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Are employees ready to engage in genetic cancer risk assessment in the workplace setting?

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Fig. 1: Illustrative workflow of genetic cancer risk assessment in the workplace.


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We thank all who helped organize the event and for allowing us to share this experience with the hope that others, as a result, will benefit.


MKF was supported by the following grant: American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Foundation/American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology (AAOGF/ABOG) Career Development Award. RNS was supported by the following grants: National Cancer Institute Grant # K07CA216326 and R01CA211723 and Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute Grant # IHS-2017C3-9211.

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IRC, JTB, MDA, MKF wrote or significantly contributed to writing the manuscript. IRC, EMW, MP, RNS, MKF designed the workflow. IRC, JTB, MKF analyzed the data. IRC, MDA, TNS, MKF collected the data. MP, RNS, MKF provided guidance throughout the process and event. All authors edited and approved the final version of the paper.

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Correspondence to Isabelle R. Chandler.

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Chandler, I.R., Brewer, J.T., Ahsan, M.D. et al. Are employees ready to engage in genetic cancer risk assessment in the workplace setting?. Eur J Hum Genet (2024).

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