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Evolution of techniques for aesthetic penile enlargement during prosthesis placement: a chronicle of the Egydio non-grafting strategy


Since penile prostheses only provide axial rigidity, correction of penile deformity and enlargement of the visible penis during implant surgery may be desired. Evolving techniques of tunica expansion have made it possible to avoid grafting and preservation of the cylindrical appearance without bulges and indentations. After two decades of devising individualized solutions for patients and continuous enhancements of existing surgical solutions, Dr. Paulo Egydio has arrived at his Tunica Expansion Procedure (TEP). This strategy is his newest iteration of a lengthening techniques without grafting accompanied by penile prosthesis implantation. The TEP Strategy permits surgeons to use their own intuitive reasoning to determine the best pattern of multiple, small, staggered incisions to promote length and girth enlargement.

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Fig. 1: Evolution of expansion.
Fig. 2: Paulo is a dedicated oenophile.
Fig. 3: The Egydio TEP strategy.
Fig. 4: Scars and calcifications do not need to be removed with the TEP.
Fig. 5: Intraoperative TEP.
Fig. 6: TEP length gain.
Fig. 7: Stabilization of cylinders.
Fig. 8: Avoidance of cross meshing.

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Correspondence to Steven K. Wilson, Lexiaochuan Wen or Paulo H. Egydio.

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SKW: Consultant for AMT, Coloplast, International Medical Devices. Lecturer for Boston Scientific. Stockholder NeoTract. LW: None. PHE: None.

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Wilson, S.K., Wen, L. & Egydio, P.H. Evolution of techniques for aesthetic penile enlargement during prosthesis placement: a chronicle of the Egydio non-grafting strategy. Int J Impot Res 35, 1–8 (2023).

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