Correction to: Nature Communications;; published online 15 May 2018

The original version of this Article contained errors in Figs. 4, 5, and 6. In Fig. 4d, the x-axis label incorrectly read ‘blank, +, blank, +’, and in Fig. 5e, the bars of the second graph from the left were coloured blue-orange-blue-orange. Both of these errors have been fixed in the PDF and HTML versions of the Article. Furthermore, in Fig. 6a, the right-hand image of AGS cells treated with 5 µM DY131 was inadvertently replaced with a duplicate of the left-hand image. The correct version of this figure panel appears below. For transparency, the error has not been corrected in the PDF or HTML versions of the Article.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Fig. 6
figure 6