A Commentary on

Pienihäkkinen K, Hietala-Lenkkeri A, Arpalahti I, Söderling E.

The effect of xylitol chewing gums and candies on caries occurrence in children: a systematic review with special reference to caries level at study baseline. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent 2024; 25: 145–160.

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Xylitol is a naturally occurring sweetener, whose effect on dental caries is linked to increased saliva production, especially when used in a chewing gum1. It also likely decreases counts of bacteria associated with caries1. This topic area is important as it can identify products which may help prevent tooth decay, and provide guidance to dentists and allied professionals on the effectiveness of xylitol-containing products for their patients2.

The research questions were: ‘(1) can the consumption of xylitol chewing gum and/or candies reduce occurrence of dental caries in children, (2) what is the importance of the caries level of the children for the outcome, and (3) are the effects specific to xylitol?,’ and a systematic review is appropriate to answer these questions2. This review was registered in PROSPERO prior to data collection and it adhered to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). PRISMA is an ‘evidence-based minimum set of items for reporting in systematic reviews and meta-analyses,’ which focuses on those that evaluate interventions3.

This systematic review aimed to evaluate randomised controlled clinical trials and controlled clinical trials published between 1974–2022 that investigated xylitol-containing chewing gums and sweets and their efficacy in preventing dental caries2. Whilst three electronic databases were searched more than once, and reference lists of relevant systematic reviews scrutinised for other eligible studies for inclusion, studies not available in English were excluded and there was no mention of contact with experts in the field or grey literature, which may limit the comprehensiveness of the search strategy2. Whilst previous systematic reviews related to this topic were identified in the introduction, it was not clear which or if all mentioned had their reference lists reviewed2. Clear eligibility criteria for study inclusion and exclusion were stated and only randomised controlled clinical trials and controlled clinical trials were included2. The Cochrane Risk of Bias tool was used to evaluate the included randomised controlled trials. A meta-analysis was not planned, due to expected heterogeneity and so descriptive analysis was instead used, alongside a table which summarised included studies, outlining their design, methods and results2. DMFS/dmfs or DMF/dmf were the primary outcome measures in the included studies, though some included enamel caries and used radiographs to aid detection2. Whilst this table stated the country where each study was undertaken, information on the socio-economic status of the participants would also have been useful2.

This systematic review concluded that incorporating xylitol chewing gum daily has a caries reducing effect, based on the statistically significant results of the 10 included studies which investigated this product, clinically significant preventative fractions in 9 included studies and other systematic reviews that have been conducted in this area2. However, only 5 of these studies were RCTs and there was variation in the proportion of xylitol in the delivered intervention, what the control group received, participant ages, and follow up periods, amongst other factors2. There is increased risk of bias in trials which do not use random allocation. Some included studies were double blinded, whereas others could not be as the control differed greatly from the intervention2. There was not a consistent caries reducing effect for the studies investigating the use of xylitol-containing sweets, with 5 RCTs included. It must be noted that there was variation between trials in the caries level of the included population and that baseline caries level is important when caries is an outcome2. Other limitations of the review include the quality and heterogeneity of the included studies, particularly the variety of the control measures, though the use of calibration in many included studies is a strength2. The authors of this review had anticipated this heterogeneity and additionally stated that all included studies were fair or low quality, with high or unclear risk of bias, which does effect the conclusions that can be drawn from this systematic review2.

This review focused on the paediatric population, those 18 years old and younger2. Study publication dates ranged from 1985 to 20152. This topic would benefit from more randomised controlled trials, especially blinded ones, in patients with different levels of baseline dental caries, to investigate the applicability of the results to people at low risk of caries, alongside costs and adverse effects2. In terms of recommendations, this review suggests adding xylitol chewing gum to the daily diet of children at high or moderate caries level at baseline has a caries reducing effect, but that more research is needed on the type of gum and on xylitol sweets2. The authors highlight that xylitol is one component in caries prevention, and should be used in conjunction with dietary changes and fluoride toothpaste in those at risk of dental caries2.