support the co-occurrence of the two mechanisms in shaping the cancer genome.
Of note, when we overlaid the SNVs in target genes on the SCNA-derived and methylation-derived trees, we observed that some genes were altered by different mechanisms in the same trees. For example, tumor IGC-10-1179 had STK11 mutated in the trunk and deleted in a branch (Fig. 6c).
Associations between ITH and clinical outcomes
We tested the association of SCNA and DNA methylation APITH with clinical data and observed no significant correlations with age, tumor stage, or grade (Supplementary Data 4). Smokers had higher APITH of SCNAs (t-test p = 0.035, nominally significant) but similar APITH of methylation compared with non-smokers. Other smoking behaviors (e.g., smoking intensity and duration) were not associated with APITH of SCNA or DNA methylation.
Next, we examined the associations between APITH and survival or risk of distant metastasis. For each analysis, we performed a Cox proportional-hazards model weighted or unweighted by the variance of the estimated APITH. For significant associations, we found that weighted analysis had smaller p-values than unweighted analysis, as expected. Thus, we report below results based on weighted analyses (summary of weighted and unweighted results is in Supplementary Datas 5 and 6).
Similar to the TRACERx study6, we found that increased SCNA APITH was associated with poor overall survival with p = 0.05 using all patients and p = 0.0044 (HR = 1.77, 95% CI = 1.2–2.6) when restricting the analysis to patients with ≥ 3 tumor samples per tumor (Supplementary Data 5 and Fig. 7a). SCNA APITH was not significantly associated with risk of developing distant metastases (Supplementary Data 5). Of note, for both overall survival and distant metastasis, APITH based on SCNAs in the 37 cancer driver genes provided lower prognostic value than the APITH of SCNAs in the whole genome.
We then tested the association of DNA methylation-based APITH with overall survival and the risk of distant metastases. We found that APITH based on the 5000 most variable CpG probes was associated with overall survival (HR = 1.27, 95% CI = 1.05–1.55, p = 0.016, Supplementary Data 6 and Fig. 7b) but not significantly associated with risk of metastasis (p = 0.14). APITH based on CpG probes mapping to island regions had the strongest association with overall survival (HR = 1.31, 95% CI = 1.10–1.57, p = 0.0028, Fig. 7c) and were also found to be associated with risk of distant metastasis (HR = 1.35, 95% CI = 1.07–1.72, p = 0.012, Fig. 7d). The results for APITH defined based on other genomic regions are in Supplementary Data 6. The CIMP phenotype did not show substantial ITH, i.e., there were only a few tumors with CIMP-H and CIMP-L across samples from the same tumor. Therefore, we could not analyze the association of APITH of CIMP with clinical outcomes.
In this study, we investigated genetic and epigenetic intra-tumor heterogeneity based on multi-region sampling per tumor across 84 patients with LUAD. On average, 35% of SNVs in targeted genes were private and ~18.4% of the genome had SCNA ITH for any pair of samples from the same tumor. Methylation in CpG islands or gene promoter regions, particularly of tumor suppressor genes, had low ITH. Different types of somatic alterations across samples from the same tumors affected cancer driver genes in the RTK/RAS/RAF or cell cycle pathways. SCNAs and DNA methylation changes showed congruent evolutionary trajectories. Notably, we developed a statistical approach to correctly estimate ITH for any pair of tumor samples from the same patient and showed that ITH of SCNAs and DNA methylation was associated with poor prognosis.
The findings of substantial ITH across different genomic types and of similar tumor evolutionary trajectories for genetic and epigenetic changes are important to understand the biology and natural history of LUAD. Moreover, they are crucial to inform clinical management and therapeutic strategies. Using multi-region sampling, we identified private events in cancer driver genes, which may not be detected by a single biopsy or by limiting the analyses to point mutations. For example, combining genetic and epigenetic changes, 95.2% of tumors had activating events in the RTK pathway, of which ~36% were private.
ITH of SCNA and ITH of DNA methylation (overall and in CpG islands) were similarly associated with shorter survival in our study, and ITH of methylation in CpG islands was also associated with higher risk of developing metastasis. Adding both measures in the same model did not significantly improve the prediction value (data not shown), likely because the two measures were highly correlated to each other.
