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Surgical approach to endophthalmitis: an overview


Endophthalmitis is one of the most severe ocular emergencies faced by ophthalmologists worldwide. Without prompt treatment significant visual loss is inevitable. With increased understanding of the science of endophthalmitis, recent studies have shown a clear role of early and more definitive surgery to achieve better visual and anatomic outcomes. Surgery in endophthalmitis encompasses a whole gamut of interventions. There are diagnostic procedures like anterior chamber tap and vitreous biopsy or therapeutic procedures like complete pars plana vitrectomy and retinal detachment repair. Current literature is deficient on a detailed description of the spectrum of surgical interventions in endophthalmitis. In the current communication, we summarize the studies based on various surgical interventions in endophthalmitis. We also elaborate in detail on each surgical maneuver, taking the reader through the nuances of each surgery via an exhaustive description and appropriate photos and surgical video clips.


眼内炎为全球眼科医生面临的最严重的眼科急症。若不及时治疗, 将不可避免地导致严重的视力丧失。随着对眼内炎了解的不断加深, 最近的研究表明, 病程早期和更加完善的手术治疗对患者的功能以及解剖预后疗效显著。眼内炎手术形式多样。在诊断方面, 可进行前房穿刺和玻璃体活检;在治疗方面, 可行彻底的经睫状体平坦部玻璃体切除和视网膜脱离复位术。目前缺乏对眼内炎手术干预范围的详细描述的文献。就目前的研究现状, 本文总结了各种基于眼内炎手术干预的临床研究, 并详细阐述了手术操作的步骤, 并通过详细解读、术中图片以及剪辑的手术视频, 使读者了解每一次手术的细微差别。

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Fig. 1: Pre and post slit lamp photo of anterior chamber membrane cleared in endophthalmitis.
Fig. 2: Pre and post slit lamp photo of IOL explantation for low-grade endophthalmitis.
Fig. 3: Slit lamp photograph demonstrating different cases of lens abscesses.
Fig. 4: A case of endophthalmitis post open globe injury with hazy cornea which underwent endoscopic vitrectomy.

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This study is funded by the Hyderabad Eye Research Foundation

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The study was conceived and designed by Vivek Pravin Dave and Aiswarya Ramachandran. All authors were involved in the draft, proof reading and finalizing the manuscript.

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Ramachandran, A., Das, T., Pathengay, A. et al. Surgical approach to endophthalmitis: an overview. Eye 38, 2516–2521 (2024).

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