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Nutrition and Health (including climate and ecological aspects)

Minimum dietary diversity in Mexico: establishment of cutoff point to predict micronutrients adequacy



To establish the cutoff point for a Minimum Dietary Diversity (MDD) that most accurately predicts the Mean Probability Adequacy (MPA) of 11 micronutrients in the Mexican population, and estimate the population prevalence above it.

Subjects and methods

We analyzed a 24 h-recall collected in a sample of 10,087 participants (≥1-year-old) from the 2012 Mexican National Health and Nutrition Survey. Foods were classified into ten food group indicators (FGIs) of the Food Agriculture Organization (FAO). The cutoff points of MDD were established as follows: (1) sum of the number of FGIs in the participant’s diet; (2) micronutrient intake adequacy estimated by the probability approach method of the FAO; (3) Receiver operating characteristic curves generated by age groups to assess the performance of the number FGIs consumed in predicting the MPA.


The cutoff points of MMD established by age groups were: ≥4 FGIs in preschool-aged children (75.94% of sensitivity and 72.55% of specificity); ≥5 FGIs in school-aged children (60.51% of sensitivity and 72.82% of specificity) and adolescents (70.01% of sensitivity and 59.38% of specificity); and six in adults (62.26% of sensitivity and 70.33% of specificity) and elders (66.67% of sensitivity and 73.33% of specificity). Based on these cutoff points, we observed that 75% of the preschool-aged children, ~60% of school-aged children and adolescents, and less than 40% of adults and elders were above the MDD.


This study provides novel insight into the specific MDD cutoff point to predict micronutrient adequacy in the Mexican population.

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Fig. 1: Receiver operating characteristics curves for cutoff points of Minimum Dietary Diversity as predictors of Mean Probability Adequacy by age group among Mexican population aged ≥1-year-old (ENSANUT 2012).

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This research was funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies.

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CB and GC planned the study. SRR prepared the draft of the manuscript. JAMP conducted the analysis of food and micronutrient intake under the supervision of TGSP and SRR. JAMP had primary responsibility for the final content of the manuscript. All authors participated in the revision and the finalization of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Joaquín A. Marrón-Ponce.

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Informed consent from all adults and parents of participants under 18 years old and informed assent for participants between five and 17 years old was obtained before the information was collected. The ENSANUT 2012 protocol was approved by the INSP Research, Ethics, and Biosafety Committees.

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Rodríguez-Ramírez, S., Sánchez-Pimienta, T.G., Batis, C. et al. Minimum dietary diversity in Mexico: establishment of cutoff point to predict micronutrients adequacy. Eur J Clin Nutr 76, 739–745 (2022).

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