In previous studies, ITH of SCNAs was quantified as the fraction of SCNAs not shared by all samples in the tumor6. Clearly, this ITH index positively depends on the number of tumor samples per tumor (Fig. 3b) and thus hinders valid cross-patient comparisons or testing associations with clinical outcomes. Moreover, unobserved factors that are associated with the number of tumor samples per patient, e.g., tumor size or different study sites, may confound the association analysis with clinical outcomes. We propose APITH as an index for ITH, similar in spirit to that previously proposed for quantifying ITH from the observation of SNVs20. This index, defined by pairwise distances of genomic profiles, is not biased by the number of samples per tumor and thus allows association testing for any genomic profiling platforms. Crucially, the variance of APITH estimates depend on the number of samples per tumor and thus a naïve statistical association test between APITH and any outcome may have low statistical power. We explicitly addressed this issue by quantifying the variance of APITH and proposing a procedure for its numerical calculation. This variance was used to weight subjects in the regression analyses to achieve the best statistical power, as demonstrated in theoretical analyses (Supplementary Methods). As a confirmation, our empirical results showed that the weighted analyses produced more significant results than the unweighted analyses for the association between APITH and overall survival.
A comparison between the previous TRACERx study6 and this study using APITH to estimate the ITH of SCNAs is reported in the Supplementary Notes.
In conclusion, our results delineate the genetic and epigenetic ITH in LUAD and provide a rigorous statistical approach to estimate ITH for comparisons across individuals and for associations with clinical outcomes. DNA methylation and genomic changes followed similar evolutionary trajectories and strongly impacted cancer driver genes and pathways in a complex manner. These findings can inform the clinical management of LUADs suggesting that taking multiple biopsies and analyzing multiple genomic types may be needed to capture the landscape of targetable events. Future larger studies are warranted to identify the combination of genomic types and genomic regions to best predict clinical outcomes.
Patients and multi-region tumor samples
The current work includes 84 patients with LUAD from the EAGLE study, a population-based case-control study conducted in Italy between 2002 and 2005 (refs. 12,21,22). Samples were snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen within 20 min of surgical resection and the precise site of tissue sampling was recorded. All tumor samples were histologically confirmed as primary LUAD (not mixed types or undifferentiated cases) with at least 50% tumor nuclei and <20% necrosis. Normal tissue samples were taken at > 3 cm from the tumor tissue and had to have no tumor nuclei at histological examination. Based on these characteristics and DNA quality, we were able to analyze between 2 and 11 samples from each tumor, for an overall 292 tumor samples and 157 non-tumor samples (including 74 normal tissue samples, 81 blood samples and 2 buccal cell samples). Detailed information on tumor characteristics, recurrence, treatment, and follow-up data were recovered from patients’ medical records and follow-up visits and hospital admissions were identified by linkage with the region-wide Regional Health Authority database (Supplementary Data 1). Recurrence history was ascertained through December 31, 2010. The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the US National Cancer Institute and the involved institutions in Italy, including A.O. Ospedale Niguarda Cà Granda—Milano, A.O. Spedali Civili—Brescia, Istituto Clinico Humanitas—Rozzano (Milano), Ospedale di Circolo e Fondazione Macchi—Varese, Fondazione IRCCS Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Mangiagalli e Regina Elena—Milano, Istituto Scientifico Universitario Ospedale San Raffaele—Milano, A.O. Ospedale Luigi Sacco—Milano, A.O. San Paolo—Milano, A.O. Ospedale San Carlo Borromeo—Milano, IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo—Pavia, A.O. San Gerardo—Monza, A.O. Ospedale Fatebenefratelli e Oftalmico—Milano, and Ospedale San Giuseppe—Milano. Informed consent was obtained for all subjects prior to study participation.
Genomic and epigenomic profiling of tumor samples
Somatic copy number alterations (SCNAs) in tumors were profiled using 705,667 probes from the Illumina HumanOmniExpress SNP arrays in 268 tumor samples from 80 subjects. SCNA segmentation was performed using ASCAT23 based only on B allele frequencies to avoid hypersegmentation; copy number status of each segment was determined based on log R ratio. Bisulfite treatment and Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip assays were performed to derive the DNA methylation levels in 205 tumor samples and 74 normal tissue samples from 68 subjects; in the absence of paired normal tissue samples for seven tumors, methylation levels were imputed based on the methylation levels of the overall normal samples. For DNA methylation, we analyzed 338,730 CpG probes after excluding probes annotated with genetic variants, in repetitive genomic regions or on the X-chromosome. Deep target sequencing was performed to identify SNVs for 37 established lung cancer driver genes2,11,12 with an average sequencing depth of 500X in 180 tumor samples and 55 blood samples and 1 buccal sample from 56 subjects. Sequence data were processed using the standard Ion Torrent Suite Software (Thermo Fisher Scientific) version 5.0.7 and somatic mutations were detected using Torrent variant caller (TVC) version 5.0.9. More details can be found in Supplementary Methods. Samples used for each assay are listed in Fig. 1 and Supplementary Fig. 1.
