Correction to: Nature Communications;; published online 26 February 2018

The original version of this Article omitted the author Kuan Wang, who is from the ‘College of Biomedical Engineering, Taipei Medical University, Taipei 11031, Taiwan’ and ‘Nanyang Environment & Water Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 637141, Singapore.’

Also, the author S.H. Lim was incorrectly given as L.S. Hoi and A. Larsson was incorrectly given as A. Larson.

The “Author contributions” was amended to reflect the authorship changes. It previously read ‘Y.Z.S., C.-W.Q., and A.Q.L. jointly conceived the idea. Y.Z.S., S.X., Y.Z., J.B.Z., W.S., J.H.W., T.N.C., Z.C.Y., Y.L.H., B.L., P.H.Y., D.P.T., and C.-W.Q. performed the numerical simulations and theoretical analysis. Y.Z.S., S.X., and L.K.C. did the fabrication and experiments of particle hopping, biomolecule binding and flow cytometry. A.L. and L.S.H. did the SPR experiments. S.X., Y.Z.S., Y.Z., C.-W.Q., Y.-Y.C., L.K.C., T.H.Z., and A.Q.L. prepared the manuscript. S.X., Y.Z., C.-W.Q., and A.Q.L. supervised and coordinated all the work. All authors commented on the manuscript.’ The correct version states ‘B.L., K. W., P.H.Y.’ instead of ‘B.L., P.H.Y.’ and ‘S.H.L.’ in place of ‘L.S.H.’

This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.