Bioinformatic analyses of DNA methylation data
Bisulfite treatment and Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip assays were performed to derive the DNA methylation levels. Raw methylated and unmethylated intensities were background-corrected, and dye-bias-equalized, to correct for technical variation in signal between arrays. For background correction, we applied a normal–exponential convolution, using the intensity of the Infinium I probes in the channel opposite their design to measure non-specific signal. For each CpG probe, the DNA methylation level was summarized as the fraction of signal intensity obtained from the methylated beads over the total signal intensity. After excluding CpG probes annotated with genetic variants, in repetitive genomic regions or on the X-chromosome, 338,730 CpG probes remained for analysis. Each CpG probe was annotated as in CpG Island (denoted as CGI), nonCGI (including shores and shelves) or open-sea. Each CpG probe was also annotated as in promoter (TSS200, TSS1500, and first exon), body, 3′UTR in a specific gene or annotated as intergenic. Methylation ITH of specific genomic regions was computed using the average pair-wise distance of the top 10% variably expressed probes mapping to that region scaled by the number of probes. To identify potential driver DNA methylation events, we analyzed CpG island regions of cancer driver genes and compared the beta values of tumor samples and corresponding normal samples. We used 0.3 as the cutoff value to call differences in beta values7.
Bioinformatic analyses of deep target sequencing data
Deep target sequencing was performed to identify SNVs for 37 established lung cancer driver genes with an average sequencing depth of 500×. The genes were targeted with an Ion Ampliseq panel, and enriched libraries were sequenced using P1 chips on the Ion Proton sequencer. All laboratory analyses were performed at the Cancer Genomics Research Laboratory (CGR) of the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, NCI. Sequence data were processed using standard Ion Torrent Suite Software (Thermo Fisher Scientific) version 5.0.7. The data processing pipeline includes signal processing, base calling, quality score assignment, adapter trimming, read alignment to hg19, coverage analysis and somatic variant calling. We used TVC version 5.0.9 to detect somatic mutations. A somatic mutation was detected if the variant allele count >3, coverage >2 in both tumor and normal samples and variant allele fraction ≥ 0.1. The dN/dS ratio was estimated using R package dNdScv24.
Bioinformatic analyses of SCNA data
We initially performed SCNA analysis using ASCAT23 with default parameters, which uses both LRR (log R ratio) and B-allele frequency (BAF). Extensive SCNAs and very complex subclonality patterns made segmentation difficult. Thus, we modified the ASCAT to rely only on BAFs for segmentation. Segments with BAF values different from 0.5 were identified as SCNA regions. We compared LRR values between SCNA regions and segments with BAFs = 0.5 using the Student’s t-test. If the SCNA region LRRs were significantly higher or lower at significance level of 0.05 after adjusting for multiple comparisons, the segments were identified as amplified or deleted, respectively. Otherwise they were identified as LOH. In addition, amplifications with at least four copy numbers in oncogenes and deletions with zero copy number in tumor suppressor genes were identified as potential driver events.
Statistical analyses
Regional genetic and epigenetic evolutionary trees for each patient were built using fastme.bal in an R package ape that uses the minimum evolution algorithm based on a distance matrix of SCNA or methylation profiles25. The consensus tree was built using a revised distance matrix combining both SCNA and DNA methylation profiles with methods described briefly below. Let \(d_{ij}^1\) denotes SCNA distance and \(d_{ij}^2\) denotes methylation distance. When both samples have SCNA and methylation profiles, the new distance was defined as \(d_{ij}^0 = 0.5\left( {\frac{{d_{ij}^1}}{{\max d_{kl}^1}} + \frac{{d_{ij}^2}}{{\max d_{kl}^2}}} \right)\). When only SCNA profiles are available, we define \(d_{ij}^0 = \frac{{d_{ij}^1}}{{\max d_{kl}^1}}\). Here, the denominators are used to rescale distances so that they are comparable between SCNA and DNA methylation profiles.
The analysis of the CIMP was performed using the hierarchical clustering based on the 5000 most variable CpG probes mapping to gene promoter regions and CpG island regions.
Methylation analysis adjusted by sample purity
For a given CpG probe, the observed DNA methylation was a linear combination of the data from the normal and the tumor tissue samples weighted by tumor purity. ITH may be overestimated if purity varies across tumor samples from the same patient. Thus, we estimated purity, π, for each tumor sample and derived the purity adjusted methylation values using R package InfiniumPurify26. All downstream methylation analyses were based on purity-adjusted methylation.
Quantification of ITH
The frequently used index6 that measures ITH for a patient using the fraction of aberrations present in all samples positively depends on the number of multi-region tumor samples. This estimate may vary across tumors making the association analysis between ITH and clinical outcomes problematic. To address this problem, we defined an ITH metric, average pairwise ITH or APITH, for each patient. For a patient with k tumor samples, and with dij defined as the genomic or epigenetic distance between a pair of samples (i, j), the APITH is defined as the average across all pairs of samples:
The expectation of APITH does not depend on the number of multi-region tumor samples. For SCNAs, dij is calculated as the proportion of the 705,667 probes with different copy number status for (i, j). To investigate ITH of lung cancer driver genes2,11,12, we also calculated dij as the fraction of the genome in these driver gene regions with differing copy number state. For DNA methylation, we define dij as the Euclidean distance calculated for a given set of CpG probes, e.g., all CpG probes after quality control (QC), CpG probes mapping to CpG island and gene promoter regions. These analyses are informative to investigate whether ITH defined based on specific genomic regions would be useful for predicting prognosis.
The variance of the APITH estimate depends on the number of multi-region tumor samples. Intuitively, APITH is more accurate for patients with more multi-region tumor samples and should be weighted up in downstream statistical analyses to optimize statistical power. As described in Supplementary Methods, we heuristically derived sample weights that were used for the weighted Cox proportional-hazards model using svycoxph in the R package survey27 to investigate the association between APITH and clinical outcomes (overall survival and the risk of distant metastasis). The survival analysis was adjusted for stage, age, and smoking status. KM-plot were stratified by the median APITH of subjects with at least two tumor samples.
Reporting summary
Further information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article.
Data availability
The target sequencing data have been deposited in SRA through dbGaP under the accession number phs001169.v2.p1. The SNP array and methylation array data have been deposited in dbGaP under the same accession number. All other data are available tin the Article, Supplementary Information or available from the author upon reasonable request.
Code availability
The corresponding R code has been distributed at https://github.com/xtmgah/EAGLE_LUAD.
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This work was supported by the Intramural Program of the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, NIH, and utilized the computational resources of the NIH high-performance computational capabilities Biowulf cluster (http://hpc.nih.gov). We are grateful to the patients and families who contributed to this study and the many investigators who are involved in the EAGLE study. We also thank the National Cancer Institute Cancer Genomics Research Laboratory (CGR) for sample preparation and quality control laboratory analyses. D.C.W. is funded by the Li Ka Shing Foundation and the National Institute for Health Research, Oxford Biomedical Research Centre.
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Authors and Affiliations
M.T.L. conceived the study. A.C.P., D.C., N.E.C. oversaw the surgical sampling design, sample and data collection, and field activities. X.H. and J.S. performed the statistical analysis of phylogenetic trees, developed the statistic for intra-tumor heterogeneity analyses, and conducted association analyses. W.Z., X.H, and T.Z. conducted the bioinformatics analyses. J.Sa. and B.Z. helped with the statistical analyses. L.S. helped with the bioinformatic analyses. M.W., K.J., and B.H. conducted the laboratory analyses. W.Z., D.C.W., J.S., and M.T.L. discussed the results and implications and wrote the manuscript. All authors reviewed the manuscript.
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Hua, X., Zhao, W., Pesatori, A.C. et al. Genetic and epigenetic intratumor heterogeneity impacts prognosis of lung adenocarcinoma. Nat Commun 11, 2459 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-16295-5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-16295-5
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